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Sunday, December 1, 2024

Ancient Temples II: A Gothic Castle in Logan

 Previously: Saint George and the Dragon

Welcome readers to Ancient Temples part II, where we'll explore the official story of Utah's second historic temple, said to have been built in Logan, Utah between 1877 and 1884.

It's almost been a year since I began my This Is The Place series in which I ask the question:

Did Brigham Young find abandoned cities full of buildings in Utah when he arrived in 1847?

We know that Young personally met with the Vatican's representative in America, Jesuit priest Pierre de Smet, before heading west to Utah, and we have also discovered that Young was (at least) an acquaintance of Albert Pike, the highest ranking Freemason in America during the 19th century. Pike was very specific about the identity of the god he worshipped, frequently praising Lucifer in in his writings! 

Here is an example from his book Morals and Dogma:
Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! It is he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable, blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish souls? Doubt it not! (Kindle Edition, Location 5068)
A series of letters that Pike wrote to fellow masons have recently been discovered, in one of these letters he mentions Brigham Young by name. This mentioning of Young is highly significant, it should make us question everything we have been told about this historic Mormon leader. More than just a rogue religious authority obsessed with money, polygamy, and power over his flock, Brigham Young may also have been a major player in the kingdom of the Devil: a fellow practitioner of the Luciferian craft. 

I have already shared an excerpt from Pike’s letter in a past post, but it is important enough to repeat here. The letter is dated May 21, 1881:
...Tomorrow I will be meeting with the remaining chiefs of the Western First Nations. They remind me a great deal of the lost tribes of Israel. Seeking a New Jerusalem--so noble yet so desperate, wandering aimlessly across the desert. Or were they? Brigham Young understood this and ventured forth to the Prime Meridian, seeking the same as you and I. It is most fortunate that he did not fully understand the signs, symbols, and tokens left behind by our fellow Knights Templar who covenanted with the Goddess...(Hear the full text of the letter in this video, begin at the 1:05 minute mark, emphasis added)

Ok hold the phone here...why is Pike claiming that Brigham Young ventured forth to the "Prime Meridian"? Isn't that supposed to be in Greenwich, England, not Salt Lake City? Is there something we are not being told about the ley lines of the earth? Is the earth much bigger than we are being told? 

Did the Freemasons change the longitudinal coordinates of the earth by making Utah the center of the globe? 

Here is a photo of the Salt Lake meridian marker at about 111 degrees from Greenwhich England:

But this marker doesn't explain Pike's use of the term "prime meridian". The word meridian comes from the Latin word "meridies" meaning, "midday", or high noon. Prime simply means "of first importance" or "best possible quality". So what is Pike really talking about here? 

Do the ley lines that converge on Utah soil hold some sort of telluric (earth-based) energy? Could this be why elite controllers connected to the UN and the World Economic Forum are working directly with LDS leadership to establish a globalist hub in Utah? Is there actually something very special about the Beehive State? 

I don't believe the Latter-Day-Saint migration to Utah was just happenstance. Brigham Young was told exactly where to go by de Smet, who would have had maps of the west from Jesuit explorers and, in my opinion, Young knew exactly what he would find when he got here. 

I believe that there is some kind of unseen energy/power in this area of the earth which the elites want to own and control. And I think we'll begin to find out what this power is as the scenes of the last days begin to unfold.

As we proceed with the "official" construction narratives of the next three temples in Utah, remember to keep this connection between Young and Pike in the back of your minds. 

In addition to the castellated (a building that has battlements at the top; square spaces for shooting through) gothic temple, Logan is home to the Cache County Courthouse, the Logan Tabernacle, and Old Main, the original Utah State University "Aggie" building said to have been constructed during the 1890s. Among its buildings that no longer stand was the Brigham Young College, founded by Brigham in August of 1877, just 23 days before his death. Look at this architectural beauty, why would they tear this down?

There is no construction history of these buildings, and for some reason the LDS Church only operated this college until 1926, closing it in order to divert resources to the university in Provo. It was razed in the 1960s. As you can clearly see, these facilities were solid and well built, and show the typical half-covered basement windows and out-of-place stairs going up to the second floor that we see on so many old-world-mud-flooded buildings. 

This begs the question: was the decision to completely destroy such high-quality buildings an attempt to hide evidence of the Old World in Logan?

What else did Brigham find already existing in Cache Valley? 

As the story goes, the first settlers in Cache Valley were a small group led by Peter Maughn, sent by Brigham Young in 1856 to survey the valley. A small fort was built in the area known today as Wellsville, and by 1859, the city of Logan was founded by another group of pioneers sent by Brigham Young. We're told the city was named after Ephraim Logan, a fur trapper who had scouted the area earlier. 

As you read through the narrative that follows of the Logan temple construction, think about what may be false, meaningless, or insincere. In addition to some of the story not making much sense, you'll notice patterns that repeat in the St. George and Manti temple narratives. 

The patterns in the official stories they us to believe hold the clues to the true narrative. It is in the patterns that the controllers are required by some pre-existent eternal law to reveal key elements of truth. It may be that this law is set in place to protect the agency of mankind to search for, discover and act upon truth. This principle of disclosure is called "revelation of the method", an important phenomenon I've mentioned on the blog before.

I believe that God requires this of the Adversary and all of his mortal follower: Lucifer must reveal his lies to us in some form, whether that be in mythology, theatre, legends, tales, or even these construction narratives. 

We won't know the whole picture until God reveals our true history, but we will have at least enough to know that our historical narrative has been greatly compromised--enough to provide a catalyst to wake up to our awful situation.

The first clue and pattern to consider in the narratives of the first four temples in Utah is that each began with some kind of prophecy uttered by either a Church leader or a local resident. In the story of the St. George temple, it was Brigham Young who saw "spires, domes, and towers" in "vision" when he rode into St. George in 1859. In the case of the Logan temple, it was a man named John Thirkell, who, in 1857, declared that a temple would yet be built upon the Logan bench. As usual, the documentation for this statement is not contemporary, but is a "recollection" from minutes of a stake meeting and from the temple dedication in 1884.

In August of 1863, we're told that Wilford Woodruff uttered another prophetic statement, which was not committed to writing until 1884. This is what he supposedly said:
...the day will come after your fathers and these prophets and apostles are dead and gone into the spirit world. You will have the privilege of going into the tower of a glorious temple built unto the name of the most high God, east of us upon the Logan bench; and while you stand in the tower of that temple and your eyes survey this glorious valley filled with cities and will then call to mind this visitation of President Young and his company. (Quoted in The History of the LDS Temple in Logan, Utah, Master's Thesis, Melvin A. Larkin, 1954, p. 15)

Melvin Larkin, the author of the master’s thesis quoted above, explains in a footnote that this statement was claimed to have been written down in the minutes of the stake meeting in Logan when it was uttered in 1863. However, Larkin was "unable to locate these early minutes of the Cache Valley Stake".

In my opinion those "early minutes" do not exist, the prophecy never happened, and the Logan temple was already there when the pioneers arrived. This is history that has been backdated, just like so many affidavits of women claiming to have been a plural wife of Joseph Smith decades after the "fact". 

The Old Testament prophet Ezekiel warned us about prophets who "see nothing," and then try to make others "remember" what they said:

Woe unto the foolish prophets that follow their own spirit and have seen nothing...They have seen vanity and lying divination, saying, The Lord says - and the Lord has not sent them; and they have made others to hope that they would confirm the word. (RE, Ezekiel 5:3, emphasis added)

Is Ezekiel describing those who backdate prophecies and deceive others into believing that those prophecies were legitimate--making others to hope that they would confirm the word

Of course I cannot definitively prove my hypothesis that the Logan temple existed prior to 1847, but I can show you the patterns, the ridiculous stories, the inconsistent logistical details, and the photoshopped "construction" photos--all of which should leave you questioning the narrative. 

Pattern recognition is one of the key determinants in IQ testing. 

According to this article: "compared to all mental abilities, pattern recognition is said to have the highest correlation with the so-called general intelligence factor". The ability to recognize patterns corresponds directly with the ability to think rationally and logically. If you couple this skill with the ability to let go of emotional attachments to false traditions, then you will have a much better chance of avoiding deception and discovering the truth--at least as much truth as is possible to know. 

With the concept of pattern recognition in mind, let's dive into the story of the Logan temple. I focus on the patterns because it is in them that we find that a single mastermind (whether AI or human) is writing all of these narratives and leaving signature clues behind. 

Premature Death and a Familiar Cornerstone Ceremony

In many Old World buildings that I've researched in Utah we find a common theme of architects dying prematurely and not living to see their masterpieces completed. Some examples from my previous series are as follows: Obed Taylor died before the Assembly Hall was finished, Henry Monheim died before the Salt Lake City-County building was finished, Carl Neuhausen died before the Cathedral of the Madeleine was finished, and John H. Burton died before the Territorial Insane Asylum was finished. 

The first four temples in Utah were said to have been designed by architect Truman O. Angell, who died in 1887, six years before the Salt Lake temple was completed in 1893. According to the narrative, he did not live to see his magnus opus completed, said to have taken forty years to build. If we divide 40 by 6, we get 6.66, which gives us the percentage of the temple that was left to complete at the time of his death. Is this number significant to a certain group of people? I certainly believe so. 

(As you may recall from my post on the Salt Lake Tabernacle, Truman Angell's son, Franklin Angell, suddenly became ill and died one week before the Tabernacle was finished for general conference. We also have the example of John R. Winder, First Counselor in the First Presidency given charge over the construction of the Hotel Utah, dying one year before it was completed.)

In the case of the Logan temple we have John Thirkell, the man who supposedly uttered the first "prophecy" that a temple would be built upon the Logan bench, dying on April 10th of 1884, just one month before the temple dedication. The Gaelic name Thirkell means "Thor's Helmut". Thor is the Norse god who wields the hammer that controls thunder and lightening, similar to the Greek god Zeus. The connection to lightning is interesting, because the name Lucifer literally means "light-bearer", and in my opinion, these false gods are representation of him. 

Thirkell is also a variant of Thurkettle, meaning "Thor's Kettle", and a kettle is a cauldron, not unlike the "molten sea" that we read about in my last post on the St. George temple. In the story of Hiram Abiff and the molten sea, he is given a hammer by Tubal-Cain to repair the cauldron, damaged by the three ruffians representing the Church, the State, and the Mob. 

Our modern word kill is also a variant of kell, and the history writers love to kill off their characters prematurely in these construction stories. I believe that history writing is a game to the controllers, and that they love to weave clues and symbolism into these narratives, with many names of people and places having significant esoteric implications.

The further I get into researching architecture of the Old World, the more I am convinced of the role the Freemasons have played in controlling the historical narrative. Clues can be found in the symbolism of the Masonic cornerstone laying ceremonies performed for hundreds of Old World buildings said to have been built by our civilization via horse and buggy. 

This narrative begins with Benjamin Franklin, Grand Master of Pennsylvania, establishing the tradition when he conducted the cornerstone ceremony of the State House in Philadelphia. Later on after the Constitution was ratified, George Washington, assisted by Grand Master of Maryland Joseph Clark, laid the cornerstone for the U.S. capitol building in 1793 (a cornerstone that was lost and still missing today). 

Is it possible that the U.S. capitol building was already here, and that these ceremonies were just rituals performed by actors playing roles in the founding of abandoned and unowned buildings? 

In my opinion, these ceremonies were performed for the very purpose of claiming ownership of pre-existing structures - Masonic rituals of compliance and subjection which were required by the Jesuit controllers in order to grant permission to the groups who desired to claim the various abandoned buildings remaining from a previous civilization. 

In the case of the first four temples allegedly constructed in Utah, we find a repeating pattern in the groundbreaking and cornerstone ceremonies. These rituals always began at high noon, and were usually conducted by Brigham Young and the First Presidency, with roles being played by the Twelve, Seventies, and the Presiding Bishopric. These leaders were always accompanied by the architect and the master mason.

In a typical Masonic cornerstone ceremony, the Grand Master conducted the service, someone always gave a dedicatory prayer invoking God's protection on the structure and the workmen, and the architect and master mason were always there to proclaim the stone true and "laid to the plummet", while a trowel was used to ceremoniously cement the stone into place. A cavity was often hollowed out of the stone in which relics could be placed and preserved for future generations. 

The "chief" or "principal cornerstone", as Brigham Young called it, was usually laid in the southeast corner. In the preceding groundbreaking ceremonies, we're told that the first shovel full of earth was removed from southeast corner of the temple grounds. In the case of the Salt Lake temple, the southeast cornerstone was laid by the First Presidency, and the northeast cornerstone was laid by the Twelve. In Masonic tradition, the northeast corner represents both darkness and light, and is symbolic of the Entered Apprentice degree of Freemasonry. If you read the rules of Masonic cornerstone ceremonies, it doesn't matter which corner the cornerstone is laid unless the building is a Grand Lodge, in which case it must be laid in the northeast corner.

The cornerstone ceremony for the Logan temple took place on September 19th, 1877. It began at twelve noon with a procession of Church leaders viewed by large crowds of Latter-Day-Saints gathered for the event. John Taylor conducted the services, while "master mason" John Parry laid the stone, accompanied by Truman O. Angell. Franklin D. Richards than offered the prayer. Angell and Parry then declared the stone to be in the "trued" position, and the ceremony ended. 

In my opinion, this event was a ritual in which the cornerstone was rededicated in an already existing building. This allowed Young and other Church leaders to lay claim to the building by following the protocols of the Jesuit controllers.

It is significant that the architects and master masons were always involved in these ceremonies, because I have recently discovered that their names contain hidden meanings and subtle clues as to what was really going on.    

The Roles and Names of Architects, Master Masons, and Superintendents 

The architect named for all four temples in Utah was Truman O. Angell, another example of a 19th century architect who had zero formal training in architecture. We’re told that Angell was just a common carpenter who Church leaders would later call to become official Church architect. As the story goes, Brigham Young sent Truman to Europe to study classical, gothic, and Greco-Roman buildings. This somehow qualified the man to design scores of epic buildings in Utah. 

(See this post for more information on how most architects in the 19th century had no formal training and were "self taught".)

Often times those re-writing our history use word plays to insert clues into the narrative. A few examples are men said to have played a role in rebuilding certain cities after great fires such as Daniel Burnham, or business magnates like F.L. Ames. You can clearly see the words burn and flames hidden plainly in the name. 

In the name of Truman O. Angell we also have a play on words: True man of angles. The name Angell is of Anglo-Saxon origin, and one variation was Angle, so in the case of Angell, we have a word that means both messenger (as in the case of heavenly angel), and geometric angle. The name Truman literally means "faithful" or "trusty man", and the word true has many meanings, some of which have architectural implications. These include, "exact, just, conformable to a certain standard or original...accurately fitted or shaped...straight to the target, accurate". 

Thus, in the name Truman O. Angell, the controllers have created a character that fills the role of an architect, a character that, in my opinion, did not design any of the buildings he is given credit for. (I'll delve more into Mr. Angell's history in a future post covering the Salt Lake temple.)

Another role we find in the construction stories of early Utah temples is that of "master mason". A man named Edward L. Parry is named as such for both the St. George and Manti temples. As the story goes, this man emigrated from Wales and hailed from a town also called St. George. If we are to believe the narrative, Parry oversaw the stone masons on both temples named above, serving from 1871 to 1884.

I believe name repetition is built into the AI programs that may be writing this history. It is much easier to generate one name and use that name to explain away multiple building narratives than to generate multiple names with individual backgrounds and stories. This is a weakness in the AI and gives us opportunities to discover patterns and anomalies in these narratives.

The "master mason" named for the Logan temple also carried the surname Parry, with his first name being John. After looking up Edward L. Parry on Family Search I was unable to verify that he and John were related at all. In fact, I could find nothing at all on John Parry's history or background. Edward did have a son named John, but he wasn't born until 1864, rendering him only 13 years old when construction began on the Logan temple, hardly old enough to be a common grunt worker, let alone a "master stonemason". So who was the John Parry mentioned in the Logan temple narrative? We are not told much about him except that he died in 1882 just as the stonework on the Logan temple was nearing completion (consistent with the pattern of premature death). 

However, we discover more clues when we look into the meaning of the name Parry. In the art of fencing, the verb parry means "to turn aside or ward off". It also means to evade or avoid, and can be used in a sentence as follows: "the politician parried the embarrassing question". As a noun parry can mean a skill used to avoid or evade incriminating questions and/or facts that implicate one in some misdeed. In other words, to parry is to dance around hard questions in order to avoid answering them...something all skilled politicians and expert liars do.

Even more interesting is the use of the phrase "turn aside" in the scriptures. It is often used in conjunction with rejecting the Lord Jesus Christ and His Gospel. In the Old Testament the phrase is used as follows:
You have done all this wickedness; yet turn not aside from following the Lord, but serve the Lord with all your heart and turn not aside... (1 Samuel 5:11, RE, emphasis added)

Is the name Parry a subtle clue in these temple construction narratives? Does it imply that the Brighamites not only "turned aside" from Christ's Gospel (by rejecting the fullness of it) but also rewrote history by fabricating a false historical narrative?

(Names given to Old Testament characters have meanings that correspond with wickedness or righteousness. I believe there are clues in names. For an interesting synopsis on the meaning of Biblical names, click here.)

Finally, we come to the superintendents named for the first three temples in Utah: Miles Romney for St. George, Charles O. Card for Logan, and William H. Folsom for Manti. 

As stated in my post on the St. George temple, Miles Romney was the ancestor of a long line of Skull and Bones members in the Romney family. These Romney's were initiated into the Order at the University of Utah, a branch of the secret society that was started in the early 1900s. As far as we know there are only two locations where Skull and Bones inducts new members into its Order: Yale and the University of Utah. The branch in Yale began in 1833 and was connected to the Bavarian Illuminati and the Jesuit Order. Mitt Romney is a direct descendent of Miles Romney and is most likely handled and controlled by the Skull and Bones Order. As many of you know, Russel M. Nelson is also a member of the Order.

The name Romney means "winding" or "broad river". In my opinion, this name is a subtle implication for the left-hand path--the opposite of the straight and narrow path. The left-hand path is something that Luciferians strive for and believe in, and many high-ranking individuals, both in religion and government, proudly follow this path.

(This is all I will say about the left-hand path, if you want to do your own research on it please proceed with caution. It is a very dark topic and not for the faint of heart.)

Charles O. Card, the man who supervised the construction of the Logan temple, also has an interesting name. The name Charles means "free man", but it also began to be associated with "king" after the rule of Charlemagne, a king in the line of the Merovingian Franks. Later on the name Charles was given to several Holy Roman emperors, as well as royalty in France, Spain, and Portugal. In other words, it is associated with royal houses. 

With this background in mind, the name Charles O. Card may be a word play for royal house of cards. A house of cards is associated with deceit, trickery, and illusion. It is a power structure without a sure foundation, or a ruling class that is only in power because of the false belief of the common people. 

As the story goes, sometime after Charles O. Card finished work on the Logan temple, he was called by Church leaders to travel to Canada and establish a Mormon settlement there. The place he founded was named Cardston, located in Alberta. Card died in 1901, but not before he had willed to the Church the land that the Cardston temple would be "built" on in 1913. Here is the temple in Cardston, the 6th temple built by the Brighamites:

(I will cover the Cardston temple in a future post.) 

Lastly, we come to William H. Folsom, another Church architect and the man said to have superintended construction on the Manti temple. As story goes, Folsom worked on the Nauvoo temple where he befriended Truman Angell and Miles Romney. Even though he decided to come to Utah in 1854, he ended up staying at Council Bluffs for another six years where, we're told, he worked on columns for the Nebraska Territory capital building. These columns were built in Iowa and supposedly shipped to Nebraska. Here is what the building used to look like:

As the story goes, after Folsom finally made it to Utah he would go on to design the old Salt Lake Theatre, the Salt Lake Tabernacle, the old Salt Lake City Council building, the original ZCMI building, the Provo Tabernacle, the Provo Theatre, and the Moroni Tabernacle--all of which I believe already existed. Like Angell, Folsom had no formal training as an architect, but worked as a construction worker in his father's contracting firm.

The name Folsom, like the other names mentioned above, also has an interesting etymology. The name dates back to around 1066, and was first used, we're told, to describe a person with a gimpy leg. In Old French fol meant foolish, and jambe meant leg. The Old English version was fugol and ham which meant homestead, and another English variation was Foulsham, which an old settlement in Norfolk was named after. Clearly, we see the two words foul and sham in the latter word. In addition to alluding to a bad or offensive smell, foul also means "wicked or immoral". Sham as a noun means, "a thing that is not what is is purported to be". As an adjective it means "bogus" or "false", and as a verb its means "falsely presenting something as the truth".

Is the history of the Brighamites in Utah nothing but a foul sham? I think the ridiculous stories you're about to read involving the Logan temple will help answer that question.  

Faith-Promoting Myths about People, Animals, Nephites, and well…even Satan

In my last post we heard some cockamamy stories--like using Napoleon's cannon to compact thousands of tons of lava rock into a temple foundation, or a young explorer discovering a profile of Brigham Young's face carved into a natural rock formation on the Virgin River, or the St. George temple having leaning walls when it was supposedly built by "master masons", etc. 

In the Logan and Manti temple narratives we find similar stories, beginning with master Mason John Parry.

As the story goes, when John Parry was still alive and overseeing the stonemasons on the Logan temple, he was constantly inspecting the walls of the temple. According to one account:
He inspected each wall daily, and always carried a three foot crowbar with him. This he inserted in any crack or hole to see if the masonry was solid. One day he gave the bar a quick turn, and a small section of wall tumbled down. The men got after him for spoiling their good work. Brother Parry just looked at them and smiled, and said: "Let me tell you something. In a hundred or two hundred years from now, people can look at this building and tell how well we built it. But in that length of time there won't be a living soul who can tell how long it took us to build it. Let's build it so it will stay there; so we can be proud of it, even if it does take a little more time." (Logan Temple: The First 100 Years, p. 45)
According to the narrative, his dedication to building a perfect structure stemmed from a visit from his deceased father in a dream where he was told he would build a temple in Logan. Just days after the dream Brigham Young called him to be the master mason in Logan. And as we're told, poor o'l John wouldn't live to see his masterpiece completed.

John Parry not only had a crew of men at his disposal, but animals as well. As we're told, horses were used in combination with block and tackle to hoist rock up to the workmen on scaffolding. One such horse was known as Old Jim, an onery old work horse who was said to have been so intelligent that he didn't need a driver. Jim had been donated as tithing to the Church, and despite his cantankerous disposition, he just "loved" hauling rock for the temple. As long as the workers didn't touch his head or ears, he would do anything that was asked of him. Here is how author Nolan P. Olsen described him:
It was quite an interesting spectacle for most of the people in the community to stand by and watch this horse operate all by himself, without a driver, raising and hoisting rocks, delivering loads or doing other duties. Old Jim seemed to know just what to do, and he pulled, backed-up, or turned around at just the right moment or spot every time. (Ibid, pp. 46-47)

Let me get this straight--a horse that hoisted rock up to workers without a driver? Did Old Jim hook himself up to the block and tackle pulleys using only his mouth? Who stacked the loads of rock to be hoisted up for him? How did he know which workers needed rock at what times? This story is one of the most ridiculous accounts I've heard so far in these temple narratives. Are we honestly supposed to believe this nonsense?

And now we come to the most preposterous story I have found so far in the Logan temple narrative: 

Nephite warriors protecting polygamous marriage records in the Logan temple.

As the story goes, a certain "Brother Roskelley", a recorder in the Logan temple, had a run-in with two U.S. deputy marshals who were demanding to see marriage records. Roskelley denied them access and locked the door, but the two men wired for help and the next day a whole slough of U.S. marshals showed up at the temple door. After being denied again by Roskelley, the head marshal declared the following:

We know you are doing polygamous marriages and that these records are available. We know you have them, and we are going to have them. We will burn the temple down and even destroy it entirely but what you comply with our request. (Quoted in The Logan Temple: The First Hundred Years, p. 171)

After hearing this Roskelley locked the door and prayed for protection. After somehow making it home that night, the next morning Roskelley dressed like a lumberjack and slowly made his way to the temple, passing unsuspecting marshals as he went. When he arrived at the temple door he was greeted by two giant men, dressed in complete Nephite armor, replete with breastplates and headplates, guarding the temple with massive spears. They gave him a friendly nod as he unlocked the door and entered the temple.

Roskelley found two more giant men guarding his office door and another two guarding the record vaults on the third floor of the temple. After asking who they were this is what they told him:

"We are Nephite Warriors, and we are here in answer to your prayers." They then told him not to worry, that they would not allow the temple to be injured or the records to be destroyed in any way. (Ibid, p. 172)

I believe this story is complete nonsense, but there is a more sinister element at play here. Notice the number of warriors protecting the temple is six, a clue revealing the true source of this "faith-promoting" myth. Six is a very important number to a certain group of people, and a certain spiritual Adversary. 

But all we have to do to know that the source of this story is demonic is to look at what the scriptures actually tell us about polygamy. Jeremy Hoops pointed this out on a recent Still Mormon podcast and when I heard it my mind was absolutely blown. The first man in scripture to practice polygamy was Lamech, a descendant of Cain who had two wives, Adah and Zillah. Here is what the Joseph Smith translation of the book of Genesis tells us about this man Lamech:

And Lamech said unto this wives Adah and Zillah, Hear my voice, you wives of Lamech. Listen unto my speech, for I have slain a man unto my wounding and a young man to my hurt. If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech shall be seventy-sevenfold. For Lamech, having entered into a covenant with Satan after the manner of Cain wherein he became Master Mahon, master of that great secret which was administered unto Cain by Satan - and Irad, the son of Enoch, having known their secret, began to reveal unto the sons of Adam - wherefore, Lamech, being angry, slew him - not like unto Cain his brother Abel, for the sake of getting gain, but he slew him for the oath's sake. (For from the days of Cain there was a secret combination, and their works were in the dark, and they knew every man his brother.) (Genesis 3:12, RE)

After quoting this scripture Jeremy made the connection that polygamy, more than just adultery, is linked to Satanism. It is associated with secret combinations and Master Mahon (Master Mason?), the top position in Satan's hierarchy. What does this tell us about Brigham Young and the polygamous leaders who founded all the cities in Utah? What kind of spiritual darkness were they really wrapped up in? 

Here is the video where Jeremy quotes and comments on the above verse, starting around 13 minutes in:

Finally, we come to the strangest "faith-promoting" story I've ever heard: 

The visit of Satan and his "people" to the Logan temple grounds sometime in the early 1890s

We’re told that on this fateful day temple president Marriner Merrill was sitting in his office when he noticed "a great congregation" suddenly appearing on the temple grounds on horses and wagons. When President Merrill went out to meet them, he asked their leader who they were and why they had taken possession of the temple grounds. Here is the rest of the story as told in Nolan Olsen's book:
He answered: "I am Satan, and these are my people." Brother Merrill asked: "What do you want, and why have you come here? Satan replied: "I don't like what is being done in the Logan Temple and have come to stop it." That was a bit of a shock to President Merrill, and he answered: "No, we will not stop it. This is the work of the Lord and must go on. You know that you or anyone else can not stop the work of the Lord."

"If you refuse to stop it, I will tell you what I propose to do," the adversary said. "I will scatter this congregation of people throughout these valleys, and we will keep people from coming to the temple. We will whisper in their ears and discourage them from attending the temple. This will stop your temple work." 

President Merrill then used the power of the priesthood and commanded Satan and his followers to depart from the holy ground. He said that within four or five minutes there was not a person, horse or buggy in sight. They just disappeared into thin air and were gone. (The Logan Temple: The First 100 Years, p. 165)

Apparently, temple attendance in Logan dramatically decreased over the next decade.

All we have to do is go to the scriptures to see that this story is a complete fabrication. Satan does not appear as himself, he appears as an angel of light. It is his intention to deceive, not to openly tell his enemies who he is and what his plans are. He pretends to be an angel with authority from God as revealed in the following editorial written by Joseph Smith in the Times and Seasons in April of 1842:

There have also been ministering angels in the church which were of Satan, appearing as an angel of light. A sister in the state of New York had a vision, who said it was told her that if she would go to a certain place in the woods, an angel would appear to her. She went at the appointed time, and saw a glorious personage descending, arrayed in white, with sandy colored hair...Many true things were spoken by this personage, and many things that were false. How, it may be asked, was this known to be a bad angel? By the color of his hair - that is one of the signs that he can be known by - and by his contradicting a former revelation. (T&C 147:31)

Next we will look at another interesting pattern we find in these narratives involving construction materials.  

Temporary Sawmills, Quarries, and Kilns

The lumber for the Logan temple, upwards of 1/2 million square feet we're told, was taken out of Logan Canyon about 25 miles away from the temple site. Charles O. Card, superintendent of the temple construction, discovered the area and established a camp in 1877, and by winter of 1878, a sawmill had been built with a 54 inch water-powered sawblade. 

As the story goes, because of the poor conditions of the Logan Canyon road, most of the lumber had to be transported in the winter months on sleighs. Much of the timber harvesting was also done during winter because, we're told, that's when the volunteer workers had more time to devote to the temple construction. This, like so many narratives we've looked at before, seems backwards. Why would you attempt to harvest lumber in a high-altitude canyon during winter, working in several feet of snow on rough muddy roads, and putting the men at risk of exposure? Yet we're told that in the five years the mill was in operation, there is only one account of a young man succumbing to the cold. 

By 1883 the temple was nearing completion, and there was no need for further lumber harvesting. After failed attempts to sell the sawmill, it sat idle for three years, until March of 1886, when rumors reached Logan that the mill had burned down. The fire destroyed everything but the penstock and flume, and to this very day the only evidence that a mill existed at all is a historical sign marker and some rusted-out metal implements. Although there are supposed to be old building foundations around the site, hikers report that they cannot be found. Here is a photo the site:

The fire was said to have been started by arsonists, two mysterious men who remain anonymous. Although the sawmill burned in March of 1886, a formal investigation wasn't conducted until May because of the dangerous snow-slide conditions of the canyon (if they weren't able to even go the site in March to investigate a fire then how did they harvest lumber during the winter and spring in previous years?). As in so many buildings with fire narratives we read about during the 19th century, the cause of the fires always seem to remain an enigma.

Most of the rock for the Logan temple was said to have been taken from two places: Green Canyon and Franklin rock quarries. The Green Canyon quarry was located only about five miles away from the temple site. The quarry, we're told, produced a bluish-gray rock consisting of silty limestone, and a reddish-brown quartzite rock. The men would blast the rock loose and wait for it to slide down the canyon. When the loose rock came to rest it was loaded onto a tram which brought it down to a staging area where it was picked up and hauled on wagons to the temple site. All the hauling was done by volunteer teams given assignments from their local wards. As with the timber from the sawmill, we're told that winter was the best time to haul rock because the 2000-5000 pound loads were easier to haul on sleds.

The Green Canyon quarry functioned from 1877-1884, closing after the temple and annex building were completed. Like the sawmill, the only evidence the quarry existed is this historical marker below:

The Franklin quarry was located in Idaho about 20 miles north of Logan. It contained a softer sandstone used on the "arches, caps, and string courses". The rock was transported on the railroad connecting Franklin and Logan, but because of high railway rates it was decided that it would be cheaper to haul the rock with teams of wagons. Each load weighed around 1 ton, and we're told that a teamster could make the 20-mile trip in only one day if he started earlier enough. 

But as the story goes, the Franklin quarry also outlived it's usefulness, and was sold in 1884 after the temple was dedicated. There is no evidence at all that this quarry existed, I cannot even find a historical marker for it.

In 1877, it was decided that a kiln dedicated to the temple was needed to furnish lime for the making of mortar. Nathaniel Haws, a local member from Logan, owned a kiln that was already in operation two miles up Logan Canyon. After he donated his kiln to the Church, it was decided to build a second kiln right next to it. The hardest task, we're told, was to furnish the massive amount of lumber needed to keep the kilns burning. This timber was harvested further up the canyon and floated down the Logan River to the kilns below.

In order to produce 800-2000 bushels of lime, one kiln had to burn for a solid week, during which time it had to be constantly fed lumber both day and night, around the clock. Most of the labor, we're told, was volunteer. Once the lime was fired and ready to be made into mortar, it was transported by teams of wagons with each load weighing anywhere from 1600 to 4000 pounds. After the stone walls of the temple were completed in 1883, the kiln was shut down, and the kilns were sold back to Nathaniel Haws.

Like the sawmill and quarry, there is no evidence that the Haws kilns ever existed. Kilns were built out of brick and stone, and could withstand very high temperatures in order to melt limestone, which means that there should be some ruins left to examine, yet there is no trace of these kilns at the mouth of Logan Canyon where we're told they were built. 

In the book Logan Temple: The First 100 years, there are some black and white photos of the sawmill and the two rock quarries. The photo of the sawmill is an arial shot from the 1880s, and the two "quarries" are just common rock slides found all over the mountains. You'll have to decide for yourself if you believe the photos are legitimate:

Just like the account of the St. George temple, we find a pattern here of sawmills, quarries, and kilns that were temporary, existing solely for the purpose of building the temple and a few other buildings like the town tabernacles. In addition to these resources being temporary, we don't find much evidence, or even traces of their existence left today.   

Building Without Plans on Unowned Land

Oftentimes when researching these construction narratives we find strange anomalies when it comes to the architectural plans and the land on which the structure is built--such is the case with the Logan temple.

As the story goes, long before Truman O. Angell drew up any architectural plans, we're told that Brigham Young walked off the measurements of the foundation and marked the ground with his heel. Surveyors later drove stakes in where the heel marks were. The temple dimensions were 171 x 97 feet, and because of the extreme hardness of the gravel ground, the foundation was only dug to a depth of 2 feet. The temple annex, we're told, was excavated at the same time, being 88 x 36 feet, and connected to the temple with a 16-foot tunnel. In one of the stories told in this documentary, another tunnel led to an underground safe room several feet from the building under what is now the parking lot. This was apparently used by polygamous men to hide from federal marshals.

We're told that the entire excavation process, beginning in April of 1877, only took two months--impossible for men with shovels and picks digging out foundations and tunnels in hard gravel. 

By July of 1877 the stone masons had begun work on the temple foundation and the extension (annex) building. By the time the cornerstone ceremony was held in September of that same year the annex walls were nearly complete - all this having been done without architectural plans. 

As the story goes, the architectural plans were not drawn up by Truman Angell until the following year, dating anywhere from April through June of 1878. By some accounts, the walls of the temple had risen to somewhere between 20-40 feet tall by the time the plans were drawn.

Who digs a foundation and begins laying up precisely cut stone walls without plans?  

They were constructing much more than just a square building, as the ins and outs of the gothic walls below clearly show:

How did they coordinate such a building effort without architectural plans?

Here is a "construction" photo from 1879 as found in Nolan P. Olsen's book. You would think if the walls had been 20-40 feet high in 1878, then by 1879 they should've been much higher than this:

The quality of the above image is poor, I had to take it with my phone directly from the pages of Olsen's book. Strangely, I cannot find any original construction photos of the Logan temple online, they seem to have been scrubbed from the internet. These other photos are screen shots from a documentary I watched on the Logan temple. I am unsure of the dates. You'll notice the same type of construction "worker" characters we have seen in other photos who seem to be doing nothing at all:

Here is the finished structure probably photographed sometime in the late 1800s. Again, I'm unsure of the date:

As the story goes, the lot on which the temple was "built" on was not officially deeded to the Church until the summer of 1884, a few months after the building had been dedicated. Apparently, the Church was so hasty in its efforts to build the temple that no one had bothered purchasing the land beforehand. We're told that Church leaders did not apply for the land until April of 1878 (a full year after construction had begun), when negotiations began between the Logan mayor, the city council, and Church leaders Charles C. Rich and Franklin D. Richards. At this time we're told that six lots, totaling six acres of land, were purchased for $300 by John Taylor, representing the Trustee-in-Trust for the LDS Church.

Why would the City of Logan, a corporate entity, allow the Church to begin construction on the temple without purchasing the land? In my opinion, it is because the City of Logan was already owned and controlled by Church leadership.  

If the territory of Utah was being ran by a theocratic dictatorship, as we are now beginning to discover through independent researchers, then Church leaders would have already owned and had control of the temple lot, and consequently, all other lots containing public buildings throughout the territory. In my opinion, the Church never had to purchase the land because they already owned it by claiming the already-existing temple through performing the ritualistic cornerstone ceremony.

As to Utah being a theocratic dictatorship under Brigham Young, we have a contemporary lecture given by Hugh L. Briggs that corroborates this claim. Most interestingly, Briggs alludes to the practice of polygamy as being part of that despotic control system. Here is an excerpt from the lecture:
Probably in no community [speaking of Utah], laying claim to civilization, that has existed on the face of the earth for the last five centuries, has priest-craft and its accompanying incidents, marched with such direct and rapid strides, to the complete annihilation of political and religious liberty, and the prostration of all the social and domestic relations of life, it truly proves the rapidity, and celerity [swiftness] of the demoralizing and destructive agencies [speaking of polygamy].

 It will be the painful duty of the historian of the nineteenth century, distinguished, as it has already been, by the unparalleled development and perfection of all the arts that contribute to utility and elegance, marked by the rapid advancement of mind, morals, and religion, throughout the world, as well as for the extension of liberal views and policies, to record the so far successful attempt to establish a self-styled religious despotism, in the very heart of a country professing to lead the progress of the age, admitting no superior, and scarcely recognizing an equal among nations of the earth, and that this graft on a republican stock, has within ten years, so grown and flourished, that it has shaded out the morals, and choked out the domestic institutions belonging to the age and generation, and is now bearing fruits so novel that language, itself, is at a loss in giving them a name or designation. (A Lecture on the Moral, Social, and Political Condition of Utah Territory, Hugh L. Briggs, 1857, emphasis added)

The Fire Narrative Continues in Logan

Each of the first three temples in Utah holds a fire narrative. In St. George, we learned that lightning struck the tower in 1878, resulting in a fire that completely destroyed the tower. As legend has it, it was the angry spirit of Brigham Young who had started the fire because he was disappointed with the original tower and wanted a bigger one built. In the Manti narrative, lightning struck the east tower and burned for three hours before it could be distinguished. This was said to have occurred in 1928.

In the Logan narrative, an electrical fire broke out in September of 1917 and, we're told, nearly destroyed the entire interior. The Logan paper reported the following:
Estimated $150,000 Damage. No Insurance. Logan Temple Destroyed By Fire. Caused by Defective Wiring... The beautiful Logan Temple on the hill was entirely destroyed by fire on Tuesday evening. Of course the walls remain, for they are of stone. Almost the entire interior of the edifice was burned to ruins... (Quoted in The Logan Temple: The First 100 Years, p. 176)

The official cause of the fire was the breaking down of insulation under a  "sub-electric cabinet" that was located under the main stairway:

The janitor left the building about 5:30 p.m., turning off the current from the sub-cabinet. At that time all was well. The fire broke out about 7:45 p.m. in the room where the cabinet is located. In this room was kept a small quantity of furniture polish that had inflammable material in its composition, and the flames spread rapidly up the stairwell to the upper floor, where most of the damage was done. (Ibid, p. 176)

As the story goes, the fire department was called at 7:45 and it took them until midnight to get the flames under control. The firefighters were required to show their temple recommends before being allowed in to fight the fire. Those that didn't have them, we're told, had to go home to retrieve them, allowing more time for the fire to wreak havoc in the temple. We must inquire here: in such a time of emergency would recommends really be required for firefighters? Who would really enforce such a foolish policy when thousands of dollars worth of damage could have been avoided? This is a clue that this part of the story is a complete fabrication. 

In my opinion, there was either no fire at all, and the fire narrative is just a nod by the history writers revealing that the building was from the Old World, or, the fire was started intentionally to destroy evidence that the building was constructed by a past civilization. If you're unfamiliar with the 19th century fire narrative surrounding scores of Old World buildings found in the U.S., the video below is a great place to start:

The Baptismal Font and Multiple Renovations

The current baptismal font in the Logan temple is not the original. It was replaced during a major interior renovation that took place in 1977. This remodel was very disappointing to some members of the LDS Church because the ornate and intricately detailed woodwork and craftsmanship of the interior was replaced with modern "upgrades". Some of the original relics found in the temple now sit in the Church History Museum, including the font.

(For a photo gallery of the original interior of the Logan temple, I recommend this blog.)

I always find accounts like this so interesting because it really makes one wonder why we, as a society, cannot build as well as our "pioneer" progenitors - builders who lacked the resources and technology that we take for granted today?

Oft times when researching these fire narratives we find discrepancies in the renovation accounts. For instance, the Logan paper reported that in 1917, "almost the entire interior of the edifice was burned to ruins". But according to modern accounts, only the southeast stairwell was destroyed and subsequently rebuilt in only three months. The only other reparations required were new carpets, new furnishings, plaster, and paint. The total cost of the repairs, we're told, was only $40,000, much less than the estimate provided by the Logan paper ($150,000).

In 1949 the temple was remodeled again and upgraded with an advanced heating and air condition system, lighting, and elevators. In 1977, a major remodel commenced, approved by Spencer W. Kimball, who said that he regretted the decision later. It was in this remodel that the intricate and ornate craftsmanship was replaced with underwhelming modern plainness. Here are some examples of the original workmanship. The first photo is an exquisite hand-carved mural in the ceiling, the second is a sculpted door knob made of brass:

On the doorknob you can clearly see the quatrefoil (four-leaf clover), an ancient symbol used by many cultures. This type of workmanship was found in all four "pioneer" temples, but much of has been replaced and "upgraded". Why are we destroying these relics from the past? What are they trying to hide and cover up in these renovations? 

In 2019, President Nelson announced yet another remodel of the Logan temple to take place sometime in the future...I wonder what else remains to be destroyed? 

Here is a photo of the original font. The photo is small and is the only one I could find online:

This photo was another shot I took of a page in Nolan P. Olsen's book:

As to its fabrication, we're told a story that mirrors the St. George temple font. The man said to have designed the oxen, which look exactly like the ones in St. George, was James B. McQueen. He was a Scottish immigrant who just happened to have backgrounds in furniture manufacturing and iron foundry work. He was given the task of creating the molds for the oxen, and after he finished them the animals were left with "wavy hair". This was because, we're told, the only oxen McQueen had been exposed to were Scottish Highlander cattle with long hair. This wouldn't do, and as the story goes, Brigham Young himself finished the molds, which again, look exactly like the St. George oxen. 

Young would've had to do this work in a state of failing health that plagued him until he died in August of 1877, just a few months after construction began on the temple. Because of Young's involvement in finishing the molds, Church leaders decided to remove the original font and place it in a museum in 1977. The molds, in my opinion, are what should be in a museum, but conveniently, they are nowhere to be found.

The font was cast in the United Order Foundry of Logan, and we're told that each oxen weighed 550 pounds, and with the cast iron railing and font, the total weight was around 18,000 pounds. Unlike the St. George temple narrative, we're not told when, or how, it was installed in the logan temple basement. The only details we're given about the font is that it was transported from Salt Lake City on sleighs in January of 1882.

Since writing my last piece on St. George, I have found more images of European "baptismal" fonts with animals depicted under the font. But instead of oxen, this one displays the black Zilant of Tartaria:

The mythological Zilant is a mixture of a dragon and wyvern. And it is something we see on the old flag of Tartaria:

This image is not the best quality, but the animals below appear to be lions or griffins, also symbols used in Tartarian architecture:

I do not believe that the images above are depicting baptismal fonts. In my opinion, these cauldrons are symbolic of something altogether different, something we may have no idea about. And as to the baptismal fonts in the first four "pioneer" temples, I believe they are much older than we are being told.

Another interesting fact about the Logan temple is that its exterior was once painted white like the St. George temple, but as the finish began to fade over the years they made the decision to let the paint wear off. This is also interesting, because in 19th century "construction" photos we always see a finished structure surrounded by scaffolding. This begs the question: are workers depicted in these photos just painting already-existing structures? 

American Infrastructure Before Columbus

The search for absolute truth is a long, lonely, and arduous road, full of paradigm-changing twists and turns and endless crossroads leading to dead end after dead end. But every once in a while we come across a major piece of the puzzle that offers glimpses, albeit small, of the bigger picture. Before I end this post I'm going to share such a piece that I've recently come across.

Thanks to, untold numbers of old books, documents, and manuscripts have been uploaded to the internet where they can be easily accessed and read for free. In recent months this website has been under cyber attack, and I think it's clear that the powers that be are attempting to shut it down--because frankly, their narrative is beginning to fall apart. I believe that is just one small part of the sprinkling of truth that will continue as we get closer to the establishment of Zion in preparing for the Second Coming of Christ. We are promised that truth will sweep the earth as a flood before that time comes.

One of these digitally uploaded books I have recently come across (in this video) was published in 1836 by a man named Constantine Samuel Rafinesque, found in the archives of the University of California. In this volume Rafinesque writes about the American Nations, consisting of both North and South America, and how they were both peopled by advanced civilizations long before Columbus. He writes:
The Americans had long before Columbus, large cities; built of stones, bricks or wood, with walls, ditches, temples, palaces. Some of which were of immense size and population. One of them Otolum near Palenque was 28 miles long, equal, to Thebes, Babylon, and Kinoj in size and monuments. Nearly all the ancient sciences and useful primitive arts were known in America, as well as commerce and navigation, symbolic and alphabetic writing, nearly all the Asiatic religions, &c. The most civilized nations had even colleges and universities, canals and paved roads, splendid temples and monuments, &c. (The American Nations..., Volume I, pp. 32-33, emphasis added)

Dear readers, please realize the implications of what he is saying here...large cities built of stone...temples, palaces...canals...colleges...universities...paved roads, monuments...all before Columbus.

He is describing a massive and expansive infrastructure stretching across entire continents. And yes, as a believer in the Book of Mormon, I believe that both the Jaredites and the Nephites could have built such an infrastructure, but remember, God destroyed much of the Nephite civilization and changed the entire face of the land in 34 AD. How many cities, temples, palaces, roads (remember it says in the Book of Mormon that many roads were broken up), colleges and universities could have survived such an event?

It is my opinion, that this existing infrastructure described by Rafinesque, was built by a civilization that came after the Nephites. Another group that God led to the promised land and then was later swept off after ripening in iniquity.

Rafinesque laments in this volume that much of the ancient history of America had been lost, stolen, or destroyed. Remember, he was writing this in the 1830s, a significant time for those of us who believe in the Restoration and Joseph Smith. Consider what Rafinesque says carefully:

There are, besides, in the public or private libraries of all the great cities of both Americas, several interesting historical works, which have never been published. There are several in Philadelphia, particularly the historical collections of Simetierre. Often the best or most important works cannot be printed: while a crowd of paltry compilations are ushered to deceive the public...As early as 1825 I sent to the Academy of Science in Boston, a manuscript of 240 pages, being an account of materials yet existing for the history of the nations and tribes of America before Columbus. This was for an offered prize of $100: which was never awarded, although my memoir was declared and best sent. And instead of depositing this manuscript in the library of the American Antiquarian Society as requested, it has been lost or stolen...

I therein proved in 1825, 1st. that there are yet materials enough, notwithstanding the loss of many, for an ancient history of America. (Ibid, pp. 40-43, emphasis added)

Dear readers, this is an exciting time to be on the earth. We are just beginning to discover the tip of the iceberg when it comes to real American history. There will be so much more that will come to light in the coming years and decades. What I'm covering in Utah is just a small part of this history, but an important one nonetheless. Like I stated before, there is something special about Utah, specifically its global position and what that means for the elites. There was some kind of connection between Albert Pike and Brigham Young that we haven't been told enough about, but when it is fully revealed, everyone will know that Brigham Young was a complete fraud, and that the real history of the LDS people in Utah is nothing like we have been told. 

Join me next time we as explore the Manti temple narrative, but in the meantime, find hope in the verse below from the Covenant of Christ, promising us that God will someday expose all those who use His name in vain and deceive us through highjacked institutions. Although I shared this verse in my last post, it is too important not to share again. These are the words of the Savior:

I'll expose the fraud of those in authority, and your trusted institutions will lose everyone's loyalty. False prophets and false ministers will be brought to shame and humiliation. All lying, deceiving, envying, strife, priestcraft, and whoredoms will come to an end... (CoC, 3 Nephi 9:12)

In another verse written by Nephi, we are promised that at some point God will reveal the "true history of all nations". I'm looking forward to that day with great anticipation. 

Ancient Temples III: A Masterpiece in Manti

  Previously: A Gothic Castle in Logan Deja vu is a strange thing - that otherworldly feeling of having experienced something before but not...