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Sunday, March 19, 2023

The Beast is Coming to Utah II: Masks, Skulls, and Corrupt Politicians

 Previously: The Resurgence of Gaia Worship

A few years ago when mask mandates were being enforced my friend made an interesting statement. He said that mask mandates and covid jabs were nothing but a collective ritual, a mass initiation of all the people of the world into the New World Order. They needed to be prepared for what's coming, and obedience to covid mandates was the perfect test. 

As you remember, those who did not comply were labeled as contrarians and obstacles to "herd immunity." But, as the real science has shown, the unvaxxed are the healthier individuals, and the vaxxed are suffering side effects, complications, chronic disease, and even death. The LDS Church played a big part in this collective initiation, issuing a First Presidency Statement and showing propaganda pictures of leaders receiving the vaccine while wearing a mask. 

But was this more than mere propaganda? Could this have been a direct message to other initiated Luciferians clearly communicating what team they are on?  Masks are symbols that have a deep philosophical meaning, and they share an intimate connection to skulls.

Both are universal symbols of those who have rejected God. 

Just think about that for a moment.  

The skull represents death, and the mask represents a denial that man is made in the image of God.

The covid vaccine represents the skull, or death, because it is killing people. It also represents the Brotherhood of the Snake, because the supposed "treatment" for Covid, Remdesivir, shares many characteries of snake venom, and the vaccine, containing "spike protein," is injected, just as snakes inject their poison into your bloodstream. 

Everything they were doing was symbolic and ritualistic. As part of the collective initiation, they needed to restructure supply chains, restrict production, and raise interest rates. They needed to ramp up inflation and make commodities more scarce. Just as a boa constrictor chokes off its victims air, globalists needed to choke off the economy to make way for Agenda 2030. They needed to create a "global" crisis to justify their "sustainable" goals

With many small businesses failing, the way is now opened up for government-favored corporations to slide into a new hegemony of corporate fascism. They will be rewarded positions in the new stakeholder-fascist economy, and will be legally allowed to restrict supply and raise prices, and all this so globalists can snarkily say, "see, we told you so, capitalism failed, it is not sustainable." 

All of this began with masks and vaccines, and now, three years later, globalists are pushing their agenda in rural America, getting local politicians to pass into law the very infrastructure that will accommodate the Beast system. 

Antony C. Sutton, in his book, America's Secret Establishment, included a quote from an artist named Elizabeth Stucki, in which she commented on the symbolism of the skull and the mask in modern art:
The Skull - Mortality Unmasked

The opposite of the mask is the skull. The face of a the person is a fleshy skin worn between the two. People who deny the person as made in the image of God directly, and individually created and loved by Him, will seek either of these exits to being truly human - the mask which covers the mortal man or the skull which is left after mortal man has departed. Primitive minds who have not yet found God and sophisticates who have rejected Him, desire the mask and the skull. (p. 210)

The sobering reality is that the leaders of the LDS Church were one of the strongest proponents of masks and vaccines, does this mean they have rejected God? 

I’ll leave that up to you to decide. 

Furthermore, the President of the Church has confessed that he joined an organization with a skull as its symbol, the Skull and Bones. 

This was no inconsequential fraternity that this man joined as part of his fleeting college experience. Not just anyone gets invited to be initiated into Skull and Bones. In most cases, a genealogical link to a "royal" blood-line is a necessary prerequisite for entry. 

Of equal magnitude is the fact that there are only two branches of Skull and Bones in America, one at Yale and one at the University of Utah. How did it come to Utah? I don't know, but hopefully Ben McClintock's second book will shed some light on it when it comes out.

I am going to quote the Skull and Bones initiation ceremony as revealed by Bill Cooper word for word in what follows. And I want you to seriously consider the fact that Russel Nelson is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Ask yourself how a man that is supposed to speak for Jesus Christ and lead His church can swear oaths to oligarchs and engage in such debaucheries as described in the ritual?

Ask yourself how this man serve two masters? How can he be part of a Satanic conspiracy to enslave the world and be the vicar of Christ to the LDS Church? Here is the ritual as read by Bill Cooper, drawing from Antony C. Sutton and Ron Rosenbaum's work:
On the day of his initiation, George Bush was conducted through a long, dark passage into an immense hall draped with black. He was able to see by the faint light of sepulchral lamps. Corpses in their shrouds, the altar built of human skeletons stood in the center. Ghostly forms moved through the hall, leaving behind them a foul odor.

At length, two men dressed as specters appeared and tied a pink band of ribbon smeared with blood around his forehead. Upon this was an image of the Lady of Loretto. A crucifix was placed in his hand, and an amulet hung around his neck. His clothes were removed and laid upon a funeral pyre in a fireplace, while upon his body crosses were smeared in blood. Then his pudenda were tied with string, that's his genitals. 

Now five horrid and frightening figures, blood-stained and mumbling, approached him and threw themselves down in prayer. After an hour the sounds of weeping were heard, the funeral pyre started to burn, and his clothes were consumed. From the flames of this fire a huge and almost transparent form arose, while the prostate figures went into terrible convulsions.

Now came the voice of an invisible hierophant booming from somewhere below as George Bush lay in a coffin naked. The words were those of these oaths which the candidate had to repeat:

"In the name of the crucified one I swear to sever all bonds which united me with mother, brothers, sisters, wife, relatives, friends, mistress, kings, superiors, benefactors, or any other man to whom I have promised faith, service, or obedience. I name the place in which I was born, henceforth I live in another dimension, which I will not reach until I have renounced the evil globe which has been cursed by heaven.

From now onwards I shall reveal to my new chief all that I have heard or found out, and I shall also seek out and observe things which might otherwise have escaped me. I honor Aquato Fauna, it is a quick and essential medium of removing from the earth through death or robbing them of their wits of those who oppose truth and those who try to take it from our hands.

I shall avoid Spain, Naples, and all other accursed lands and I shall avoid the temptation to betray what I now have heard. Lightening will not strike as rapidly as the dagger which will reach me wherever I may be, should I betray my initiation."

Now a candelabrum bearing seven black candles is placed before the candidate and also a bowl containing what is supposed to be human blood. He washes himself in the blood and drinks a quantity of it. The string around his genitalia is removed. He is placed in a bath to undergo complete ablution. After this he eats a meal composed of vegetables. At this time he is given his new name, by which he will be known to all of the others in the order, the Brotherhood of Death.

And with the completion of his initiation, George Bush joined all of the male members of his family in a long line of ancestry traced from Robert Bruce to the modern day. He took his place in the Order, the Knight's Templar, Freemasonry, and has worked diligently to fulfill his role in the completion of the plan, the great work, the formation of the New World Order, the one-world totalitarian socialist state. The destruction of all existing nation-states, all existing religions, and enslavement of the mob. 

The very highest degrees of the Order show that the rationalism and the materialism of the thinkers who developed it were determined to stamp out belief and religion. God and any faith in a deity, the initiate was told, were human inventions and had no real meaning.

Subsequently, this was developed further and the member who arrived at the highest position, that of Rex or King, learned that he was now equal to a king, and that all men were capable of equal advancement. Hence the need for kings over ordinary mortals was an illusion and at the highest rank, the title of rex mundi, or king of the world is assumed.  

If Nelson has undergone the same ritual as George Bush, then he likewise believes that God, religion, and any faith in a deity is a "human invention." If he has made the same oaths as George Bush, then he has sworn fealty to his "new chief" which trumps all other relationships including his own family and wife. He has no loyalty to his religion, his country, or the U.S. Constitution. 

He has sworn an oath to "remove" from the earth those who "oppose truth and try to take it" out of his hands, meaning he has consented to commit murder for the organization if needed. And if the human blood used in the ritual was real, then he has partaken in cannibalism by drinking and bathing in it.  And like the Gadiantons of old, he has sworn by his everlasting Maker to keep this great secret, against Christ's injunction to "swear not at all."

This is the man who stands at the head of a church that is touted as being "the Lord's." This is the man who millions of people believe speaks to Jesus Christ and receives revelations for the Church that affect their personal salvation. This is the man who countless Mormons testify is a prophet of God just as Joseph Smith was. 

Dear readers, if you’re still asleep, please wake up, put on the armor of God, and awake to your awful situation. Realize that we are in a literal battle of good and evil, and the organization many of you once thought was a safe place to worship our Lord Jesus has been infiltrated by Luciferian imposters. 

Just as we receive a new name in the temple, Nelson has received a new name as part of his initiation into Skull and Bones. This is the name he is known by to his peers in the organization. 

The new name is actually a heavenly concept. When we reach a certain point in our eternal progression, the Lord gives us a new name, personally. A scriptural example is when Abram's name was changed to Abraham. 

The opposition imitates this practice as well, and all those who have been initiated into the Devil's Church have also received a new name, a name known by all others who are subordinate to the New World Order, a name known by the Beast.  

To Bonesmen, the highest honor you can achieve is that of rex mundi, or king of the world. They seek to be lifted up high above other men, to rule and reign over them. They are pseudo kings.

In God's kingdom, He seeks for all of us to be kings and queens, priests and priestesses. 

A king is a sovereign being, who isn't ruled over by others, except by the ultimate King, God Himself. Priests and Kings make up God's Holy Order, their highest calling is to be a servant, to call others to repentance, and to help them ascend. 

What kind of king and priest does President Nelson seek to be? Only time will tell, but I have hunch it will be within the Regional framework of Agenda 2030.

The transcript of the initiation ritual quoted above comes from a radio show Cooper did in the 1990s as part of his Mystery Babylon Series:

Bill takes you on a fascinating historical journey tracing the history of the Skull and Bones back through the Bush dynasty and into medieval times.

In my last post I pointed out that Maurice Strong was a member of the Club of Rome. 

What is the Club of Rome? 

It is the foreign-policy arm of the Committee of 300, the group, according to Dr. John Coleman, that controls the world at the highest level. The Committee oversees political think-tanks like the CFR and the Trilateral Commission, and has links to powerful secret societies. 

The environmental "threat" was made up by these globalists, it does not exist. In the Report From Iron Mountain, which I wrote about in this post, the "environmental-pollution model" was premeditated as a possible substitution for war as a means of population control (see p. 85 of the Report). 

It seems now that they have clearly fixated on that substitution. One of the secret societies linked to the Club of Rome is the Skull and Bones, and it has medieval roots. 

The Knight's Templar, the group that found the infamous treasure of Solomon, became the world's first international bankers. They had European kings in their pockets until the Pope and King Philip of France went after them in 1307. Even though they went underground and scattered into Scotland, the group flourished and eventually became the branch of Freemasonry known as the Scottish Rite.

But there is much more to the story. 

The Templars got their inspiration from the Knight's Hospitallers, an older order, and one who actually got an official approval from the Papacy in 1113. After the fall of Jerusalem in 1291, they acquired the Greek island of Rhodes which became their base of operations for the next 400 years. 

They became a "humanitarian" military order, consisting of mostly European aristocracy, displaying as their symbol the red cross that we have become so familiar with today. 

But more than that, they became powerful merchants, who employed real pirates to protect their merchandise. Far from being the lovable dopes portrayed in movies like Pirates of the Caribbean, these international criminals were highly intelligent, and lethally dangerous. 

They proudly displayed the occult symbol of death in their flags adorned with a skull and crossbones, the very same symbol the Skull and Bones uses today. 

But when you look at that symbol, you see more than a death motif. It is also a symbol of transgenderism:

Was the transgender movement organic and grass roots?

No, it is an agenda. 

Planned by the same people who are giving you Agenda 2030. An agenda to destroy the image of God. Please read Rock Waterman's recent article on the diabolical implementation of this agenda, and how it is destroying innocent lives. 

Now, in light of Nelson being a Bonesman, doesn't the LDS Church's recent support of LBGTQ laws protecting "gay marriage" make so much more sense

This support will only continue to increase. I wouldn't be surprised if in the coming years LBGTQ couples will be allowed to be sealed in LDS temples.

But I digress, before we get into some of Utah's corrupt politicians, let's have a look at a familiar occult logo. 

The Number of the Beast

John the Beloved revealed to us the number of the Beast and how to calculate it. It is made up of Roman Numerals that add up to 666. I wrote about that here. Below is the logo of the World Economic Forum:

If you follow the red line you'll see it slashing the three o's in half making three 6s. 

My how the Devil is sly. 

Economics is a strange science, as Ludwig Von Mises explained in his magnum opus, Human Action, this strange science consists of nothing more than the choices of individuals. Vague mathematical calculations of Gross Domestic Product and other macro-equations are not part of human action. 

They are rather, a central planner’s feeble attempt to make sense of it all, as if it’s a wild animal they want to domesticate. You can’t quantify free will and put it into a box, yet that is exactly what the WEF desires to do, and their box is called a Smart City

Economic controls are nothing more than human controls. 

Do you see how those words are interchangeable?

In a smart city you won’t need a car. You will live in a flat like Winston from 1984, and your assigned job and shopping center will be no more than a mere 15 minute walk from your shared-wall home. You will store spoilable food in a smart fridge, which can be locked up when your calorie quota is reached. Eggs, meat, and dairy will be off the menu, because well, they simply aren’t sustainable, and your smart toilet seat will make sure you’re not skipping your assigned meds by scanning the digital imprint of your anus. 

If you still have a car, traveling outside your smart city will require a permit, purchased with carbon credits, which will have a very limited supply, and be very expensive. But don’t worry, the shoddy landscaping inside your personal smart prison will be all the nature you need. You will have no privacy, as cameras will dot the city and be constantly scanning the digital imprint of your face, but since you’re a good global citizen with an acceptable ESG (social credit) score, I’m sure you’ll have nothing to hide. 

Your closet will be carefully monitored, as authorities will want to make sure that you haven’t exceeded your limits on clothes and shoes. And your smart TV will deliver all the news you need from the unelected regional authority in charge of the district you reside in. 

Sounds like 1984Brave New World, and The Hunger Games all rolled into one, doesn't it? This is exactly what the Satanic WEF wants to implement worldwide. You can find all of these plans on the internet, but to save you time searching just watch the video below. Pay close attention to the slides, they come right off the WEF website:

I believe Isaiah saw this happening. I've always wondered what the verse below really means, but now that the UN is pushing high-density housing, Isaiah's prophecy makes a whole lot more sense:
Woe unto them that join house to house till there can be no place that they may be placed alone in the midst of the earth. In mine ears saith the Lord of Hosts, Of a truth many houses shall be desolate, and great and fair cities without inhabitant. Yea, ten acres of vineyard shall yield one bath, and the seen of a homer shall yield one ephah. (2 Nephi 8:12, RE)

As they attempt to force people out of their rural lands and houses and corral them into smart cities and high-density housing where they will be joining "house to house," it will ignite a civil war. 

This is my prediction anyway, because there are still many patriots left who won't go willingly. And Isaiah also seems to hint at some kind of war. 

There is legislation in the works in Utah that will allow the government to use "emergency powers" to establish a precedent for forcing people into smart cities. It is this year, 2023, that they are planning on passing all of the legislation so that they can finish building the smart prison infrastructure by 2030.

I have a good friend who pointed out to me that that this year, 2023, is the inverse of the American Skull and Bones chapter known as 322. 

The year of inversion. 

This is the year that the globalists have planned to make huge leaps and bounds in this sinister agenda. It has been planned for years, maybe even decades. These people are extremely patient. This is why it is paramount that we need to wake up as many people as possible before it is too late. 

As to my friend's point about the year of inversion, 2023, they began it with a raft of false flag train derailments. Remember what happened in East Palestine, Ohio just over a month ago? 

Coincidentally, train derailments are happening all over the country, even Utah. Curiously, a train derailed in Ogden just weeks ago on March 2, and just two weeks prior, SB20 was passed in the Utah legislature. 

What is SB20

A draconian bill that exempts the Utah state government from any liability caused by, wait for it, environmental disasters. 

In addition, it creates a backdoor, through emergency powers, to annex towns and give more power to regional authorities. It also contains strange language about trains and contaminated land. It is almost as if they knew what was going to happen beforehand. 

Read this article by Eliza June on the Defending Utah website for the full story.

They are implementing the Hegelian Dialectic in Utah, creating the problem and then creating the solution. They will pollute and contaminate your land and then use emergency powers to force you off of it and place you in smart cities. 

Tyrants have been using the "emergency powers" precedent to destroy liberty and consolidate power since time immemorial. This is nothing new. 

Corrupt Politicians and Local Secret Societies

Have you wondered how the globalist puppet Mitt Romney got elected as a Senator in Utah? I mean, he was pro-abortion in the 1970s, pro-gun control, and the mastermind behind the precursor of Obamacare in Massachussetts, egotistically named Romneycare. 

He is as left-liberal and RINO as they get. 

Romney had a little help in the Utah election, a little bill known as HB54. 

HB54 created a worm-hole in the local election process. A worm-hole that allowed a candidate to bypass the caucus, the foundational tradition of selecting real delegates who represent real people. Instead of attending a caucus and facing the embarrassment of looking into the eyes of actual constituents as they ask probing questions, HB54 allows for a candidate to obtain signatures for endorsement by "paid signature gatherers." 

That means that a globalist with a strong fiduciary backing could buy their way into office.

Read this article for the full story on HB54, and what it means for Utah (it is a short article but there are many links to study).

In addition to his easy glide into office, Romney had some other things going for him. He is a member of the Alfalfa Club, an elite society that meets for extravagant banquets yearly in Washington D.C. Formed in 1913 (a curious year indeed), press coverage has never been allowed at the event, and members have included presidents Truman, JFK, Nixon, Reagan, and both Bushes. In 2019, Romney was elected as the organization's president, an "honor" that Utahns should be wary of. 

Furthermore, Romney's upward march into effortless wealth is littered with dishonesty and fraud. His investment company Bain Capitol was touted as a 2012 election campaign talking point that he was somehow a true American entrepreneur. But did you know that he used private-equity funds to secure debt-based loans to invest in start-up companies? 

His group of investors would pump these hedge funds into companies to make stocks temporarily rise, but then sell them off just in time to collect dividends for the investors. And when whales make huge sell-offs who usually follows? 

The average investor. 

The little guy trying to "get out" before they "lose everything." They sell frantically, and in the wake of the carnage the start-up company becomes insolvent. (Whaling is also how Bitcoin, and virtually all crytpo, has been manipulated over the last decade). 

Romney cost countless American workers their jobs through these schemes. Read it about here

But there's more. One of Bain Capitol's first investors was Robert Maxwell, who injected $2 million into Romney's start up in the 1980s. Maxwell is the father of Ghislaine Maxwell, former female consort of the late pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. 

In 1999, Bain dumped $75 million into a medical waste disposal company called Stericycle. Read about that here. A portion of their business came from abortion clinics operating under the cloak of Planned Parenthood. While Romney was enjoying dividends from this new start-up, he was campaigning as pro-life. 

Romney has no principles, business ethics, or even the smallest trace of integrity. He is a conspirator and a globalist, vying to bring Agenda 2030 to Utah. 

For more on Romney, check out this video produced by "We Are The People":

The next scoundrel to discuss is Utah's governor, Spencer Cox. He, like Romney, is in bed with globalists, is supportive of the transgender agenda, and is a little confused about language, specifically pronouns

To find out what Governor Cox has been up to, watch the video below. You will see right on the governor’s own website how he is “lock-step” (a phrase used by Jason the podcast host) with the UN and WEF:

Another tyrant in Utah is Senator Daniel Thatcher, sponsor of Senate bill SB34.

What is SB34? A bill defining the parameters of the use of facial recognition by government, because of course we can "trust" them not to abuse this power. 

It is for our safety you know. 

In China, where social credit is already implemented, they have cameras everywhere, constantly scanning the faces of millions of innocent Chinese civilians, all ending up in a giant database. This data is sorted by artificial intelligence that is programmed for social credit. If someone steps out of line, or says the wrong thing, they are publicly humiliated, fined, or worse. 

According to some, there are more cameras in America than China. 

Thatcher wants to bring this tyranny to Utah. 

The language of SB34 is carefully crafted to seem as if the bill limits governmental use of facial recognition. But the hold the phone here, doesn't the 4th Amendment already protect you from encroachments on privacy from the State? 

Of course. If you read between the lines the bill is giving the Utah government powers it never had before, and then claiming it is limiting its own power. Don't be fooled, read this article for more details. And watch this video:

As an aside, I can't possibly cover every detail of every bill that is being passed around in Utah. That is why I'm linking all these videos and articles. The articles are from Defending Utah and most are written by its founder, Enoch Moore. This guy is sharp, and he's good at picking up on the deceptive language in these bills that violates both the Utah and U.S. Constitutions.

Why am I focusing on Utah when I live in Idaho? 

Because they aren't planning on building the new UN headquarters in Idaho. That will be in Salt Lake City, and it will involve the LDS Church. You don't have to be a genius to figure that out. 

A picture can say a thousand words. 

Or just a few, like Vatican and UN headquarters. Here are a few more screen shots from Rebekah Griffin's video that I embedded in Part I. As you can see, the new design for Temple Square is eerily reminiscent of the Vatican:

And the UN headquarters:

Creepy, but I digress. 

Another shady politician in Utah is Brad Wilson, speaker of the House of Representatives. There was an incident with Wilson involving the mysterious disappearance of $40 million of Utah tax dollars. Oh sure, the tax-payers were led to believe the money went toward "conserving" the Great Salt Lake, but when you actually read the bill that allocated the funds, HB410, you find provisions to:
...attract or leverage other public or private funding to enhance and preserve the Great Salt Lake watershed. (HB410, Part 2. Program Established, line 159, emphasis added)

Guess who the private beneficiaries of these public funds were? 

The Rockefellers. The RBF (Rockefeller Brothers Fund). How do we know this? Because Chelcie Hope from the We Are The People video above, This Info Could Bring Utah's Deep State Down (start at around the 56 minute-mark), actually called the Utah state auditor's office and demanded to know where the money went. 

She got on answer, the Nature Conservatory, a non-profit organization created by the RBF, and the National Autobahn Society, also a Rockefeller front group, to create a trust to oversee the Great Salt Lake. 

Why are the Rockefellers interested in the Great Salt Lake? 

Lithium mining. To makes batteries for cell phones and electric cars.

Millions of gallons of the Great Salt Lake are being evaporated to make this stuff, while government officials are crying about a drought. In fact, other fresh water reservoirs are being drained into Salt Lake. Globalists are stealing water from farmers and using it to move their agenda forward, right before your very eyes. 

Before I move onto Regionalism, I have to briefly mention two other secret societies that are local to Utah. The first, the Alta Club, was formed in 1883, and has its clubhouse on 100 East South Temple. It originally only allowed "Gentiles," but eventually allowed Mormons into its ranks. The other is the Gentile League of Utah. 

Ben McClintock over at has covered these groups. Just be aware that Ben still very much subscribes to the narrative that Brigham Young was a true prophet of God. Regardless, he has done some great research and is quite a strong voice for liberty in Utah. He's one of the good guys. Also, he is fearless. He was one of the first to cover the recent discovery of Nelson, and other Church leader’s membership in the Skull and Bones. Click here to watch. 

Bureaucratic Dyslexia

In part 1, I talked about how the federal government controls vast corridors of the western United States. Well, there was a bill passed in Utah in 2016 that seemed like its intent was to get some of that land back. 

But it was just a baith and switch. This is all part of the game, you know. They have to be both the good guys and the bad guys. Otherwise they couldn't fool you. 

I'm talking about HB276, the "Utah Public Land Management Act," signed into law in March of 2016. This bill created a state-level bureaucracy called the "Division of Land Management," or DLM. The state version of the federal BLM, or Bureau of Land Management. 

In children with dyslexia, b's and d's are often confused, and so it seems are the politicians who sponsored this bill. 

Or are they?

Don't get me wrong. I support states rights. That is why in my book I wrote about how Abraham Lincoln committed treason against the United States by invading South Carolina. Lincoln was committing foreign aggression against a state of the voluntary Union, for this act alone he should've been impeached. If South Carolina wanted to secede it was the people’s right to do so. 

So why do I take issue with HB276?

Because of its sleight of hand agenda for regionalism. The state of Utah is still a State. And its politicians are working with globalists just the same as on the national level, so what does the bill really accomplish? According to Dr. Scott Bradley, it creates "an all powerful Utah czar of lands" that subjects Utahns to the same abuses committed by the BLM. 

Pick your Kool-Aid. 

But far more sinister is the fact that it bypasses one of the very foundational safeguards against federal tyranny: the authority of the country sheriff. A sheriff is directly accountable to the people in a county, because he is an elected delegate that directly represents his constituents. If he abuses his authority you can vote the rascal out. 

On line 353 of HB276 it explicitly provides for the DLM to employ "peace officers" who will be the "primary law enforcement authority with jurisdiction" to enforce the laws within DLM oversight. 

This is terrifying. Can a peace officer be voted out of office? 

When is the last time you heard the term "peace officer" anyway? Perhaps in the movie trilogy the The Hunger Games, or Star Wars, or when referring to UN "peace keeping" troops? We all know what "peace officer" means: shut up and submit

In Orwellian doublespeak, peace officer means "gangster mercenary thug."

But don't worry. These peace officers will only overrule the jurisdiction of the sheriff if the peace keeping involves "wildlife." And this "wildlife" could be anywhere in the DLM's domain of "public land." 

Vague terms leave doors wide open, and once you let the devil in a crack, he'll never leave. 

Do you remember the Bundy standoff with the BLM in 2014? Do you know what inaugurated the whole thing? 

The Desert Tortoise. That's right, a turtle. Because of this reptilian sluggard, the BLM shut down 400,000 acres of Nevada’s grazing lands and forced all the ranchers to sell back their grazing rights. 

But Bundy wouldn't sell, or renew his permit. He exercised his sovereign grazing rights he had been vested with as a multi-generational rancher. And after a bloodless standoff, he is still on his land. 

HB276 will authorize the new DLM to abuse power in exactly the same way a federal bureaucracy does, just on a smaller scale. The bill was sponsored by Michael E. Noel, a former employee of, wait for it, the BLM

But that is just all of the superficial stuff. The deeper danger the bill poses is the subtle precedent it gives to regionalism. Lying just inside those gray areas are public-private partnerships just waiting for the perfect opportunity to insert themselves into its framework, like vultures circling a fresh road kill.

That opportunity might present itself in the form of some obscure animal ending up on the endangered species list. 

You see folks, this isn’t about sheriff vs peace keepers or federal vs state bureaucracy. Those are just distractions that cause meaningless arguments. This is about elected vs unelected government. This is about subversion at the deepest, darkest, level of government.

This is the genius of the globalists. This is what we’re up against. 

If any of you have read my post entitled The Atlantean Leviathan, you’ll know that I believe John’s first Beast is a one-world government based on ancient Atlantean oligarchy. The Atlanteans were governed by 10 kings who ruled 10 regions on seven continents.

Region, district, precinct, ward, territory… call it what you want, but it ain’t Republican, and it ain't representative.

According to ancient myth the Atlantean kings were appointed by Poseidon, in fact they were his children. And they had absolute control over their subjects. Whether Atlantis was real or not doesn’t matter, because the globalist lunatics vying to run the world actually believe this nonsense. 

They want regions, so they can dissolve your nation, state, county, and city, and appoint an unelected globalist stooge to be your overlord. 

Regionalism = Neo-Fascism 

Fascism is perhaps one of the most misunderstood political terms of all time. A pejorative thrown around aimlessly at “extremists” on the far right, or a blanket-term to lambast whatever political ideology an opponent doesn't understand or agree with. 

But what does it really mean? Technically, it entails a cushy arrangement between the State and private corporations. Or, as the UN calls it, public-private partnerships, or PPPs. In medieval days it was called feudalism, and in colonial times it was called mercantilism. 

According to this definition, Mussolini, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and FDR (with his National Recovery Act) were all fascists. Men of all different ranges on the political spectrum. But let's face it, there are only two ideologies when it comes to politics: individualism vs collectivism. 

But as always, there is more to the meaning of fascism than meets the eye, an ancient idea stretching back from before the Roman Empire. To really know what it means, you have to look at its symbolism. 

The fasces are a bundle of sticks bound together with leather thongs and an ax head protruding at the top. It is a symbol of State power. Fasces were literally used to beat Roman subjects into submission, and were a universal symbol of corporeal punishment. 

The word corporeal is an interesting one. I wrote an entire piece on its connection to human corporations, called Slavery By Consent, an introduction to Maritime Admiralty Law. Once you read it, you'll never look at language the same, and it will help you realize that all of this Agenda 2030 stuff is just smoke and mirrors. 

Do you remember the first Transformers movie starring Shia LaBeouf that came out in 2007? Do you remember the cop-car Decepticon that had the following slogan written on its side?:

This is the most concise definition of fascism I have ever heard. Corporate fascism is just one sub-set of this political ideology. Ubiquitously, fascism synthesizes all-things-State into one formidable worm-hole. It is comprised of all the emotions associated with the fear of totalitarian dictatorships. In its comprehensive definition, fascism is the primordial fear, the paternal adoration, and the absolute worship of the State. It is the replacement of God with mortal leaders and abstract symbols, and it creates the imaginary lines that comprise the pseudo-fences that lock us in. 

Fascism is Animal Farm, it is 1984, it is Brave New World, it is Fahrenheit 451, and it is The Hunger Games. Ultimately, it is the Beast, a narcissistic, sadistic, insecure, ambition-driven, and rapacious animal. The ultimate symbol of uncontrollable passion, uncurbed rage, and mindless instinct. The globalist leaders, in all their pretended pomp and philanthropy, are nothing more than mere animals, waiting for the perfect opportunity to pounce, driven by an insatiable appetite to control every aspect of your life.

This is where I leave you. In part 3 I’ll be taking a deeper dive into Regionalism. Its history, the philosophy behind it, and how it’s being implemented in Utah. 

Final Thoughts

Before I go I want to leave you with some inspiring words from the Book of Mormon. 

Sometimes we need to be reminded of what we’re fighting for. If you are on the side of liberty, you’re on the right side. Differences beyond that don’t matter in this battle. 

I know many of you are trying to find your way spiritually after exiting or being dismissed from the LDS Church. Some of you may still be in, others may be in the Snuffer movement, and others in the Doctrine of Christ or other groups. Where ever you have landed simply doesn’t matter because we are all in this fight together. 

There are two common themes that unite us all: Jesus Christ and Liberty. One is inseparable without the other

We are being attacked from all around us, by an iron triangle with the Church, the State, and the Adversary on each side. Remember that both John and Nephi told us that the Beast and the Whore would make war on the Saints. John’s outlook is bleaker, but Nephi said that they will eventually destroy each other. This should give us hope.

And nowhere in the Book of Mormon does it say that the Saints all have to agree with each other to qualify for God’s protection. Clearly, from Facebook discussions we are all part of, we don’t agree on plenty. 

But again that doesn’t matter. 

We are not told if the Nephites rallying behind the Title of Liberty all agreed with each other on every point of doctrine. But they did call themselves Christians, and they did fight for the Cause of Liberty. 

Do you know how the war started?

Dissensions in the church, instigated by Amalickiah. A massive and brutal war was fought because of the ambitions of one man using divisiveness as his weapon. 

What did Captain Moroni do? 

He rallied the people to put an end to dissensions. He bowed himself to the earth and prayed mightily to invoke a blessing of protection over his people and their land. 

Did you know that Captain Moroni was elected by the voice of the people? Have you ever heard of an American military general who was elected? Moroni was the equivalent of a sheriff, his power came from the people, not from the State. 

Moroni rent his coat, a very symbolic Jewish gesture, fastened it upon a pole, and wrote the following words on it:

In memory of our God, our religion and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children. (Alma 21:7, RE)

Then he took his makeshift flag, which he called the Title of Liberty, and raised it overhead, while he prayed for the "blessings of liberty to rest upon his brethren, so long as there should be a band of Christians to possess the land." 

Dear readers, we are that band of Christians. We are still here on the same land. Moroni's prayer was just as much for us as it was for the Nephites. 

Mormon, in his narrative, called those Christians "true believers in Christ who belonged to the church of God." Again, that is us. Mormon is not talking about a corporate Church, or a Facebook group, or any religious break off. He is talking about the humble followers of Christ who have taken upon "them gladly the name of Christ." 

And while we are not in a physical war like the Nephites were, we are still fighting against tyranny. We are fighting against total enslavement by a global secret combination hell bent on using the digital metaverse to create the perfect digital prison; a prison where the inmates think they are free.

But just as the Nephites of old, it is only God that can deliver us. We should all bow to the earth, as Moroni did, and pray mightily to our Creator to lead us away when the time is right. Just as Rock Waterman said in his recent post, we should wait on the Lord for our deliverance. 

But in the meantime, do everything you can do fight this tyranny. Write a blog, give speeches, share videos, go to City Council meetings, demand accountability from your congressmen and senators, expose the corruption in politics and religion. 

It feels good to stand up for freedom!

Let people know that Agenda 2030 and any group who endorses it is on the wrong side of Liberty. 

But most important, prepare yourself and your family for what is about to come. Fill your lamps with oil so that when the time comes, God will lead you away to safety. Band together with other Christians, no matter what precepts or doctrine they subscribe to. It doesn't matter. Find common ground. Befriend those in other religions as well, remember, we are all trying to find Christ, even if some call Him by a different name. 

Do you honestly think only Christians will be invited to the New Jerusalem? Christ has many multitudes of other sheep, and if those who are directly invited to the wedding feast don't have enough oil, the Lord's servants will find others to come:

Then said he to his servants, The wedding is ready, but they who were bid were not worthy. Go therefore into the highways, and as many as you shall find, bid to the marriage. So those servants went out into the highways and gathered together all, as many as they found, both good and bad, and the wedding was furnished with guests. (Matthew 10:18, RE)

Remember, we are all God's children, our petty differences bandied about on Facebook and other platforms don't matter at all. The UN wants to destroy all religion and replace it with the worship of the Beast. We are all under attack. 

As you look around and continue to see our freedoms eroded one by one, remember the inspiring words of a Nephite patriot speaking to us from the dust. Let the spirit of Captain Moroni fill your heart with courage, let it burn within you the Godly desires for freedom, and let that lead you to action. 

If we all stand up and say NO, they cannot implement Agenda 2030.

Stay tuned for part 3...

Sunday, March 12, 2023

The Beast is Coming to Utah: The Resurgence of Gaia Worship

Previously: Order out of Chaos

Welcome readers, I know that I said that this would be Part VIIII of Zion vs the Beast, but after I began researching this topic I found a mountain of information impossible to cover in one blog post. So this post will inaugurate a new series, one that will reveal what is going on in the back yard of those of us who live in the Mormon Corridor. The sobering truth is that the Beast system is coming to Utah first (
upon my house will it begin), the infrastructure of which has been built quietly in the background as Utahns have been distracted with Covid, inflation, and the LDS Church's latest knavery under its current First Presidential regime. 

In the past few months some interesting, and terrifying, intel has leaked out from a book that is now out of print. The book, an autobiography, discloses some concerning information about the current President of the LDS Church. By his own admission, he was initiated into the Order of Skull and Bones at the University of Utah in 1944 (also concerning is the fact that there is another chapter of Skull and Bones in Utah). I won't belabor this startling new discovery, as others have already reported on it (see this blog post if this is the first you're hearing about it or watch this video). 

What I will do, however, is connect some dots that now make perfect sense in light of this new information. These dots have to do with what the LDS Church has been up to since Nelson has been handed the reigns of the Corporation Sole. Think about the following: The thirty-three minute meeting with "his holiness" Pope Francis on March 9 of 2019, the active participation of LDS general authorities at recent G20 Interfaith Forums, the encouragement of the Covid jab in a First Presidency Statement, talks given at General Conference lauding "sustainable societies," a musical dedication to the UN performed by the Tabernacle Choir, the defacing and gutting of the Salt Lake temple, and constant deference during the pandemic to our "wise" overlords in government and medicine. Just exactly what have our friends in Salt Lake City been up to? 

With a Bonesman at the helm of the Church, the last few years have been the perfect opportunity for the Brethren to secure for themselves a guaranteed position of authority in the coming new hegemony, of which Utah is becoming the model. A model green with envy and red with enthusiasm. The political watermelon model, feigning environmental green on the outside to buy votes, while being a red communist wolf on the inside. While Nelson has been distracting the lay members of the Church with tales of receiving "revelations" in his room, a silent infrastructure has been constructed in Utah, slowly and steadily cementing in place a western hub for globalism. 

The lip service the LDS Church has recently given to the United Nations and its Agenda 2030, is not just lip service, it is a partnership. They have, like the ancient Nephites, united themselves to the secret band of Gadianton, and are working with globalists to make Utah a model for the dystopian future. Before I get into what that model looks like, I need to remind you that Moroni saw our day, and was shown a specific group, i.e. the Gentiles who are members of the LDS Church. And within that group, Moroni begins speaking directly to the leaders of the Church, revealing exactly what they have been up to:
...why do ye adorn yourselves with that which hath no life, and yet suffer the hungry, and the needy, and the naked, and the sick, and the afflicted to pass by you and notice them not? Yea, why do ye build up your secret combinations to get gain? (Mormon, 4:5 RE, emphasis added)

Here is an exercise in logic: Moroni cannot be talking to the average Joe Mormon layman in that last sentence. Why? Because Mr. Average Joe is not profiting from secret combinations, but rather, is being extorted by them unknowingly. In his hapless state, Average Joe may be unwittingly helping to "build up" said combinations by voting for conspirators or espousing various forms of socialism, but he is absolutely not "gaining" anything from them. 

But the Brethren who control the single wealthiest Church on the globe absolutely have something to gain by building up secret combinations. And what do they have to gain? Obviously not money, as $100 billion of net worth is more than most countries have. No, they covet something much more sinister than money, they want power. They want the ability to control others, not just through correlated propaganda, but through the iron reigns of state control. Moroni's next line is chilling, he claims that they are even willing to murder the innocent to secure this gain:

And cause that widows should mourn before the Lord, and also orphans to mourn before the Lord, and also the blood of their fathers and their husbands to cry unto the Lord from the ground for vengeance upon your heads. Behold, the sword of vengeance hangeth over you, and the time soon cometh that he avengeth the blood of the saints upon you, for he will not suffer their cries any longer.

During the last few years, lawmakers in Utah have been very busy little bees. A slew of legislative bills have made their way into both the Utah House and Senate, and some have already passed. Bills that are laying the groundwork for Klaus Schwab's pipe dream for the 4th Industrial Revolution. What is the 4th Industrial Revolution? In a word it is the merging of human beings with technology and artificial intelligence, otherwise known as Transhumanism. 

We have come a long way from the First Industrial Revolution, when steam engines transformed the way goods were shipped across state lines, and from the second, when electricity gave us light, and from the third, when computers were condensed into a single tower with a user-friendly screen, to the present: the digitization of everything and the internet of things. It is only now, at this time in history, that the Beast system finally has the potential to be implemented, but is it really going to be inaugurated in the conservative Mormon capital of the world? Things definitely appear to be trending that way.

The series you're about to read will be sobering, it will be aggravating, it will be terrifying; and shocking to say the least. If you love freedom, and you live in Utah, it is imperative that you read this blog series. This may be our last chance to stand up for our God-given rights before they are stripped away for good by the United Nations. 

Americans have long been the proverbial frog basking in the warm pot of water on the verge of being boiled, comfortable in our hapless and apathetic state, as a digital prison is literally being constructed all around us. And once in place, it will be too late to get out without the intervention of God, who will be slow to hear our cries because we have ignored His decrees on this land for so long. 

Please get comfortable, and read this entire blog series, share it with others, and do your part to wake up the sleeping giant that could crush this conspiracy in a single blow. That sleeping giant is you and I, it is the American people, most of which are living in a matrix of oblivion. 

This land is My..., I mean, Uh, Their Land

When I was a teenager one of my favorite recreational activities was to go trials biking with my dad. Trial bikes are not like conventional dirt bikes, they are lighter weight and lower-geared and designed to take the rider anywhere you want to go, and I mean any... where. We used to love to ride in a vast playground of wilderness out in an Idaho oasis called Leadore. Because of the arid climate and lack of shrubbery, trails were not needed. We could ride up any mountain we wanted to while dodging the sage brush and rock outcroppings, and because of the low-gearing of the bikes, they left no trace of our presence. 

The area was also a favorite hunting ground of ours, and we had access to every square mile of it. Until one day in the early 2000s, we pulled up to one of our favorite spots only to see a makeshift fence and a sign that read "Designated Wilderness Study Area: No Motorized Vehicles." Of course, being the red-blooded Americans we were, we weren't detoured, and continued apace in our now "illegal" trials biking escapades. But even in my young age, my intuition told me that this was more than just some EPA whacko lobbyists attempting to keep Idaho residents off their own public lands. Something perfidious was afoot, and I've since learned that behind the federal bureaucracy that was seizing these lands was a foreign entity operating under the auspices of the United Nations. 

In 1964, LBJ signed the Wilderness Act into law. It allocated 9.1 million acres in 54 separate areas to be protected by federal bureaucracies against human encroachment. Today that number is well above 100 million acres of land that has been taken out of state control and annexed by the federal government. In 1976, this law grew a few more teeth. The Federal Land Policy Management Act was passed in that year, which directed the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to conduct wilderness studies on all public lands under its purview that possessed "wilderness characteristics." 

The directives given to the BLM included "a long-term study process for additional designations," which is coded language giving them the power to designate any new area they deemed "potential wilderness." This power was granted without a moratorium, and it took them twenty years to get around to studying my little oasis outside of Leadore, Idaho. 

The word "study" as used by the BLM, does not mean what you think it does. The word, in this context, conjures up images of hoards of white-coated scientists scampering around the landscape holding clipboards and collecting data. But that is not what "study" means to these people. "Study" means shutting down the land, by limiting human use as much as possible. Beginning with shutting off the roads and trails to motorized vehicles, and then disallowing horse travel, until ultimately, forbidding anyone to set foot on it. They want you and I off the land. Period. And it is not to preserve any wilderness. It is to cut human beings off from natural resources and to force us to live in mega-city "reservations" like cattle. 

In 1992, a conference was held in Rio de Janeiro where UN Agenda 21 was revealed and surreptitiously foisted upon the American people in the form of three treaties. One of which, the Biodiversity Treaty, yet to be ratified, gave birth to the Wildlands Project, the goals of which are to return over 50% of America's forests, mountains, and wilderness to its pre-Columbian condition. This returning of the past will include the reintroduction of native predators which has already happened in Yellowstone Park and other areas of the West. Wolves, mountain lions, wolverines, and bears will have more rights than humans if these sycophants get their way. 

Here in Idaho where I live, we are seeing more and more grizzly bears where they have not previously been since the 1800s. And shooting a grizzly bear, even if it is to save your life, is now a federal crime and grounds for prison. Of course, these elites don't really care about animals, restoring the land to its pristine condition, or the environment, they only want two things: depopulation and absolute control of who's left. Make no mistake, this is a war against humanity, conducted under the guise of "conservation."

The map below was created by Dr. Michael Coffman, who used it to persuade Congress to take the Biodiversity Treaty off the ratification table in 1994.

As you can see, the ultimate goal is to force all humans into the green areas, where we would live like sardines packed into cities. Throughout the entire West there is hardly any green at all, I'll let you use your imagination to determine what would happen to those of us who live out here. Dr. Michael Coffman and an army of protestors pummeled Capital Hill with emails and calls, and as a result the Senate Majority Leader took the treaty off the calendar just one hour before the ratification vote. Dr. Coffman passed away in 2017, but he has written books and given lectures on the dangers of progressivism and Agenda 21. Here is a good one to start with:

Unable to implement their draconian measures of forcing Americans out of rural areas, the UN went underground and returned to its standard modus operandi, the slow and steady process of Fabianism. Since 1974 a Trojan Horse had been dangled in front of American land owners, a scheme that would tempt them to partner with the government in exchange for sizable income tax deductions. This scheme is known as Conservation Easements, in which a land trust pays a land-owner to promise not to develop anything on said land, in perpetuity. That means forever. Nothing can be built, not even a barn or a shed. Read this article for more information on conservation easements, which have been the primary mode of land accumulation and control the conspiracy has used to wrap its tentacles around American rural lands. 

When a land-owner signs up for this "benefit," the government, and other non-governmental organizations become silent partners on the land. They can prohibit other activities on the land other than construction, such as grazing and farming. If you scroll back up and look at the map Dr. Coffman created, you'll notice that the red areas are called "corridors." These corridors can be created when groups of "unsuspecting ranchers join their property together under conservation easement to form vast landscapes and corridors connecting existing grasslands and large blocks of federal lands." Slowly, over time, more and more restrictions can be placed on the land until the ranchers have lost all rights to the property. 

Destroying property rights is key to destroying freedom and liberty. If the government can take land out of productive use, they can limit goods and services, and necessities like food and farming. They can use this process to starve subjects into submission. It is nothing new. Stalin attempted it during the 1920s and 30s when he nationalized massive tracts of farmland from a group of Russian husbandmen dubbed the “Kulaks.” He did it all at once using the brutal force of the secret police (the Cheka), and as a result millions of Russians starved to death during his Five-Year Plan. But here in America the process is slow and steady, and almost unnoticeable, as the land is incrementally neutralized acre by acre. This has been the plan of the UN all along, as detailed in a meeting held in Vancouver in 1976:
Land, because of its unique nature and the crucial role it plays in human settlement, cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes. Social justice, urban renewal and development, the provision of decent-dwellings and healthy conditions for people can only be achieved if land is used in the interest of society as a whole. (The Preamble to The Vancouver Action Plan approved at Habitat: United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (31 May to 11 June 1976)

In direct opposition is the Book of Mormon, which asserts that prosperity is based upon the land, not the lack of it:

And the people of Nephi began to prosper in the land, and began to multiply and to wax exceeding strong again in the land. (Alma 29:20, RE) 

Notice that the UN asserts that one cause of social injustice is "private land ownership," however, shutting off the land and/or placing restrictions upon it also implies that the governmental organization doing so is exercising property rights. Thus, their entire premise is based upon a glaring dichotomous hypocrisy, because, if they control the land and its resources, they become the de facto owners of it. Ironically, what they are proposing will accomplish the very thing they are railing against: accumulation and concentration of wealth into the hands of the ruling class, which is of course, them. And once you are off their land, they will be free to do whatever they want with it, and as I will show later, they don't care about environmentalism or conservation, they just want you gone, even if it means killing you. 

But where did this idea of environmentalism and conservation come from in the first place? It is actually a blend of ancient paganism with the modern green movement, and these people have no qualms about admitting who they worship. One of their propaganda masters, Al Gore, in his book, Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit, surmised, citing archeologists and anthropologists, that:

The prevailing ideology of belief in prehistoric Europe and much of the world was based on the worship of a single mother goddess, who was assumed to be the fount of all life and who radiated harmony among all living things. Much of the evidence for the existence of this primitive religion comes from many thousands of artifacts uncovered in ceremonial sites. These sites are so widespread that they seem to confirm the notion that a goddess religion was ubiquitous throughout much of the world until the antecedents of today's religions... almost obliterating belief in the goddess. The last vestiges or organized goddess worship was eliminated by Christianity as late as the fifteenth century in Lithuania. (p. 260)

Mr. Gore's longing to resurrect past Gaia worship is not as far as off as he implies. Gaia is alive and well today, emanating from the UN headquarters in New York City, and oozing out of its every policy, program, and soft law. Included among them are Agenda 21, which is now Agenda 2030, and its plan for "sustainable development." Every god demands sacrifice, and this mother goddess is no different. Her oblationary demands include giving up cars, individual family homes, natural gas, and any other carbon-emitting miscreant. 

And ultimately, if you are unwilling to give up your lifestyle and move to a Smart City where you can be constantly monitored under state surveillance, well then you will just have to be killed - offered on the altar of Gaia, the obstinate individual purged for the good of the collective. 

"Sustainable development" was a term coined in the 1980s by a think-tank that was heavily influenced by none other than Steven Rockefeller. Yes, the beginnings of the green movement has its financial roots in the bounteous coffers of the Rockefeller dynasty. Steven is the son of former vice president Nelson Rockefeller, and a direct descendent of John D. Rockefeller, old Standard Oil himself. Steven's uncle, Laurance Rockefeller, was an advisor to five different presidents, and formed the Rockefeller Brother's Fund (RBF) to push the conservation movement, which was instrumental in wrangling away state lands into Federal control like the Grand Tetons in Wyoming and the Redwood Forest in California. The RBF also established the American Conservation Association, the Conservation Foundation, and the Nature Conservatory, among others. 

On April 22 of 1970 an official holy day was set aside for Gaia, known as the Earth Day celebration, and in 1972 the UN held its first international meeting to discuss the "impending" global environmental crisis, in Stockholm. April 22 just happens to be former Bolshevik dictator V.I. Lenin's birthday, and the year 1970 would have been his 100th birthday. I do not think this was a coincidence. In 1974, the Environmental Program was born, which channeled RBF donations into organizations that focused on "the way in which population, resources, food, capital, pollution, and values interact." Thus, Gaia worship was infesting the global milieu with ever-increasing waves of momentum. And the next one came in 1980.

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) was established in 1948 shortly after the UN itself was formed. But after 32 years of obscurity Steven Rockefeller gave it new life. In 1980, a report called the World Conservation Strategy was published, detailing a plan to curb societal "sins" by implementing "sustainable development," a concept that was the brainchild of Rockefeller himself. In 1982, the UN General Assembly adopted the World Charter for Nature in the wake of the report, and the IUCN has had its filthy hands on every environmental movement since. It has been one of the primary players in pushing the goals for Agenda 21 and 2030, silently laying the groundwork for the implementation of the Beast system; a diabolical scheme for world totalitarianism cloaked in the sanctimony of "saving the planet." Here is the stated purpose of the IUCN:

[To] promote alternative models for sustainable communities and lifestyles, based in ecospiritual practices and principles... to accelerate our transition to a just and sustainable future... Humanity must undergo a radical change in its attitudes, values, and behavior... In response to this situation, a new global ethics is taking form, and it is finding expression in international law. (IUCN's Ethics Working Group's publication, Earth Ethics, 1996, as quoted by Dr. Coffman in this video)

The term Ecospiritual is an allusion to Gaia worship, and radical change means that we will be expected to sacrifice our modern luxuries to appease her. This sacrifice will reach into every aspect of our lives, as admitted by Steven Rockefeller in his published definition of what the elites mean by "sustainable." Steven has a PhD in the philosophy of religion, is a professor emeritus at Middlebury College in Vermont, where he served as dean and chairman of the religion department. He is a proponent of Planned Parenthood, and wrote a book praising John Dewey and his "Democratic Humanism." He is also a trustee of the Rockefeller Brother's Fund, and one of the oldest members of the Rockefeller family. Here is how he describes the phrase "sustainable development":

Sustainable by definition, means not only indefinitely prolonged, but nourishing, as the earth is nourishing to life and the self-actualizing of persons and communities. The word development need not be restricted to economic activity, but can mean the evolution, unfolding growth and fulfillment of any and all aspects of life. (Steven Rockefeller, Spirit and Nature (Boston Beacon, 1992), page 8, emphasis added)

Another major player in all of this was Maurice Strong. An impoverished Canadian born in 1929, Strong became a multi-millionaire in the oil industry in his twenties. He was offered his first job as a clerk at the UN in 1947 where he met and befriended David Rockefeller. He would go on to eventually become the head of the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), a member of the 1001 Nature Trust, the Bilderbergers, and the secretive Club of Rome. In 1988, he was instrumental in forming the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a global organization dedicated to fomenting financial collapse in industrialized nations. 

Strong asserted, "Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?" It was Strong who was one of the principal organizers of the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit held in 1992, where his brainchild, Agenda 21, was introduced. He made it clear that our American way of life that many of us cherish has to be scrapped, an impossible task without destroying our God-given property rights. These were his opening remarks at Rio Earth Summit held in 2002:

It is clear that current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class--involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts of frozen and convenience foods, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work-place air conditioning, and suburban housing--are not sustainable. A shift is necessary toward lifestyles less geared to environmentally damaging consumption patterns. (February 21-23, 2002 Lyon, France)

This is a perfect match with what the original document detailing Agenda 21 actually states. It is as if both statements came from the same author:

Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced... a major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of... human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective decision-making at every level. (Agenda 21, Source

Every human action means controlling literally everything we do: where we live and work, how we get around, what we eat, what we wear, where we are allowed to go, what gets injected into us, who we can assemble with, and on and on. This is coming down the pike, elites are pushing right now to get these types of draconian laws passed in Utah, as the LDS Church encourages its members to be "good global citizens." 

Everything is moving in this direction, and everything is connected, whether it's one-world health, one-world religion (ecumenism), one-world geopolitics, or one-world eco-spiritualism (environmentalism). Since the inception of the United States of America, nearly all secret societies, conspiracies, deep state henchmen, high-level Freemasons, Luciferian elitist families, and in-the-know front politicians have pushed for this very agenda, they have just called it by different names. It has been their goal for centuries, from as early as when Francis Bacon wrote his novel The New Atlantis. 

If you're not aware of this agenda, or what is coming, please take this opportunity to wake up. I'm going to lay everything out in this blog series, to the best of my knowledge and ability. There will be links, videos, and documents to study. Although it is too late to save this nation, it is not too late to personally wake up. And once awake, you can begin to repent and call upon the Lord, because only He can get you out of what is coming. 

Remember, the scriptures are full of one story after another of God leading His people out of bondage and destruction, albeit usually a very small remnant. All we can do is prepare ourselves to be worthy of being led away by God, and only He can lead us, as no group of religious leaders will tell you to get out of Dodge. They will tell you to trust in them while they rob, extort, and enslave you. But you will have to be able to listen to and discern God's own voice when it is time to escape Babylon, any other voice will lead you astray. 

You will have to live by every word that proceeds out of God's mouth, or face being swept off with the rest of the intransigent. God has declared His decrees upon this land in the Book of Mormon, and we have ignored them. This land is not mine, ours, or theirs, it is God's, and it is not the Russians or the Chinese we should fear, it is Him. If the UN is finally able to implement Agenda 2030, it will be because God is no longer protecting this land, and we will all be compelled to be humble. But even then we can still repent and call upon His name, because while Satan is setting up his empire, God will be leading His people to Zion.

With all that said, let me get back to some basics of the history behind this sinister agenda. As I have said before on this blog, an organization's logos and symbols can be a dead give away of the god it serves, and the UN loves to waft its occult logos in plain sight. 

Raiders of the Lost... Hope?

Have you ever wondered why George Lucas had Indiana Jones looking for the lost Ark of the Covenant in Egypt? As much as the movie Raiders of the Lost Ark is an American adventure classic, it is also a blasphemous and sacrilegious parody. It leaves Christianity out of the history of the Ark of the Covenant, softly pushing the agenda that Christianity was a copy-cat of other sun-worshipping religions. Judaism is also left out of the equation and not even referenced once in the movie, even though a French archeologist is portrayed in Hebrew garb (described in Exodus 28) officiating in an Israelite ritual surrounded by anti-Semitic Nazis. Yet the only religious reference to the Ark is denounced by Indy as "superstitious hocus-pocus." 

Strange indeed. 

The Nazis were performing the ritual to use the Ark to access its magical and occult powers, which ended in their chagrin when skeletal ghosts melted their faces off. The moral of the story? Don't look inside the magical box; a test that Indy and Marion passed with flying colors. So what exactly was Lucas' point? All religion is the same, based on myth and superstition. 

In Egypt the worship of a mother goddess equaled in importance to the sun-gods Ra, Osiris and Horus. Isis was the mother protector and goddess of fertility, but her mother, Neith, was the Mother Goddess, the forerunner of Mother Earth, and thus, one of the equivalents to the Greek Gaia. She was said to have been the first primordial creator, the original former of the universe and all things in it, as well as the "goddess of the cosmos, fate, wisdom, water, rivers, mothers, childbirth, hunting, weaving, and war" (see Wikipedia). This begs the question: was Lucas pushing a deeper agenda? 

We know, for example, that he is familiar with concept of Regionalism as ensconced in the goals of Agenda 21. I will get into Regionalism later in this series but for now just know that it is a plan to replace representative government with regions subjected to unelected globalists leaders (like Districts as portrayed in The Hunger Games). 

Lucas revealed the plan in Star Wars, when he wrote into the story that the Republican form of government in the galaxy was threatened with being replaced with regional dictators loyal to the Emperor. It is sometimes downright eerie how the agenda of the globalists is written into movies and entertainment; hidden in plain sight for all to see. 

Was Lucas' portrayal of the Ark in Egypt a subtle appeal to ancient paganism? Like Al Gore, was he somehow lending credence to the idea that a mother goddess created this universe and deserves our worship and adulation, while simultaneously denouncing all other religion as "superstitious hocus-pocus?" It is possible, but more important to consider is that fact that a new Ark was created on September 9th of 2001, just two days before 911. 

This one is called the Ark of Hope, and instead of housing the Ten Commandments, nestled within its wooden chambers lies the Earth Charter, handwritten on papyrus and containing the new "commandments" of global climate repentance. Its four walls are garnished with murals of esoteric symbolism, with Gaia being at the forefront. Have a look:

The carrying poles are supposed to be unicorn horns, touted for their ability to ward off evil (you can't make this stuff up). On September 11, upon news of the terrorist attack, the Ark left its birthplace in Vermont and was carried 350 miles through four states, right into downtown New York to its final resting place, the United Nations Interfaith Center. Dr. Coffman explained the esoteric symbolism of the panel below in this video (start at the 13 minute mark):

The other panels portray the circle of life as espoused in pantheistic religions, where everything is part of a community of animals, plants, trees, and even rocks. The doctrine of reincarnation is represented, where the idea that all things, even rocks and dirt, have rights, and that we could all come back as any element after we die and are reincarnated into our next life. The panel above is showing mixed animals in the form of a pyramid, with two crocodiles on either side. 

The crocodiles represent the wise ones, or guardians of knowledge, much like the serpent associated with Lucifer in the garden of Eden. And on the top of the pyramid sits on owl, which represents wisdom, or one who sees in the dark. Dr. Coffman explains that if you look closer, you see the form of an ancient goddess within the globular circle, who sits on top of the pyramid that does not have a capstone. 

Are you paying attention? 

The goddess (mother earth) is the all-seeing eye of Lucifer as portrayed on the back of a one-dollar bill. This is the same old symbol of the Illuminati. If you look at the owl again you will see a mini pair of wings in the middle of the circle, not unlike the image below of this Egyptian mother goddess:

This one even has a mini-globe on the top of her head. Can you see how they are just repackaging the same old myths and lies? Gaia worship is just another form of Luciferianism, the UN is just rubbing it in your face. The Ark was created for a celebration in Vermont called "For Love of Earth," an event sponsored and attended by guess who? Steven Rockefeller. Is it a coincidence that this event was held on September 9th, just two days prior to 911? Seems curious to me.

911 represented the doing away with and replacing the existing economic system with the New World Order's system, which is in its final stages of digitization now. Did it also represent the inauguration of a new world religion, with new commandments based on pantheism? 

Maybe that question is best left unanswered until we cover what the Earth Charter is, the “sacred” document housed within the Ark's four walls. It was created by a trifecta of green-bleeding "environmentalists": Steven Rockefeller, Maurice Strong, and Mikhail Gorbachev. Rockefeller and Strong enjoyed their wealth from the oil industry, one not so friendly to the environmental movement. And Gorbachev, who oversaw the most horrific environmental disaster in history at Chernobyl, is not exactly the idyllic model of the green movement. Yet these three opportunists are somehow the shining knights of environmentalism? I'm not buying it. 

The stated purpose of the Earth Charter as displayed on its website in the late 1990s is as follows:
The Earth Charter "is the articulation of a spiritual vision that reflects universal spiritual values" whose objective is to implement "a radical change in humanities attitudes and values." It is "a people's charter that serves as a universal code of conduct for ordinary citizens, educators, business executives, scientists, [and] religious leaders..." (Quoted in this video at the 8 minute mark)

Sound like a religion? It gets worse. In 1992, at the UN Global Biodiversity Assessment, part of the report stated the following:

Traditional societies tend to view themselves as members of a community that not only includes other humans, but also plants and animals as well as rocks, springs, and pools. People are then members of a community of beings--living and non-living. Thus rivers may be viewed as mothers. Animals may be treated as kin. (Section 12.2.3, pp. 838)

Now animals, rocks, rivers, streams and pools have equal rights with humans? Eat your heart out Adam, your dominion over the earth has been revoked. This rhetorical idiocy has now been put into practice. In November of 2022, faith leaders met from all over the world to participate in a climate repentance ceremony. The climate conference, known as COP 27, was held on the Sinai Peninsula, where deference was given to Gaia in the form of the new ten commandments. You can read them here

Although they refer to "God" in a general way, when you read between lines you realize that they can only be deferring to Mother Earth or Gaia. Nowhere in the ceremony or the commandments is Jesus Christ mentioned. And the fact that they held this sacrilege near Mt. Sinai and made up new commandments means that their intention was to officially announce the New World Order religion as pantheistic earth-worship. Of course, this is the exoteric religion given to the masses, the esoteric religion is Luciferianism, or the worship of the Beast that John wrote about. 

For those of you who might still be in denial about the LDS Church's willful participation in this blasphemy, here is a roster of faith leaders who attended. Among them is Mr. Scripture himself, Elder David A. Bednar. You need to realize the seriousness of his actions. He participated in a religious ritual that was both humanistic and anti-Christ. Remember that anti does mean "against," but rather means to replace. They have officially replaced the Ten Commandments with their own humanistic and pantheistic version, what transpired was no small thing. 

Any intellectually honest member of the Church should ask the question: what in the world is an "apostle" of Jesus Christ doing giving public deference to a false god? However, if you have been following what LDS leaders have been saying in speeches given at UN conferences, then this shouldn't come as a surprise. Sharon Eubanks frankly admitted the Church's support of sustainable development and Agenda 2030 in an address given at the 2018 G20 Interfaith Forum. Her words would've made President Benson turn over in his grave:

Part of the look forward is in recognizing the importance of mobilizing women of faith to work on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) issues and to acknowledge their faith not as a barrier but the key to progress and success. The 2030 agenda won't happen without religion, and religion won't happen without women. They are the movers. The way forward is to do just what this forum has as its goals. Invite and respect as many faith actors as possible, build understanding among them, and integrate them into every aspect of the 2030 SDG agenda. It will lead to the greatest success possible for equity, justice, and peace. (Source from the LDS Church's website, emphasis added)

Obviously, the Church is not hiding its open support for the UN and Agenda 2030, or the fact that is not above participation in pagan rituals. But rest assured that what they are up to is much more than just deference and lip service to the United Nations. This is not just another PR campaign to gain more popularity with the world. 

They have actually joined the secret combination that is set up to destroy the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries, as Moroni so forthrightly and prophetically declared. They have become the very conspirators that Ezra Taft Benson so boldly warned us against. 

How do we know? You have to follow the money. Rebekah Griffin did a great job of making a few financial connections in her video entitled Global LDS Church. It apparently ruffled some feathers because it has been taken down from YouTube, but thankfully she has reloaded it on Rumble:

Below are a few screenshots I took from the video. In this first one you can see that the LDS Church donated millions to the global vaccine effort, one that we now know has brought untold suffering and death to countless people (See this blog post for a list of tragic victims who died suddenly). 

GAVI is a public-private organization dedicated to increasing vaccination availability to poor countries and has Bill Gates' name written all over it. These vaccine programs were more of a sterilization effort than anything else, as Bill admitted in this Ted Talk. UNICEF is the United Nation's Children Fund, and it is sickening that the LDS Church donated $20 million toward vaccinating children with this deadly injection, proven now to be unsafe and not effective. By the way, have you ever taken a look at the UNICEF logo? Here it is:

Looks benign enough right? What could be more innocent than a caring parent holding up a baby? This image is the inverse of a well-known symbol of Nimrod's Mystery Religion. See the image below:

What you are seeing is Nimrod's wife Semiramis holding the child Tammuz, the reincarnation of Nimrod himself. I don't have time to get into this here, but I wrote a piece on this subject last year if you want to know the full story. Inversion is something Luciferians use to hide their beliefs in plain sight. The adult in the UNICEF logo is bald, we don't know if the person is male or female, and the baby, representing Nimrod, is being held up, as if in some form of adoration or worship. 

This logo is a symbol for deference to a pagan king, who Nimrod represents, ultimately, the future Anti-Christ or false prophet. The genderless adult represents the masses who have lost their identity in this modern sea of transgenderism, who will be required to worship this king or face death. 

Now, this is my opinion, which I have deduced from the study of the occult, and should not be taken as authoritative. But regardless of the meaning of the symbols, one has to ask why "the Lord's Church" is donating millions to such an organization? I will have a little more to say on inversion in part II, but for now consider this other screenshot from Rebekah's video showing the LDS Church as part of a global task force for "sustainable development":

The phrase task force literally means the following: "a temporary grouping of individuals and resources for the accomplishment of a specific objective." This is why I say the Church's rhetorical support for Agenda 2030 is more than rhetorical. They have become actors on the scene, donating both financial and laborious support for the implementation of this agenda. 

And if you're wondering if the UN might still be a good organization that is trying to do the right thing but is impeded by bloated bureaucracy, the video below will destroy that paradigm. This gentleman, Calin Georgescu, was a former UN executive director turned whistleblower. He spills all the beans here, explaining that whatever palatable talking point they use to push their ideas, they mean the exact opposite. For instance, equity means that everyone is poor but them, and own nothing and be happy really means that they own it all. As you watch this video, ask yourself again what the hell the LDS Church is doing supporting this diabolical institution:

Final Thoughts

Now that you have a historical background of what Agenda 2030 is based on, we are ready to dive into part II of this series. There we will probe further into the significance of Russel Nelson being a member of the Skull and Bones, as well as the corrupt politicians in Utah, local secret societies, and some of the laws that have been passed in the Utah state legislature. 

With all the negative information I am about to bombard you with over the coming weeks, you're going to need some positive encouragement. Remember, sometimes God expects us to search into the "darkest abyss" and to "waste and wear out our lives in bringing to light the hidden things of darkness." We are expected to expose corruption, so that, as Moroni says "evil may be done away." 

That is not always easy. 

It is hard to dwell on such difficult concepts, it is not comfortable to study out secret combinations and the grossly evil acts they commit. But it is necessary, and it is noble, and sometimes the good guys win. 

In the Book of Mormon, there was a rooting out of secret combinations that happened just prior to the crucifixion of Christ. If you remember, Lachoneus and his people defeated the Gadianton robbers in a brutal stand off that forced the latter to flee into the mountains. After a few years, a new leader rose up named Zemnarihah, and a new strategy was attempted, not unlike what modern Gadiantons are doing now:
But in the twenty and first year, they did not come up to battle, but they came up on all sides to lay siege round about the people of Nephi; for they did suppose that if they should cut off the people of Nephi from their lands and should hem them on every side, and if they should cut them off from their outward privileges, that they could cause them to yield themselves up according to their wishes. (3 Nephi 2:12,RE)

They tried to cut off the Nephites from their lands, by hemming them in, and cutting them off from their outward privileges, hoping they would give in and yield themselves up to the robbers. 

Do you see the parallels? 

Today's Gadiantons don't have us surrounded by a physical army, but they are slowly taking our lands away, and through legislation hemming us into regions, and ultimately hoping we will give in and yield ourselves up to Agenda 2030. 

Do you know what happened? 

Because of the Nephites' food storage (provisions) and preparedness, the robbers ran out of food first, and had to withdraw their plans before attacking. The Nephites took advantage and pursued them, capturing and executing their leader:

... Zemnarihah, was taken and hanged upon a tree, yea, even upon the top thereof until he was dead. And when they hanged him until he was dead, they did fall the tree to the earth and did cry with a loud voice, saying, May the Lord preserve his people in righteousness and in holiness of heart, that he may cause to be fell to the earth all who shall seek to slay them because of power and secret combinations, even as this man hath been fell to the earth! (3 Nephi 2:14 RE)

They beat the Gadiantons, and we can too. If you live in Utah and you love freedom you should be enraged at what is going on in the capital building. I strongly encourage you to get involved in the protestation and nullification process. Bombard your representatives with angry emails and phone calls. Organize protests at the capital building, let them know they can't get away with such unconstitutional nonsense. 

Defer to Jefferson and Madison when they wrote the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions in which they defined the right of nullification. We DO NOT have to consent to any state or federal unconstitutional law. Remember, even though God has decreed that we will be swept off when we are ripe in iniquity, we still need to stand up and fight for our liberties, until every last one of them is gone. We and our children need more time to prepare for the Lord's coming.  

Ask yourself, are you like Captain Moroni, who sought not for power but to pull it down? Are you fearless like he was? So fearless that he threatened to march on his own governor Pahoran if he did not send supplies to his famished soldiers. You see, Moroni thought Pahoran was a conspirator, which he had no tolerance for. We should be like Moroni, we should have no tolerance for secret combinations. Mormon had this to say about this incredible man:
Yea, verily, verily I say unto you, if all men had been, and were, and ever would be like unto Moroni, behold, the powers of hell would have been shaken for ever; yea, the Devil would never have power over the hearts of the children of men. (Alma 21:34, RE)

Do you feel the power of that statement? Do you feel the Spirit testifying to you of what kind of men we ought to be? Moroni was attempting to emulate Christ. His cause was the "cause of Christians." Christ came to preach "deliverance to the captives," and " to set at liberty them who are bruised." He is the Author of liberty. We should be like Him and stand up for freedom. If you feel inspired by Captain Moroni, listen to the song below. 

Feel the desires for freedom well up deep inside your soul. Know that this fight, which is now in Utah, in your backyard, on your front doorstep, is being waged to imprison your body, your mind, and ultimately, your soul. Just remember, we outnumber them by 99%. If just 2% of us stand up against tyranny, we would outnumber them 2 to 1, just think what 4% would do? Like the grasshoppers in A Bug's Life, it is the masses they fear. 

This song is called Liberty by Jordan Page:

Stay tuned for part II, and in the meantime here is a video for further study:

Also this series of articles is also a great resource to learn the history of Agenda 21:

Ancient Temples III: A Masterpiece in Manti

  Previously: A Gothic Castle in Logan Deja vu is a strange thing - that otherworldly feeling of having experienced something before but not...