Sunday, February 11, 2024

This is the Place IV: Let's Build a Capitol Building

Previously: Columbia vs Moroni

Welcome readers to Part IV, where we'll explore the narrative of one of Utah's most iconic edifices: the Utah State Capitol Building. And as we are learning, some of the official stories of buildings in Utah just don't add up. 

This beauty is a mixture of Neoclassical Revival and Corinthian style and sits on its own Capitoline Hill. It features 52 massive Corinthian columns that are 32 feet heigh by 3.5 feet in diameter, all shaped to exact specification, and adorned at the top with beautifully carved artwork.

The building is massive, spanning a length of 404 feet and a width of 240 feet. The highest part of the copper dome reaches 285 feet. Built out of granite from Utah and marble from Georgia, a herculean effort was expended in order to complete construction on this structure in only four years, from 1912 to 1916, on the eve of American entry into World War I… or so they say.

Before we get too far into this topic, there is something far more important I need to briefly address. Lost and stolen history is super fascinating to look into, but it is only obedience to what God has offered to us that will provide real answers to what has been lost in this world - of both things temporal and spiritual. 

The Restoration of All Things promised to come includes far more knowledge than just restoring the truth of our lost and forgotten history

Joseph Smith began that Restoration but it was cut short, with the early Mormons rejecting further light and knowledge and letting jarrings, jealously, contention, and unrighteous dominion get the best of them. 

We are promised that a light will break forth among us Gentiles prior to the Lord's return, a light signaling a continuation of the Restoration begun by Joseph. I believe that light has already begun to break forth, and that the Lord has offered us a way out of our gross darkness and awful situation.

A good friend of mine has recently published a new book, a compilation of scripture, talks, and revelations about how the Restoration is underway again in our day. See the cover below:

The book is short, yet concise, with a powerful message, and backed up by many quotes and teachings from Joseph Smith. 

The central theme is that the Lord doesn't change, and the conditions for salvation and for establishing Zion given to Joseph are the same for us in our day. 

What it ultimately comes down to is an invitation to live the most powerful teachings the Lord taught in His mortal ministry: the Sermon on the Mount. 

This Sermon is the handbook for Zion, a blueprint for building societies who can live together in peace and harmony and thrive in the knowledge of the Lord. 

My friend's book points to many resources that are accessible if you're looking for answers, no matter what sector of the Mormon (or post-Mormon) remnants you find yourself in. Here is the Amazon link, it is priced as low as Amazon will allow.

Back to the capitol building.

Utah legislators met in the City and County Building from 1896 until the capitol building was finished in 1916. 

It's not clear why they needed such a massive new building to meet in when the City-County building was already oversized. Ironically, the City-Country building has more usable space than the capitol building, which is why in the 1950s two other buildings were constructed on the capitol premises adding more office space and meeting rooms.

That makes no logical sense at all. 

If you've ever been inside the capitol building, you'll know what I'm talking about. Most of the interior is a vastly open corridor with massive arches, painted murals, marble floors, stairs, walls, and columns made of granite. It in an amazingly beautiful building. 

Here are some photos of the interior. Look carefully. What do you see? 

The arches under the dome are an incredible feat of construction, apparently made of four layers of perfectly cut granite arches forming a precise half-circle, and carved with intricately detailed floral artwork with exact symmetry. It's as if they were cut with a laser, or some kind of liquid granite material was somehow poured into a mold. 

Here is a close up:

According to the narrative, we are suppose to believe that this granite, quarried in Little Cottonwood Canyon, was cut into blocks and imprinted with this intricate artwork by stone masons using a combination of rudimentary power and hand tools - but only took four years to complete?

The primary tools for shaping granite in the early 20th century were hand chisels, hammers, wedges, pneumatic (compressed air) tools, wire saws (powered by human arms), and hand drills (powered by electricity or steam). 

How was it possible for stone workers to form these precise cookie-cutter designs using hand tools? How about the granite railings and mini-columns lining the stairway that appear to have been formed on a lathe? Or the massive interior and exterior columns that support the building? How were these Corinthian columns even formed, let alone moved into place, each weighing multiple tons, in the early 1900s?

Recently I was in New Orleans, Louisiana, and there are copious numbers of these old buildings in the downtown area, mostly occupied by banks, hotels, and government administrators. In an archway over a door of one bank I found the exact same floral design that we see on the interior arches in the Utah capitol building:

The building pictured here was supposedly built in 1927, and constructed of granite and limestone. The hotel I stayed at while I was visiting was supposedly built in the same time period. 

It is called the Le Pavillon hotel, and it also has Corinthian columns similar to the Utah capitol building. The artwork at the top of these columns is a depiction of the acanthus plant.

This style was common in Greek and Roman architecture, and was said to have originated with a Greek sculptor named Callimachus. But honestly were these ancient sculptors really that good? And how did 19th century sculptors mimic their work with such exactness and precision? Here is a column at the hotel where I stayed:

This looks much more like a mold that was poured offsite in a factory, yet we're told in this time period they were still using hand tools to carve stone. These columns are all over the country, which means that if the narrative is correct there would've been an enormous market for skilled sculptors during that period.

Yet in high school or undergraduate history or economics classes we hear nothing about what would've been a massive industry. 

If you go into the downtown area of any major city in America, you'll see many buildings with facades ornamented with all kinds of stone "sculptures": lions, dragons, human faces, gargoyles, hybrid animal-human figures and every kind of elaborate detail and flowery design. 

Here are a few photos I took in New Orleans of buildings constructed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries:

It's like this all over the nation. And it begs the question: who sculpted all of this? 

And what kind of industrial adhesive was used to bind these sculptures to the rock facades? 

So much work, so much detail. We can't even duplicate this today, yet we are told we are "evolving" in technology? 

When it comes to the Utah state capitol building, we are told that several companies carved these precise floral decorations from stone, yet are given no details about how the artwork was actually sculpted. I managed to find only one article that named these contractors, cited below.

(The Herald Republican, "Work Starts on Road Which Will Haul Rock for Capitol Builders," Salt Lake City, Utah, June 13, 1913).

Newspaper articles can be considered primary source documents if they contain information on historic events. However, if an article is the only source we have on something that is "established" history, we should not be so quick to accept the narrative. 

God has given us a pattern in the scriptures called the law of witnesses, in which He has instructed us that truth comes by the testimony of two or three witnesses

One witness in one newspaper article is simply not enough, and news media has a verifiable history of being manipulated. Ask yourself: do you look to newspaper articles to get the truth today?

(Probably not if you’re an avid reader of this blog).

It is extremely difficult to find information on contractors who lived and worked over 100 years ago. Unlike today, businesses did not have to be registered with the state and could function with less red tape and more anonymity. Honestly, they can insert whatever names they want in any article and expect readers to take their word for it.

If you dig deep enough into historical records sometimes you get lucky and find a glitch in the matrix. I found two advertisements calling for bids from excavation contractors that contain similar wording... the only problem is that one is in 1912 and the other is in 1915, long after an excavator was found and the foundation was dug out. According to the narrative, the building was completely finished by 1916.

My question is why would they still need an excavator in 1915?

According to Wikipedia, the excavator, named P.J. Morgan, was awarded the contract and started work on December 26, 1912. Doesn't it seem odd that P.J. would begin excavation on frozen ground at the beginning of winter? 

I have a friend who is an excavation contractor and he says they typically don't dig foundations in the winter months. Frozen ground is very hard on equipment, and very time consuming. If its cold enough, foundation work is downright impossible. Yet o'l P.J. was able to excavate a massive amount of dirt and rock with his trusty steam shovel through the dead of winter? 

This makes no sense.

According to the official narrative, the dirt and rock from the massive foundation footprint of the Utah State Capitol building was loaded onto a dinkey train and hauled to City Creek Canyon and dumped. 

We have to ask, how much ice and snow were on the tracks and how long did each trip take? How many men worked loading excavated dirt and rock into train cars, and how long did it take them to off load the material to somewhere in City Creek Canyon? Where is that dirt now? 

Here is an alleged photo of the steam shovel used on the Utah capitol building, found in the archives of the Capitol Commission:

This is a horrible picture. It is hard to even tell what this crazy mechanical thing is. But can you imagine o'l P.J. out here in the dead of winter, on a hillside full of snow and ice trying to maneuver this thing around without getting stuck?

Here is a close up of it:

It looks like something out of a 1970s movie set. 

Can you imagine this primitive bucket trying to penetrate through layers of Utah dirt, rock, snow, ice, and frozen tundra? 

And since it was operated with water and making steam, who was supplying the water and coal to keep this thing going? How was water transported to the jobsite without freezing before it got there?

These are basic logistical questions we get no answers for. But let's give P.J. the benefit of the doubt, and assume that his steam shovel was equipped with tracks as shown below:

These excavators were more expensive and harder to obtain, and didn't become as available to the common contractor until the 1920s.

But even if P.J. had one, or even two of these models, the narrative tells us that the slope was so steep on the east side of capitol hill that soil had to be excavated at a depth of more than four stories.

There was an area of at at least 100,000 square feet that had to be dug out, with at least half of that going down forty feet or more

But P.J.'s little steam bucket and dinkey train that could was so efficient at removing soil that the entire foundation and basement walls had been completed by the following spring. 

Are you kidding me Wikipedia? You're telling us that P.J. dug out this entire hillside in winter with enough time left over for stone masons to complete the foundation and basement walls by spring? 

I'm not buying it. 

Furthermore, Wikipedia doesn't mention anything about the tunnel system under the capitol building. Who dug that? When? With what? 

I wish I had taken a photo of the ventilation grates while I was there but looking down through them you can see an underground paved road (about 15-20 feet down) large enough for a car to drive through with chain link fences and gates. In the photo below you can see the large metal grates (bottom-right), as well as the additional office buildings constructed in the 1950s. 

I wonder how extensive these tunnels are and how P.J. excavated them?

Maybe we've picked on poor o'l P.J. enough. I mean sure, he was a hard worker, and maybe his steam shovel was the best in the nation. Perhaps he had crews of men working day and night to get this thing done by spring... al
l through the night at subzero temperatures.

Who are we kidding? This whole story is complete B.S.

Perhaps the biggest clue here is the name itself... P.J., the inverse of J.P. Morgan. Are the storytellers trying to tell us something? Is dropping the names of insiders a tip-off that this building is actually old-world?

The Utah State Capitol Building has another famous robber baron associated with its narrative: railroad magnate Edward Henry Harriman.

Harriman had control of a host of railroads, including the Union Pacific, and was worth between $150 and $200 million at the time of his death in 1909. The Union Pacific built the transcontinental railroad, which ran through Utah, and Harriman had personally invested in Salt Lake City's electric trolley system. Because of these investments the State of Utah was able to collect an inheritance tax on Harriman after his passing. 

The amount paid by his widow to the Utah government was just shy of $800,000, and that was supposedly used for the initial building phase of the capitol building. The rest of the $2 million required to finish the building was secured through a bond.

Again, why would Utah tax payers be so willing to fund the construction of a building that was designed with mostly decorative and non-functional and unusable space?

This makes no sense. 

But we have two insiders named: J.P. Morgan and E.H. Harriman, which I believe may be coded language for old-world buildings. As we will discover in future posts, fire narratives are also tip-offs about the actual history of these buildings.

Before we move onto what I think the Utah capitol building actually is, we should mention the architect and the general contractor. 

Just like the City-County Building, a "design" competition was held, and after most of the architects dropped out when they found out how low the pay would be, Richard K.A. Kletting emerged the winner.

Kletting allegedly designed the building in the Neoclassical revival, Corinthian style, and after receiving the contract, traveled to the Kentucky State Capitol building for some ideas to enhance his initial design. Kletting was originally from Germany, and after coming to America in 1883, eventually settled in Salt Lake City in 1910. He was said to have also designed the Enos Wall Mansion (which houses the Thomas S. Monson center) and the Salt Palace (this building is also on my list to blog about as it has a fascinating history of burning down).

The general contractor awarded the job for the Utah State Capitol building was James Stewart and Company. 

If you google this name you find that they were a big deal in the early 20th century. He constructed buildings and facilities for the Pennsylvania Railroad, Standard Oil, U.S Steel, General Electric, General Motors, and more. 

Strangely, I can't seem to find any information about him as the contractor for the Utah capitol building, even after being awarded the contract. 

The only thing I was able to dig up was a solitary newspaper article, published by the Salt Lake Tribune on June 20th of 1915. It read as follows:
James Stewart & Co., the contractors who built the Utah state capitol, received a telegram from Oklahoma yesterday stating that the firm had been awarded the contract for building the statehouse in the southern community.

These were busy guys, awarded yet another contract when they still had a year to go on the Utah capitol. The article also mentions that James Stewart & Co. had also built the Idaho capitol building, which was news to me:

This makes the third capitol contract that the Stewart people have had in the past few years. They built the new Idaho capitol, the Utah capitol, and now will build Oklahoma's.

Here we find yet another glitch in the matrix, because according to Wikipedia, the Idaho capitol would not be finished until 1920, five years after this little snippet was published in the Salt Lake Tribune

I wonder how these journalists were able to see the future? 

Furthermore, the Wikipedia page on the Idaho capitol building doesn't mention a word about Stewart, it just says that construction took fifteen years, from 1905 to 1920. Assuming this is true, I wonder how James and crew had the time to build two epic capitol buildings, 340 miles apart, in the same time frame? And the Idaho capitol building took 15 years, but Utah's only took 4?

Well, that's certainly a mystery. 

And of course we hear nothing about the logistics of building Utah's massive and elaborate edifice, nothing of James Stewart's dealing with his subcontractors, nothing about how many employees he had, or how many men worked on the building, nothing of the incredible carpentry work that adorns all the office and senate rooms, and nothing about the Georgia marble that covers its floors, except that it's "from Georgia."

Fortunately, the archives of the Utah Capitol Commission have a few construction photos of the capitol building. You can view them all by clicking here, but let's take a look at them. 

This first one is of the footings and first floor, taken on June 6th of 1913:

If you can't zoom in here then go to the link I provided above, it expands quite a bit when you click on the photo. 

If you zoom in on the workers you'll notice they seem to be posing more than working. Some are even wearing nicer looking clothes and just standing around or staring at rebar. There is what appears to be a large mechanical crane in the background just in front of the railroad tracks, but strangely in future pictures we see only wooden cranes.

This next one was taken on September 9th of 1913:

In this one we see only a small number of workers on the top right of the building. Just like in the first photo, and they look confused; standing around, hands behind their back, staring at concrete and rebar. The rest of the photo looks like a deserted wasteland of concrete populated with strange creatures in the form of wooden cranes. 

I don't see much work going on.

This next one was taken June 6 of 1914:

Amazing progress for only a year wouldn't you say? We see the same chinzty wooden cranes and not a soul on site. I wonder how they got those columns up there on the base of the dome?

And here, only two months later, the dome is finished:

Quite an accomplishment considering the amount of copper, iron, and concrete it must have taken to construct the dome. I wonder how they got the forms up there and poured concrete at those dizzying heights? Notice there is only one person in this photo on the bottom left who appears to be staring mindlessly at the building.

This next photo was supposedly taken on June 30, 1915:

You'll have to zoom in quite a bit on this one to see what I'm commenting on below.

Here we see the granite columns finished and the building looking more like a cartoon from this distance. In the bottom of City Creek Canyon we see three out of place men seeming to be flailing around in the sagebrush; the guy on the right looking like he's doing a Zumba workout in coveralls.

Looking up towards the top of the canyon and to the left of the smoke, we can barely make out two other figures appearing to be staring at the building. At the bottom left of the building we see another steam shovel, this one designed to be operated on railroad tracks. 

These types of steam shovels were the oldest models, and extremely tedious to operate. Tracks literally had to built and laid in front of them as they excavated, and they could really only be used to dig in straight lines. Can you imagine having to build tracks around a hillside in the dead of winter while scooping out one small bucket full at a time? 

Also notice the awkward place it is parked. It appears to have dug out the top area of that hillside, which doesn't make any sense at all. Why would they need to excavate there? Strangely, even upon zooming in on the photo we don't see any tracks under the steam shovel. I highly suspect this thing has been photoshopped in. Here is a close up of one of these track bound steam shovels:


Finally, we come to a photo of the finished building, taken sometime in 1917:

Here we see a bunch of posers in front of the building, all dressed up in the garb of the early 20th century, lots of dirt, and a building that seems to have withstood the test of time.

When I look at these construction photos, it feels like an abstract scene from a dream. We all know that feeling of wandering through an immaterial dreamland... while the conscious mind, muttering a barely audible whisper from some dark corner of the subconsciously induced simulation, implores you to wake up, subtly warning that what you're experiencing is nothing but a delusion.  

Again, I recommend clicking on this link and zooming in on these photos to see what other anomalies you can find. 

The Silver..., I mean Copper Lining

When I was a young missionary in 1998 I was serving in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. There was a basilica in the city which I found fascinating. Being from Idaho I'd never seen a building like that before. Here it lies in all its glory, the Basilica of St. Josaphat:

This church was "founded" in 1866, burnt down in 1889, and was, they say, completely rebuilt from 1896 to 1901. Supposedly, it only took five years to rebuild this behemoth, and the best part, the materials came from the salvaged demolition of a U.S. Post Office and Customs House in Chicago.  

According to the narrative, Father Wilhelm Grutza purchased 200,000 tons of this salvage, had it shipped in train cars, and then hired a architect named Erhard Brielmaier to rebuild the basilica. 

It was literally built out of garbage. I can't make this stuff up.

It gets better... "unskilled parishioners did most of the work under Erhard's careful guidance and direction."

No general contractor, just an architect and a bunch of overzealous weekend warriors pulling perfectly cut blocks out of a garbage pile.

Oh ya, and these unskilled laborers did some amazing interior work. They must've been really fast learners. Check out their work below:

The narrative of this building may be the most ridiculous one I've heard yet, but I only bring it up here because it shares a common feature with the Utah capitol building:

The copper dome. 

Obviously, these parishioners couldn't have pulled enough copper out of a salvaged garbage heap to line this massive dome, so where did it come from?

Wikipedia claims that St. Josaphat’s copper dome is one of the largest in the world, yet mentions nothing about where the copper was mined
. It must've required hundreds of tons of copper, yet we hear crickets about the source, or how it was shaped. 

The copper lining the dome of the Utah capitol came from, well, Utah, said the Salt Lake Tribune on June 8th of 1913, asserting that all the materials were quarried locally.

At this point, we have to ask the question: why copper?

Aren't there cheaper building materials which could be used to line a dome, if such an ornamental dome was even needed? 

We know that copper is a conductor of electricity, used in every kind of wire in modern homes and commercial buildings. The thicker the gauge, the more voltage it can conduct. 

So what would be the logical function of a giant dome rising 250 feet up from the earth? 

Nikola Tesla said some interesting things that may lend us some clues:
Electric power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world's machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other of the common fuels. 

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.

I'm a pest control contractor, and from time to time I use electric pumps for my spray rigs. I'm also a sprinkler contractor, and have installed many suction pumps along ditch banks. These pumps run with electric motors made of copper coils. 

Copper coils interact with magnetic fields in one of two ways: electric current is passed through the coil (as in the case of an electric motor), or an "external and time-varying magnetic field" creates voltage by passing through the coil. 

The latter is known as magnetricity. According to James W. Lee, this is how it works:

  1. A magnetic field pulls and pushes electrons in certain objects closer to them, making them move.
  2. Metals like copper have electrons that are easily moved from their orbits.
  3. If you move a magnet quickly through a coil of copper wire, the electrons will move - this produces electricity. (The One world Tartarians, p. 147)

Based on Lee's third point, a copper dome could theoretically interact with the electromagnetic waves that are present in the ether/atmosphere and create electricity. Apparently this energy is stronger at higher elevations:

It is fascinating that just above the surface of the ground to about 2 to 4 feet up there is a null of atmospheric frequencies that get stronger and stronger until at 9 to 15 feet above the surface they are extremely strong... (Professor Phillip Callahan)

I wonder if the height of these domes has something to do with their ability to harvest this energy that exists in the atmosphere. According to Lee:

Electromagnetism produces gigantic invisible "waves" of energy. Transmitting towers receive and emit the electric field to considerable distances. (Ibid, p. 147)

Tesla conducted experiments in 1899 in which he proved that it was possible to transmit electricity considerable distances, without wires. He discovered that "air at normal atmospheric pressure is freely conductive to electricity," and was issued three U.S. patents for this research under the category of "Transmission of Electrical Energy." (See The Manual Of Free Energy Devices And Systems, Vol. II, by D.A. Kelly, pp. 8,10)

Because of the implications of his research, i.e., the prospect of free energy distribution, he fell out of favor with his principle financier, J.P. Morgan, and had his funding subsequently withdrawn. This makes J.P. Morgan's inverted mention (P.J. Morgan) in the narrative of the Utah State Capitol building all the more interesting. 

So what does all of this mean? I think whoever actually built the Utah capitol never intended for it to be just an administrative building.

This building may actually be an ancient machine: a power plant designed to distribute free energy to the inhabitants of the city and surrounding areas.

The Great Pyramid of Giza also may have been power plant. The exterior was lined with limestone, much like many Mayan pyramids in the Yucatan Peninsula, which would've reflected sunlight like a mirror. The interior surfaces were lined with dolomite, which increases electrical conductivity, and the underground tunnels are lined with granite, upwards of 8,000 tons. According to James W. Lee:

Granite contains high amounts of quartz crystal with metal, and it's a well known conductor of piezo electricity. Piezo electricity occurs as a result of stress or pressure on the quartz, as demonstrated by quartz wrist watches, which can be charged simply by shaking them.

The granite ionizes the air inside the pyramid, creating a chemical reaction, which again, increases the conductivity of electricity. When such electrons are given the chance to bypass sections of rock via metal wire, quite large currents can flow. Any electrical engineer will tell you that a container serving as an energy capacitor or battery, must be made entirely of the same substance, so there's no interruption in the magnetic field. (Ibid, p. 159)

The Utah capitol building's dome may be a massive "container serving as an energy capacitor or battery." The rest of the building was mostly constructed out of granite, which, as stated above, is also a conductor of electricity, and it makes me wonder if the granite columns were built for more than just aesthetics.

Could it be that the configuration of columns has something to do with holding an electric charge and distributing that electricity to other buildings or homes? 

Ask yourself: why would they build such a massive copper dome with completely unusable space for an administrative building in 1916?

What a waste of resources and tax dollars that would've been. No one in their right mind would've voted for a bond for such an undertaking when legislators already had two other buildings to meet in. Here is a video showing a paid tour of the dome space, notice how large and empty it is:

In light of these massive edifices being potential power plants, let's look at one of Nephi's prophecies in a slightly different way. 

They rob the poor because of their fine sanctuaries...(2 Nephi 12:2, RE)

Is this because they rob the poor of free and abundant energy to power and light their homes?  

Nephi saw religions doing this, not governments (although people give deference to government as if it was a religion). However, religions own and control many of these buildings. For instance, the Jesuits came in and claimed creation and ownership of already existing cathedrals built by others, which may have been energy and healing centers (I'll get to that in the next post when I cover the Cathedral of the Madeleine in Salt Lake City).

The Book of Mormon also tells us that both the Jaredites and the Nephites used copper in the construction of their buildings. Did they also possess this knowledge and technology for utilizing the ether to create free energy? Perhaps some of their buildings are still standing today: 

And I did teach my people to build buildings, and to work in all manner of wood, and of iron, and of copper, and of brass, and of steel, and of gold, and of silver, and of precious ores, which were in great abundance. (2 Nephi 4:3, RE)

It is claimed that the Keweenaw mine in Michigan has been mined for copper for over 7,000 years. If this is true then this could've been a major source of copper for both the Nephites and the Jaredites:

Wherefore, they did cast up mighty heaps of earth for to get ore, of gold, of silver, and iron, and brass, and of copper, and they did work all manner of fine work. (Ether 4:14, RE)

Perhaps temples are supposed to serve more than just a spiritual purpose. Maybe when the Lord commands His people to build the temple in the New Jerusalem, He will reveal this technology of how to harness free energy from the ether and distribute it to everyone living there.

Perhaps we are a more backwards people then we think, arrogantly assuming our civilization is so advanced to have arrived at our current state of technology, which is used for nothing but oppression and control.

We have much to learn about civilization

There is still so much left to be restored and revealed to us before the Lord comes again. Hopefully we can rise up and receive what He has to offer.

Strange Symbols and Small Rooms

In my recent tour of the Utah capitol building, I took a few photos of some of the small rooms lining the massive interior corridor. I noticed much of the same symbolism we see on many other old-world buildings throughout the world.

Here is where the state legislature meets. Seems relatively small compared to the rest of the building:

Here is some of the artwork and symbolism adorning that room:

You may have to zoom in on whatever device you're reading this on to see a little better. 

You'll notice the lion face above wearing an inverted pentagram on its chest and enclosed in a wreath (or laurel) of some kind. 

We also have the face of a young girl sitting atop the acanthus plant on the top of the column, as well as the beehive on the brass railing.

Faces encased in acanthus is something we see commonly in Venetian artwork, and the beehive, long before Brigham Young used it to represent the territory of Deseret, was a symbol used by the Merovingian kings (I covered that in part I of this series).

Lions are a symbol of royalty, used widely by the prior civilization that probably built these old buildings. They have also been used in European heraldry for centuries.
The inverted pentagram on the chest of this lion has long been associated with the Baphomet, which represents Lucifer. The wreath or laurel encompassing the lower half of the lion may symbolize the serpent or even energy or power.

Before the Salt Lake temple was renovated we could plainly see these inverted pentagrams carved in stone on the temple exterior, and also in the visitors center surrounding the Christus statue path and the Pioneer History Museum:

Here we can see this same inverted pentagram on Brigham Young's famous Eagle Gate on State Street in Salt Lake City, framing the view directly behind it uphill - a clear view of the Utah State Capitol building:

In the photo below you'll notice the two cupid-looking figures on either side of the clock:

In Greek Mythology, cupid is the god of erotic love, often portrayed as a child. The bronze figures surrounding the clock in the senate chamber photo are prepubescent children with exposed breasts, a boy on the left and a girl on the right. This is a very strange symbol mounted center point at the front of the room for Utah legislators to look at while conducting state business, especially given the very conservative moral culture in Utah in 1916. 

Is it possible that this is a symbol for pedophilia, deliberately placed there by the previous people who actually constructed the building? 

Perhaps these people who came before us started out righteous, but like so many civilizations before them degenerated into debauchery, eventually ripening in destruction and subsequently being destroyed by God, leaving behind only some infrastructure to tell their story. 

Or, another possibility is that our degenerate society added this symbolic artwork later during a "renovation" of the building.

Here in the next photo we see what appears to be a goat with wings:

This could be an inverse representation of the scapegoat. In ancient Israel there was a yearly ritual where they would release a goat and chase it towards and ultimately off a high mountain cliff known as Jabel Munttar.  

This goat represented Azazel, one of the fallen angels responsible for introducing forbidden knowledge to mankind. The ritual of the scapegoat was symbolic of Azazel's being imprisoned deep within the inner layer of the earth, as explained in the Book of Enoch. 

Azazel was often depicted with wings, and this goat found in the Utah capitol building also has wings. What an interesting coincidence. Why would the scapegoat be an appropriate decoration for Utah's State Capitol building? 

For those who have eyes to see, the real proof of these buildings being the works of some other civilization is in the symbolism, the sacred geometry, and the advanced technological secrets they possess.

Free energy is only the tip of the iceberg.

In Part V, I'll be covering another historic building in Salt Lake City: the Cathedral of the Madeleine, the only Catholic cathedral in America dedicated to Mary Magdalene.

If the Utah State Capitol building was an ancient machine designed for generating and distributing free energy, then what kind of function did cathedrals serve?

Could it be that these buildings were found by the Jesuit order and re-purposed into religious "sanctuaries"?

Cathedrals are always adorned with sacred geometry symbolism and are usually built with massive pipe organ systems. We associate organs with music, but was there a more advanced technological function behind these metal pipes?

We'll explore this next time.

And speaking of sacred geometry, the Fibonacci spiral is also something we can find on some of these old-world buildings. The Fibonacci sequence keeps going on to infinity, having no end. It is essentially a swirling vortex that represents our universe and all of eternity. Here it is shown on a simple flower:

When Jesus revealed to Joseph Smith that the lilies of the field were arraigned in more glory than all the kingdoms of the earth... perhaps He was trying to tell us something.

Perhaps He was teaching us that our Heavenly Father has left His testimony of truth even in the simplest of creations, to help us remember who we are and where we came from.

The Lord told Enoch that all things He created were made to bear record of Him, both things spiritual and temporal, as well as things on, in, and under the earth.

A Fibonacci spiral represents both things temporal and spiritual. In the case of the flower, the temporal design testifies of higher spiritual truth.

Two Fibonacci spirals facing each other form a heart shape or owls eyes, conversely, two Fibonacci spirals faced away from each other form rams horns.

The ram and owl are symbols that have been used in antiquity. The owl has been used by secret combinations, specifically those who meet at Bohemian Grove in California, to symbolize the ability of seeing in the dark. If you look on the back of the dollar bill you can see a very small owl in the top right corner:

What I find interesting is that there is a place on the exterior of the Salt Lake City and County building that is carved with twelve Fibonacci spirals. 

They are all facing each other and if you look in the center you can see the owl staring back at you:

Tell me readers, do you really think that one man carved these elaborate Fibonacci spirals out of sandstone in 1893? With nothing but a hammer and chisel?

What we really need to ask is what did the builders of this building actually know? 

Are you curious yet? 

Postscript: More Videos and Channels

This is an interesting video about Fillmore, Utah, which used to be the original capitol of Utah:

These two videos have some interesting information about domes and capitol buildings:

There is a YouTube Channel I discovered named Conspiracies-R-Us. His videos are short, sweet, and very informative. Here is his latest:


  1. It would seem that people would have commented in their journals about buildings already being in the valley. Jack

    1. The church changed a lot of the history. I am sure that they confiscated the journals that told the complete history from the members. It was that or suffer Brighams blood atonement. They still do this with all of the leaders and Brethren today. You would be shocked at how much the church has altered the history.

  2. Wow! What an interesting topic. I too am curious. I would love to know the truth behind these buildings. It baffles me that we can no longer create buildings such as these.

  3. Check out the aerial paintings of SLC from the 1880s & 1890s. Many of them show the State Capitol building on Capitol Hill nearly 25 to 30 years before it is said to have been completed?

  4. Nice blog thannks for posting
