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Sunday, April 30, 2023

The Beast is Coming to Utah V: Bank Lines of the Illuminati

 Previously: Smashing Cockroaches

Discovering truth is kind of like having déjà vu. It begins with that all-too-familiar feeling of knowing you've been somewhere or seen something before. You don't know how, but hearing certain teachings can resonate with you, like tuning in to a radio frequency. 

The mind says it is illogical, but the heart knows better; it also has neurons that hold memories. The heart can feel, see, and remember. This was evident in the story of a young girl receiving a heart transplant and having recurrent nightmares of her donor's murderer. She was able to identify his face, the clothes he was wearing, the weapon he used, and what the donor had said to him before she died. 

Our heart and minds are more interconnected than we think. Is it any wonder that we are commanded to have one heart and one mind? Notice that one heart always precedes one mind. There is a reason for this. 

The Lord declared that to learn truth we must study it out in our mind and ask Him if it is right. If it is, our bosoms will burn within us, and we shall feel that it is right. The heart is in the center of the bosom, and its job is to temper knowledge. In other words, it represents wisdom. 

Knowledge without wisdom can be dangerous. It can become puffed up and arrogant. If left unchecked, it can lead us down false paths. It can lead the humble followers of Christ to err. Wisdom is therefore essential to avoiding deception. Without its guiding hand, the mind is left to continually analyze endless bits of information without making any sense of it. And if there is anything I have learned from studying history, it is that historians can make up anything they want and call it truth. 

And since only establishment historians are allowed to present narratives in the mainstream, there are lots of missing pieces of the puzzle. Indeed, sometimes the puzzle is completely wrong. 

Relying on the mind alone to sort through the slew of historical literature and its biased writers is like the proverbial hamster running on the never-ending wheel. It will never get you out of the maze. It will never get you the prize. 

It must be the heart, not the mind, that directs your search for truth. When you read or hear something true, it is the heart that sends that euphoric feeling throughout your body; that electrical current that burns within you, that tells the mind that it must stop and ponder over whatever it has just learned. 

Like déjà vu, it is the heart that creates the "glitch" in the Matrix, that place where the mind catches a glimpse of what it feels like to exist between two worlds: the world of lies and the world of things as they really are. Once the mind enters this twilight zone it has to rely on the heart to be guided through. Only the heart can make sense of this place. Only the heart can lead the mind through the maze. 

The mind is then forced into a conundrum: return to ignorant bliss or follow the heart into unchartered, but strangely familiar territory. Like a dog warming up to eat out of stranger's hand, the mind hangs in suspenseful indecision. In the deeper subconscious, barriers and walls are instantaneously erected in a herculean effort to stop the mind from abandoning its paradigm. Venturing outside those safety nets of allowable thought can cause dissonance, and dissonance can lead to insanity, the subconscious reasons. 

But the heart is relentless. It wants to know the truth at any cost. It has no limits nor breaking point, it has already gone past the point of no return. It beckons for the mind to follow, to go down its first rabbit hole, and it reluctantly descends. Once it takes the plunge, it sees the real world for the first time, it begins to wake up to its awful situation. And once awake, it can never unsee what it has seen. 

I woke up in 2003. A friend of mine introduced me to the video of Alex Jones sneaking into the Bohemian Grove club with a camera hidden in his bag. I saw supposedly partisan politicians hanging out and laughing it up together. People like G. W. Bush, John Kerry, John McCain, Bill Clinton, and a bunch of others. I saw a mock-human-sacrifice ritual being performed before a 40-foot-tall wooden idol of a horned owl that represented Molech. 

This was my first introduction to the Deep State, but I never understood until now how deeply involved the Rockefeller family is in running the show. They are the money behind the puppet politicians who do the bidding of the corporations. And until I did the research for this blog post, I didn't know just how many of those corporations are owned by the Rockefellers. They also own the banks that issue credit to them. They literally it own all, including you

The Rockefellers are one of the 13 royal bloodlines oozing out of the illuminati. Even just a brief glance into history will reveal that since the late 1800s they have clandestinely influenced America's political milieu. By following the money and the family one can clearly see that behind every presidential administration there was a brother-in-law here, a father-in-law there, a former employee, a cousin, a former lawyer, a Wall Street partner, or an arranged marriage subtly guiding political executives, administrators, and policy makers. 

Just as the same politicians, bankers, lawyers, and businessmen sit on the same boards in Utah's NGOs, banking establishments, and state bureaucracies, the Rockefellers likewise have strategically placed lawyers, bankers, corporations, non-profit foundations, and bought-out politicians in every facet of American government. They control oil and banking cartels, hedge funds, investment firms, insurance companies, media outlets, entertainment industries, 501-3c religious organizations, charitable foundations, universities, and philosophical think-tanks. 

Strewn behind every dark corner of the Anglo-American establishment you will find their financial underlings, their henchman, their medical "authorities," their banking tycoons, and their political implants, slyly smiling as they lie to you. If you peel open the veneer of the American political paradigm, you'll find their dialectical schizophrenics constantly stoking the fire of pre-meditated divisiveness. If you dig into the very fiber of American cultural, sociological, and religious movements and sentiments, you find the influence of their tax-exempt foundations. 

Indeed, lurking behind every nook and cranny of the Deep State, including the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers, the Club of Rome, and the ever illusive Committee of 300, lies a Rockefeller operative, always ready to inject the family's fiduciary elixir into the life-blood of American socio-economics and religio-politics.

The Rockefeller story begins in Germany's Rhineland, with roots tracing back to medieval France. But the first Rockefeller to really enter the history books was William Avery, father of the entrepreneur who would create the most powerful oil empire in the world. 

"Competition is a Sin"

William Avery was a third-generation Rockefeller hailing from German ancestry. His grandfather, Johann Peter Rockefeller, II, was the first family member to immigrate to the Colonies from Germany. The surname Rockefeller is derived from the name of a rural town called Rockenfeld, located in Germany's Rhineland. 

What is interesting about Germany's Rhineland is that it is the place where the 5th century Merovingian dynasty established a Roman polity. The Merovingians were a royal bloodline, descending from the first Frankish king named Merovee. This king is said to have been of Jewish descendent, hailing from the blood line of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene. This legend was promulgated by the Knight's Templar, and their predecessors, the Priory of Sion. 

The legend is known as the Holy Grail. The Grail is not a literal cup that caught the blood of Jesus Christ, it is the bloodline of Jesus and Mary. Many of today's elites believe they are descendants of this line, which makes them of the royal line of David. This has been falsely symbolized by the constellation Leo (the Lion of Judah), and is why MGM uses a lion as their logo. This is also the story of Disney's Lion King

Now, there is no such blood line. The Merovingians believe that Jesus escaped crucifixion and with Mary fled to what is now modern-day France, where they had children. This, of course, never happened. Jesus died on the cross just as the Bible tells it. However, the Merovingian kings were real, and they established a powerful dynasty.

I believe the Rockefellers descended from this bloodline. (For more about this topic see this post I wrote last year). 

William Avery Rockefeller was, among other things, a womanizer. He was involved in the occult, practiced magic, and had a penchant for bigamy. He worked as a traveling salesman peddling snake oil cures, and would often leave his family for months at at time. His wife, Eliza Davidson, despite discovering his bigamy, agreed to allow his mistress to live with them. It was Eliza who would give birth to the heirs that would carry on the Rockefeller name. Of the six children born to her, the most infamously prominent was the oldest, John D. Rockefeller, born in upstate New York and raised in Ohio. 

Before I get into John's history it is important to point out that there are conflicting narratives about this man. On the one hand, John is heralded as an honest businessman who rose out of the ashes of poverty with nothing but grit, honesty, and elbow grease. On the other hand, he is portrayed as ruthless, dishonest, predatory, greedy, cruel, and power hungry, using his limitless financial power to buy out both friend and enemy in a relentless pursuit to rise to the top. 

I'm going to relate some of both narratives so you can have all the facts. Just keep in mind that whatever good qualities John D. had don't matter at all, because once he became involved in politics and banking the Rockefeller dynasty really come into its own, swelling with financial power and taking its place among the other elite families of the world, i.e., the Morgans and the Rothschilds. 

Let's begin with the friendly narrative: 

Following the example of his mother, John D. was the most pious of all his siblings. She taught him the value of hard work, honesty, helping others, and avoiding waste. Because his father was frequently absent, John would function as the man of the house. When his father was around, he taught John and his brothers how to earn and save money. He would say that he would often cheat his boys to "make em’ sharp." 

At age sixteen, John got his first real job as an assistant book keeper earning 50 cents a day. It was there that he became proficient in calculating shipping costs. At nineteen he started his first business in shipping and produce, and began to experience the thrill of dealing in thousands of dollars. He saved every scent he made above his operating costs, and when he noticed oil prospectors rushing into to Pennsylvania pursuing black gold, his interested was piqued. 

John observed in abhorrence the complete circus that was oil drilling market. Men would do anything to get an ounce of the oily stuff out of the ground, including blowing themselves up. A lucky blacksmith could invest $200 in oil drilling equipment and turn it into $200,000, a massive fortune for the time, but this was the exception, not the norm. Most would drill haphazardly with shoddy equipment, extracting what they could, and wasting the rest. The rivers and streams in Pennsylvania were literally flowing with oil.  

John and his business partner Samuel Andrews decided to venture into the less saturated business of oil refining. In 1863, they built their first refinery in Cleveland, Ohio. Rockefeller, above all things, hated waste. From the start he set out to revolutionize the oil market, which manifested in his innovations in utilizing the byproducts of refining. The barrels upon barrels of waste products bothered him deeply, and through multiple investments in scientists and chemists, he found uses for the residue. 

The main product was kerosene, an indoor luminant that was quickly replacing whale oil. Ironically, gasoline, and other byproducts were dumped in the river by other refiners. Rockefeller developed a multitude of other byproducts including petroleum jelly, machine lubricants, chemical cleaners, and paraffin wax (the number of byproducts eventually expanded to 300). John grew tired of purchasing barrels from other suppliers, so he bought more land and harvested trees to make his own. He built his own pipelines, employed his own plumbers, and used his own horses and wagons to ship his products. 

By 1870, he and his partner had incorporated the venture as Standard Oil. They had bought out 27 other refineries in Cleveland, and from there set their sights on the world oil market. Standard soon became the largest oil refiner in America, and even had the railroads in its employ. Rockefeller cut deals with the three largest eastern railroads: the New York, the Erie, and the Pennsylvania. He would receive rebates from them in exchange for the voluminous business he did with them, the 60 carloads of daily oil being his leverage. He even built his own terminals at refining locations and allowed the railroads to use them for free. 

Rockefeller expanded into every nook and cranny of the oil market to cut out middlemen, and costs. He was utterly relentless. The railroad rebates sparked a cacophony of discontent amongst competitors, which led to muckraking journalism  such as Ida Tarbell's book, The History of the Standard Oil Company. Although she marveled at Rockefeller's "marvelous example of economy," she was the daughter of one his Pennsylvania competitors. 

Although it is true that Rockefeller purchased over 100 other refineries, he never used "predatory pricing" to do it. This myth has somehow crept into the academic milieu despite the astounding lack of evidence. No businessmen can sell below costs for long without facing bankruptcy. Additionally, the historical record indicates that those who sold to Rockefeller benefited from the sell. In fact, he would often employ the managers and workers from plants he purchased, and offered them better careers with Standard Oil. Rockefeller sometimes worked beside his employees, would often give them extensive paid vacations, and in addition, he was cordial and even meek around his corporate inferiors. He made many of these former competitors partners by establishing a board of trustees of partial share owners. Thus, the trust was born. 

By the late 1880s, the Standard Oil Trust had control of around 90% of America's oil markets, and Rockefeller had become one of the richest men in the nation. In 1890, the U.S. government decided that Standard was too big, and passed the Sherman Antitrust Act. This has been heralded in history as a victory over the free market "Robber Barons," but the truth is, it was a ploy of the Morgan's to bring Rockefeller down (more on this later). Standard Oil was actually good for American consumers, who enjoyed decades of continually falling oil prices prior to the era of government regulation. I wrote a paper a few years ago detailing how Antitrust laws only benefit less efficient competitors. Read it here

Rockefeller has often been described as a pious man; a deeply religious Baptist who attended weekly church services and even taught Sunday school. Unlike his father, he was said to have been faithful to his wife, loving to his children, and generous with his money. He paid tithes, gave copiously to the poor, believed in Jesus as Savior, and observed the Sabbath day. His priorities were similar to those of other practicing Christian’s: God first, then family, and thirdly career. 

But is any of that true?

While you’re pondering that, here, as Paul Harvey used to say, is the rest of the story...

Rockefeller had an alter-ego. In his personal and home life he was a Jekyll, in business and politics, a Hyde. Although there is no evidence that Rockefeller used predatory pricing to acquire subsidiaries, there is anecdotal evidence that he used violence and intrigue when others wouldn’t sell peacefully. Lewis Corey, author of The House of Morgan writes:
...where the standard Oil could not carry on its expansion by peaceful means, it was ready with violence; its faithful servants knew even how to apply the modern weapon of dynamite. In Buffalo, the Vacuum Oil Co., one of the "dummy-creatures of the Standard Oil system, became disturbed one day by the advent of a vigorous competitor who built a sizable refinery and located it favorably upon the waterfront. The offices of Vacuum conducted at first a furtive campaign of intimidation. Then emboldened or more desperate, they approached the chief mechanic of the enemy refinery, holding whispered conferences with him in a rowboat on Lake Erie.

He was asked to "do something." He was urged to "go back to Buffalo and construct the machinery so it would bust up... or smash up, to fix the pipes and stills so they cannot make a good oil... And then if you would give them a little scare, they not knowing anything about the business. You know how... In return the foreman would have a life annuity which he might enjoy in another part of the country. So in due time a small explosion took place in the independent plant. (Quoted in Gary Allen, The Rockefeller Files, pp. 13-14, PDF version) 

Gary Allen, the same author who wrote None Dare Call It Conspiracy, goes on to quote Rockefeller himself, who emphatically stated, "The ability to deal with people is as purchasable a commodity as sugar or coffee..."

Rockefeller was a manipulator and a manager, he knew how to place certain people in certain positions to get the results he wanted. He was a master schemer and organizer; those in his employ were oblivious to the fact that he was playing both sides of every situation. He was always three of four steps ahead of everyone else. Some say he could "see into the future and around the corner." 

Another author wrote this about him:

The trouble with fighting John D. was that you never knew where he was. He ran his company as through it were a branch of the CIA. All important messages were in code--Baltimore was "Droplet," Philadelphia "Drugget," refiners were "Douters," the Standard itself "Doxy." Shadowy men came and went by his front door, shadowy companies used his back door as a  mailing address. For a long time the public didn't realize how powerful he was because he kept insisting he was battling firms that he secretly owned outright. His real rivals were forever discovering that their most trusted officers were in his pocket. (William Manchester, Rockefeller Family Portrait, quoted in Ibid, p. 14) 

During the 1880s, as John D. began to expand into banking and politics, his utter disgust with the inefficiency of this competitors led him to exclaim, "competition is a sin." 

According to Fritz Springmeier, author of Bloodlines of the Illuminati, one of the best kept secrets of Rockefeller's rise to power was his secret dealings with other elite families. Springmeier specifically mentions the Payseurs, but it is likely that he worked with others. What is certain is that all of these families hail from royal European bloodlines, and like the Gadiantons of old, they believe they have the right to rule us

Despite his pious veneer, Rockefeller was intransigently shrewd and ruthless. His religiosity was most likely a front for his philanthropic foundations. He had to appear generous and caring about his fellow man to succeed in that 19th century Christian milieu. Indeed, those tax-exempt foundations were the very tools that allowed one of America's richest men to become one of the most powerful, and to stretch his tentacles into the very flesh of American society.  

Most people associate Rockefeller with the oil industry, but his rise to banking was equally as important. He was the main rival to John Pierpont Morgan, the most powerful banker to emerge out of the post Civil War era. 

Banking Wars

There are basically two types of banks that were set up in America: commercial and investment banks. In a nutshell, commercial banks are the masters of fractional reserve credit, creating money out of thin air. Investment banks, on the other hand, are involved in underwriting government bonds, which means they profit immensely from deficit spending.

An unholy alliance that emerged during the Civil War was between politician Salmon P. Chase and banker Jay Cooke. Chase had been a Senator from Ohio who was close friends with Jay and his brother Henry. After the brothers hurled $100,000 of lobbying money at the newly elected Lincoln administration, Chase was appointed as Secretary of the Treasury. He then immediately granted a monopoly to Jay Cooke & Co. in the underwriting of all government bonds. 

It really is all about who you know. 

All national banks during that time were required to purchase government bonds in order to expand credit, which they were forced to buy from Jay Cooke & Co. It was the perfect ruse, until Cooke went bankrupt in the aftermath of the Panic of 1874.

Stealthily waiting on the sidelines was Cooke's rival, Drexel, Morgan and Co., headed by front man J.P. Morgan. Morgan's banking history can be traced back to George Peabody who founded a central bank in London in the early 1800s. Peabody was closely tied to the Rothschilds, making Morgan's banking conglomerate just another front for Rothschild banking expansion into America. 

Morgan's selling of U.S. gold bonds to European banks quickly catapulted him into international banking status. And by the 1890s he was injecting credit into governments all over the world, catering to such prominent families as the Astors, DuPonts, Guggenheims, and Vanderbilts. Morgan owned shares in most of the major U.S. railroads, and was the founder of the General Electric Company.

Meanwhile, another European banker was pumping enough credit into Standard Oil to enable Rockefeller to become a player on the world oil market. This was none other than Kuhn, Loeb & Co., closely tied to the Lehmans and Warburgs in Germany, and another wing of, you guessed it, the Rothschilds. Kuhn, Loeb & Co. was the primary rival of J.P. Morgan during the late 1800s

Why would the Rothschilds finance both wings of American bankers? I think the answer is obvious: Problem-Reaction-Solution. Controlled demolition occurs even among the elites themselves. 

Later, Rockefeller was the beneficiary of yet another stream of credit emanating from National City Bank of New York, headed by James Stillman. Rockefeller was the bank's largest client, and he would eventually become a shareholder. In fact, his brother William Rockefeller was the mastermind behind this alliance, and to cement the partnership two of William's sons married two of Stillman's daughters. James Stillman Rockefeller was the product of one of these marriages, and he would head City Bank during the 1950s. We all know this bank today as National Citibank. 

So we had Morgan, Drexel on the one hand, and Rockefeller, Kuhn, Loeb, & Co. on the other. And they both began to purchase politicians. 

President Grover Cleveland was a Morgan man long before his stint in the White House. During his younger days he was a railroad lawyer for the New York Railroad, controlled by the Morgan ambit. On the other hand, William McKinley was in the employ of the Rockefellers, who had bailed him out prior to his presidency and bankrolled his campaign. 

The Morgans were bankrolling democrats and the Rockefellers were bankrolling republicans, which meant the Rothschilds were in control of both political parties. 

The Morgans placed Garret A. Hobart in the McKinley administration as vice president. Upon his early death, Morgan-man Teddy Roosevelt slid easily into the slot. Roosevelt hailed from a family of Wall Street bankers, his first cousin, W. Emlen Roosevelt, sat on the boards of several New York Banks tied to the Morgan interests. After the "lone nut" (most likely a Morgan inside job) shot McKinley, TR became the unelected president, and one of his first acts for the bankers was to engineer a pseudo revolution in Panama. 

Morgan inside man, William Nelson Cromwell, was the mastermind behind the Panama "revolution." The real goal of which was to buy up the cheap shares of the Panama Canal Company, redeem them at an inflated value after Panama became its own state, and cede control of the Canal Zone to the U.S. TR was successful in this Morgan endeavor. (See this book to read all about it).   

As tensions between bankers were building an all-out war broke out. Railroad tycoon E. H. Harriman joined the fray, partnering with the Rockefeller-Kuhn, Loeb & Co. interests. Harriman had been a long-time enemy of Morgan as they tussled over railroad markets, with the Northern Pacific being the final battleground. After Morgan forged an alliance with James J. Hill, free-market founder of the Great Northern Railroad, the Harriman-Morgan battle came to a standstill. Eventually, the Great Northern would merge with the Northern Pacific in the 1920s. 

But by then all the bankers had come to a cartelized agreement, limiting competition to within the confines of the Rothschild banking empire. 

Meanwhile in the 1890s, Morgan lawyers were drafting the Sherman Antitrust Act with plans to break up the Standard Oil Trust, which was beginning to compete with the Rothschild controlled British-Royal Dutch-Shell conglomerate. TR's Attorney-General, Philander Knox, was a former Morgan lawyer for Mellon-owned Gulf Oil, a partner of the Rothschild-controlled Shell. 

The Rothschilds were then in control of both sides of banking, railroads, and oil, the most lucrative industries in the burgeoning American empire. 

The Spanish-American war was a front for these industries to enter untapped Asian markets. And this was the beginning of the long-held Rockefeller interests in China and Russia, one that continues to this day. An organization formed to this end was the Committee on American Interests in China, which morphed into the American Asiatic Association, a CFR-style think-tank that conjured various ways of intervening in Asian politics for the sake of American expansionist economic policies. (One example is U.S. marine involvement in helping to suppress the Boxer Rebellion in China).

China has always been a partner with the Rockefellers. See my last post for more information on how Jon Huntsman has continued this Rockefeller policy during the 21st century. 

With Morgan 


 Teddy Roosevelt winning a second presidential term, the Rockefellers began grooming their next candidate, republican William Howard Taft, a long-time Ohio ally of John D. Rockefeller (Rockefeller controlled all-things Ohio). Through him Rockefeller enacted his revenge on TR's Antitrust assault against Standard Oil by filing suits against Morgan-controlled International Harvester and U.S. Steel. 

But the Morgans were quick to retaliate. In a stroke of pure genius they brought TR out of retirement and created a third-party, the Progressive/Bull Moose Party, to accomplish nothing but split the vote against Taft. Consequently, Morgan-backed democrat Woodrow Wilson won the election of 1912. 

Another major financial powerhouse during this era was insurance companies. The Rothschilds controlled the major players through their agents: Rockefeller-controlled Metropolitan Life and Morgan-controlled Mutual Life. Life insurance was the main source of funding used in political campaigns, and it just so happened that Woodrow Wilson had been one of the long-standing board members of Mutual Life Insurance Company. 

Wilson stuffed his cabinet full of Morgan men, including his own son-in-law William McAdoo and the notorious "Colonel" Edward Mandell House. The Houses were a wealthy Texas family that dabbled in banking, railroads, and land speculation. The House family also had financial ties to Morgan through the Old Colony Trust Company, which was in collaboration with the House's Trinity and Brazos Valley Railway. 

A year after Wilson took office a recession hit, and the Morgans needed a boost to maintain their grip on American industry. A new alliance and a new war came just at the right time. 

1913: The Convergence 

Just one year before war broke out in Europe the Federal Reserve Act was passed. The fortuitous year was 1913 (an esoteric number by the way). The Rothschild agents that had been warring amongst themselves for decades had begun negotiating, compromising and scheming for a government-sanctioned cartel as early as 1908. This cartel would allow them to inflate America's money-supply at will while continuing to finance both sides of European wars. 

The major players that came together on a private duck-hunting preserve known as Jekyll Island are as follows: the Morgans, the Rockefellers, the Kuhns, Loebs, and the Warburgs. Representing the Rockefeller interests was Senator Nelson W. Aldrich (father-in-law of John D. Rockefeller, Jr.), and Frank A. Vanderlip (VP of National City Bank of New York). Representing Kuhn, Loeb & Co., was its head Jacob Schiff as well as Paul Moritz Warburg (Daddy Warbucks as portrayed in Annie) from its German wing. 

In the representing employ of the Morgans were Henry P. Davison (Morgan partner), Charles D. Norton (president of Morgan's First National Bank of New York), A. Barton Hepburn (head of Morgan's Chase National Bank), and Victor Morawetz (a Morgan attorney). 

In this new agreement of controlled competition the Morgan's still reigned supreme. Their agents were everywhere agitating for American entry into the war. They immediately began spewing credit into England and France and buying up European war bonds. The Kuhns, Loebs, and Warburgs were left out of the action because of their German affiliation, and cut-off from any leadership positions on the new Federal Reserve Board. 

The Morgans made sure their inside man, Benjamin Strong, was the first Governor of the New York Federal Reserve Bank. Strong had ties to the Bank of England, and all during the war and the roaring twenties, the Federal Reserve was its foreign agent. Strong's equivalent at the Bank of England was his friend Montagu Collet Norman, and the two of them struck a deal. Because both countries were inflating their currencies, Norman pressured Strong to continue the inflationary policy in the U.S. so gold would not flow out of England. This continued until 1929 when the house of cards finally collapsed. This inflationary FED policy is what created the Great Depression. 

The Rockefellers watched on the sidelines as the Morgans dominated banking policy during WWI. However, by the time WWII rolled around, a shift in the power elite was tipping the scales in their favor. The Council on Foreign Relations, established in 1921, would come under the full control of the Rockefellers after WWII, and the Rockefellers would emerge as the banking victors of the war, dominating oil, banking, and American politics from that time on. (This shift transpired during the 1930s when the Rockefellers were instrumental in orchestrating the Social Security program and using the fascistic New Deal to displace the Morgans; see Murray Rothbard's The Progressive Era, p. 356)

The Rockefeller's were involved in building up Russia and bankrolling Hitler. They control the defense giant Boeing, and during the build-up to the Cold War the Russians were producing war planes eerily similar to the B-29. These were the Russian Tupolev Tu-70s, which, according to Professor Antony Sutton, were " a direct copy of the Boeing B-29." It is a mystery how such a backwards country could quickly design a war plane with such striking technological similarities as the B-29. It is almost as if the same engineers designed both planes.

The Rockefeller's also partnered with a German chemical company known as I.G. Farben, which was the manufacturer of Zyklon B gas used to exterminate Jews in gas chambers. Curiously, none of I.G. Farben's factories were bombed during Allied air raids on Germany. And after the war, the Rockefellers brought many of its former employees (German scientists) secretly to America under the guise of Operation Paperclip. (More on I.G. Farben later). 

And while we are on the subject, the Central Intelligence Agency was also a creation of the Rockefellers. As it turns out, John Foster Dulles was married to Janet Pomeroy Avery, first cousin of John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Dulles was a CFR agent who had helped to negotiate the "peace treaty" with Japan under Harry Truman, and was Secretary of State under Dwight D. Eisenhower (the Rockefeller's had agents all throughout the Eisenhower administration). Prior to his political career, Dulles had been a top lawyer at Sullivan and Cromwell for decades, whose largest client was, guess who, Standard Oil of New Jersey

John and his brother Allen would run the newly formed CIA all throughout the 1950s. One of their first acts to bolster the Rockefeller oil empire was by deposing the only democratic prime minister Iran has ever seen, Mohammed Mossadegh. His attempts to nationalize the British-controlled Anglo-Iranian Oil company created the perfect opportunity for Rockefeller to increase his market share. A false coup was organized by Kermit Roosevelt, nephew of Teddy Roosevelt, and Mossadegh spent the rest of his life on house arrest. After Iranian Oil was returned to the market by the reinstalled Shah, new negotiations resulted in Britain losing 40% of their shares to five American oil giants, all controlled by Standard Oil. Kermit's reward for his involvement was apparent in his becoming the VP of Mellon's Gulf Oil Corp. 

Another Rockefeller implant in the Eisenhower Administration was Secretary of the Treasury Robert B. Anderson. Having formerly been the Secretary of the Navy and Deputy Secretary of Defense, he was "trained" for the position of Treasurer by becoming a board member of American Overseas Investing Co., a Rockefeller subsidiary. Similarly, Lewis L. Strauss, appointed by Eisenhower as head of the Atomic Energy Commission, had been a partner in Kuhn, Loeb & Co. 

JFK's Administration left no shortages of Rockefeller infiltrators. His foreign policy advisor, Robert A. Lovett, was a partner in Brown Brothers, Harriman. His Secretary of State, Dean Rusk, was the president of the Rockefeller Foundation. His Secretary of Defensive, Robert S. McNamara, was formerly the president of the Ford Motor Company. Ford was deeply connected to the Lehman Brothers, a German consort of the Warburgs and Kuhn, Loeb & Co. Kennedy's Secretary of the Treasury, C. Douglas Dillon, was also a member of the Rockefeller Foundation, and the infamous McGeorge Bundy, JFK's National Security Advisor, was a member of the Rockefeller-controlled CFR. 

JFK initially allowed Allen Dulles to continue as the director of the CIA, but after the Bay of Pigs Invasion of Cuba, and the botched UN Katanga secession, he grew suspicious. After his eyes scanned the details of the North Woods Documents, which outlined a plan to start a war with Cuba by shooting down American planes, JFK revolted. He dared to challenge the Rockefeller ambit by firing Dulles and the rest of the top CIA henchmen. But after his ritualized execution, business as usual continued with LBJ and Nixon. 

Nixon's national security advisor was Henry A. Kissinger, a man who bleeds Rockefeller black, and the prominent leader of the Council on Foreign Relations. He was bankrolled by the Rockefeller Brother's Fund, and was Nelson Rockefeller's chief foreign policy advisor for decades. Among other things, Kissinger was the mastermind behind the Vietnam war. 

Nelson Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger engineered the Watergate scandal as a ploy to get Nelson into the executive branch without an election. As Watergate was heating up, Nixon's vice-president, Spiro Agnew was coincidentally indicted in an unrelated tax-evasion scheme that previously transpired in Maryland. He promptly resigned, leaving Nixon to appoint Gerald Ford. When Ford took office after Nixon resigned, he appointed Nelson Rockefeller as VP, who remained there from 1974-77. (Read the whole Watergate story in chapter 13 of Gary Allen's The Rockefeller Files).

Kissinger was also a proponent of China, and induced Nixon to establish diplomatic relations with the Communist Regime. This official policy was known as Détente, a double-edged sword that encouraged trade with the Chinese and Russian Reds while they were supporting the North Vietnamese who were killing American servicemen. 

Are you beginning to see the century-old Rockefeller connection to China?

Another Rockefeller implant was Skull and Bonesman George H. W. Bush, a Texas oil man with ties to Brown Brothers, Harriman. Bush was a Trilateralist who was appointed by the unelected Ford/Rockefeller Administration as Ambassador to China, and subsequently in 1976 as director of the CIA. The Carter Administration was similarly staffed with high-ranking Trilateralists. The Bush dynasty continued to fight for the Standard Oil interests with the first Gulf War, the war to keep "Gulf Oil"  prices high by enforcing the Rockefeller oil cartel called OPEC (Chevron being the American branch of Gulf Oil). How dare Saddam sell his oil below the cartelized price. 

The Clintons and the Bidens have continued the China policy, selling out our military secrets, giving away our interior wilderness corridors, and ceding our seaports to the Communist Regime. The Chinese own vast tracts of U.S. land, including Yellowstone and Yosemite national parks. This policy includes the inland ports, which will become entry points, or foreign portals into China. (Listen to this podcast for more details). This really gives context to what is going on with Utah's inland port. 

George W. Bush continued the Rockefeller oil policy, initiating a war against seven nations designed to bolster the petrodollar, the last bastion of American financial dominance until Covid and the Great Reset would pave the way for Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), the future currency of the Beast system. 

Rockefeller has been a part of all of this. And this short blog post cannot possibly contain even one hundredth part of Rockefeller's dealings with this nation. This is only the tip of the iceberg. But to get a more complete picture, there are sill two more topics to cover. 

Double-handed Foundations

During the years leading up to 1911 when Standard Oil’s litigation ended with the U.S. government, John D. was a very busy bee. The negative publicity began to besmirch his reputation, and the tycoon sought a solution to restore his "good" name. As fate would have it, he met a man named Ivy Lee, a public-relations expert who advised him to give a small percentage of his wealth to charities. These included hospitals, schools, churches, libraries, and handing shiny coins to children in front of large crowds. 

John had dabbled in philanthropy in the late 1880s after he met a named name Frederick T. Gates. Gates was instrumental in getting John to donate $600,000 to the Baptist University of Chicago in 1889. It was with Gates that Rockefeller would establish his first attempts at educational and medical reform in America: the Institute for Medical Research in 1901, and the General Education Board in 1902. 

Fred Gates is a bit of a mystery man. He appeared on the scene in Seattle in 1891, the same year and place that Bill Gates' grandfather, William Henry Gates, was born. The problem is that if you look up his family tree there are four William's including Bill himself, but his full name is William Henry Gates III. His great grandfather, William Henry Gates I was born in 1857, and if the correct succession is followed, Bill should be William the IV. What does this prove? Nothing, but I have my suspicions that the Bill Gates/Rockefeller medical connection dates back a lot further than we all think, and Fred Gates was a part of it. 

Rockefeller began to see that by donating large sums of money to organizations he could exert his influence. After all, he could donate far more than most other philanthropists. He even began to form cartel agreements with other foundations. Namely, his friend and fellow magnate Andrew Carnegie. The two of them approached the American Medical Association and offered assistance in its attempts to clean house in medical education and training. They gleefully accepted. 

One of the members of Rockefeller's board of trustees that comprised the Institute for Medical Research was Dr. Simon Flexner. His brother, Abraham Flexner, was on the staff of the Carnegie Foundation. The brothers Flexner, cementing the alliance between Rockefeller and Carnegie, honed in on the "problems" facing the medical industry. Those "problems" were that there was too much competition. A report was written by the hand of Abraham (who was not a physician), that prescribed a more rigid educational program for doctors, doubling the years of school and adding more requirements for licensure. 

The stringencies were widely adopted, which contributed to the medical fascism we labor under today. However, the reason they were implemented so quickly is because of stipulations that provided a loophole for the Rockefeller/Carnegie conglomerate to withhold funding from non-compliant universities. The Flexner Report called for "research departments" to be added to "qualified" universities. If they didn't push pharmacology at the expense of homeopathy, they didn't qualify for research grants. 

The Flexner Report was published in 1910, and by 1927 the number of medical schools was cut in half, plunging from 160 to 80. Other foundations joined the fray, the Ford Foundation and the Commonwealth Foundation (a Standard Oil creation). Hospitals became quasi-private, ceding control to a combination of tax-exempt foundations and government regulations. Doctors began making copious amounts of money, and service began to diminish as wait times increased and healing modalities were relegated to non-competing entities. This of course, is the natural consequence of creating an artificial shortage in the supply of a profession. 

But why the push away from herbal treatments and toward pharmaceuticals?

The simple answer is petroleum. As you'll recall, John D.'s father was a snake-oil salesmen peddling cures. Crude oil was the base of his potions. So guess who profited from the artificial shift from herbal therapy to drugs? Oh I don't know maybe the largest oil producer in the western hemisphere... 

Yes, drugs are petroleum based. They have a fancy name for it now: petrochemicals. Most drugs are made using petrochemical polymers and resins. Even aspirin. And surprise, Bayer is also part of the Rockefeller empire, but I'll cover the corporations in the next section. 

And at the risk of sounding like a broken record (if you have followed the blog for a while anyway) the word pharmakeia is the Greek translation for the word sorcery in the book of Revelation. Remember, that John tells us that it was the sorcery of the merchants by which all nations were deceived (Revelation 7:7, RE).

Carnegie and Rockefeller continued to expand their fiduciary tentacles into medicine, education, and religion. They financed John Dewy, and brought him to the progressive forefront of educational change. They also provided funding to the National Education Association during the first half of the 20th century, and changed its focus to pushing socialism in American schools. 

The Rockefellers have dumped masses of money into Christian religions: the Baptists, the Protestants, the Catholics, the Episcopalians, the Unitarians, and many others. They did this through the Sealantic Fund, established in 1938, and today they are controlling religion through the 501-3c status. They created the Federal Council of Churches, and its successor, the Word Council of Churches. They are the masterminds behind ecumenism, or one-world religion. 

The Rockefellers have created a plethora of foundations. Some estimate anywhere from 200 to several thousand. This tax-free money is merely transferred from their right hand to their left, from one of their organizations to another. This way their "charitable" donations never actually leave their control. When Standard Oil was ordered to break up in 1911, John D. created new foundations to give his stock to to. He retained his shares in many of the smaller conglomerates that emerged after the Antitrust suit, which actually made him richer in the long run.

The Rockefeller-controlled Chase Manhattan Bank bailed out Billy Graham, a 33 degree Mason. Although they feign to be Baptists they push anti-Christian agendas such as UFO religions. They also push the green movement and Gaia worship; Maurice Strong was a friend of the family. They were the main impetus behind the United Nations, and its forerunner UNESCO, formed in 1945. The Rockefellers funded Alice Bailey and her Luciferian think-thank Lucis Trust, located in New York. It was a byproduct of the push for the League of Nations to create a one-world government, established in 1922. David Rockefeller managed Lucis Trust for many years. The Bailey sisters, Alice and Foster, were the progenitors of the New Age movement, along with their confidant Madame Blavatsky, who brought Russian mysticism to the United States. 

The Rockefeller foundations are everywhere, today they operate through the ubiquitous Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the main money train pushing Agenda 2030. But little-known is the fact that the Rockefellers own shares in most of the world's large corporations. They have created a fascistic world corporatocracy, which all began with Standard Oil. 

Double-crossing Corporations 

Below is the logo for Standard Oil:

As you can see, it is the torch of Prometheus. As you'll recall, Prometheus was the Titan demigod who stole fire from the gods and gifted it to humans. For this deed he was punished by Zeus for all eternity, by having his liver eaten by an eagle in a continuous cycle. Every night the liver would grow back and the eagle would return the next day. 

Fire, in this instance, represents light, and in this context, light represents knowledge. Prometheus, therefore, represents Lucifer, who falsely imitated knowledge from the Elohim and gave it to Adam and Eve. The word Illuminati means "enlightened ones," and the Rockefellers are proudly displaying that in this logo. The colors red and blue also have significant meaning, and I recommend the following video to learn more about that:

As I mentioned before, Standard Oil was initially financed by Kuhn, Loeb & Co., and later by National City Bank, becoming a shareholder with the latter by broking a deal with James Stillman. They then formed their own bank called Equitable Trust, and later bought Chase National Bank. Kuhn, Loeb & Co. owned the International Acceptance Corporation, which bought up the Manhattan Company, and in 1955, it merged with Rockefeller's Chase National Bank and became the Chase Manhattan Bank. Thus, the Rockefeller-Kuhn, Loeb coalition came full circle, and Chase Manhattan ruled the roost in the post-WWII world. 

Because of Rockefeller's disdain for competition, the name of the game was cartelization and consolidation. John D. Rockefeller lived to the ripe old age of 98, passing away in 1939 on the eve of WWII. But his son, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., had long since taken over the operations of the empire. With their foundations controlling medicine and education, the next major convergence for the Rockefeller empire was with the king of chemicals in Europe, a German company known as I.G. Farben. 

I.G. Farben was an international cartel dealing with the manufacture of drugs and chemicals, enjoying shareholders from 93 countries. I.G. stands for Interssen Gemeinschaft, meaning "community of interests," and Farben simply means "dyes." The list of "dyestuffs" it dealt with also included munitions among drugs and chemicals. I.G. Farben was the engine that drove the war machine in Germany, while supplying the chemicals created for experimentation and extermination in concentration camps. It also provided the financial backing for Hitler's political campaign and bankrolled him into power. 

The two main ingredients for all things chemical in those days were crude oil and coal tar, both attractants for the Rockefeller interests. There were over 2000 companies around the world that held cartel agreements with Farben, but Standard Oil was its number one partner. During the late 1920s many of these agreements had been forged, and when Standard formed its partnership, major chemical competitor DuPont threw in as well. Out of the massive list of partners here are just a few of the American participants whose names are easily recognizable, unless of course you live under a rock:
Eastman Kodak, Ford Motor, General Electric, General Mills, General Motors, Gulf Oil, Monsanto Chemical, Nestle's, Proctor and Gamble, Remington Arms, Shell Oil, Sinclair Oil, Socony Oil, Standard Oil, Texaco, U.S. Rubber, Alcoa, Bayer, DuPont, etc. 

What is important to realize here is that these companies kept doing business during the war, as American servicemen, European civilians, and innocent Jews were being killed by chemicals and weapons produced by I.G. Farben and its subsidiaries. 

Just think about that for a moment. This was the very definition of treason, yet none of the CEOs of these American companies have ever been indicted.

Whether it was Edsel Ford contracting to provide military hardware and trucks to the Nazis, or ITT selling military communications equipment, all the American partners played a part. In an attempt to hide direct American involvement, Farben created a sister company in Switzerland, called I.G. Chemie, which bought up Farben's shares of the U.S. corporations. They did this to appear neutral, and the transactions were facilitated and camouflaged with the help of Rockefeller's National City Bank of New York. 

The partnership between Standard and Farben was cemented in 1927, they literally combined the names of the two companies into Standard I.G. Farben. There is no excuse for historians to turn a blind eye to this conspiracy, as just a 30 second internet search will easily lead one to the facts. And by the way, the same banking, oil, and chemical giants that brought Hitler to power also financed the political campaign of FDR. The Roosevelts also hail from a medieval royal bloodline. 

The corporations also had politicians from Roosevelt and Truman's cabinets in their employ. One such man, Robert P. Patterson, was the Under-Secretary of War under FDR, and Secretary of War under Truman. Formerly he had been associated with Dillon, Read & Company, a Rockefeller banking subsidiary that helped to finance I.G. Farben's infrastructure in Germany. James Forrestal, Truman's Secretary of Defense, had actually been the president of Dillon, Read & Company, and the two men made sure that Farben's office buildings in Frankfurt remained unmolested in the Allied bombing that destroyed literally everything else around it. The excuse was that the Allies would need office buildings after winning the war. 

You can't make this stuff up.

Volumes could be written on I.G. Farben, but space is limited and this post is getting long. But before we move on to Vanguard and Blackrock, we need to look at Chevron and Exxon, and their Masonic logos. The Rockefeller's made sure that other Luciferians know what god they worship with the creation of these two logos. 

After Standard Oil was broken up in the early 1900s, one of 34 subsidiaries Rockefeller still controlled was Standard Oil of California, which became a super-power that bought up Gulf Oil, and was rebranded as Chevron in 1985. Here is the logo you are all familiar with:

A chevron is an ancient military insignia used on many coats of arms. In the U.S. military, an army private or marine wears a patch with a single chevron pointed up. In the Air Force and on higher ranking officers, the Chevrons point down, or are inverted. When an officer reaches the status of Corporeal, he gets an inverted double-chevron like the one you see here. The Rockefeller's have added the red and blue symbolism for deeper meaning (see video posted earlier). 

Keep in mind that depending on ranking, some chevrons point up, and some point down, so we have the "as above, so below" symbolism represented. This has been universally represented by the Masonic, half-human, half-goat Baphomet. This satyr is a symbol of Lucifer himself, with one hand pointing up and one hand pointing down. The horns on his head are displayed in a geometrical arrangement with his goatee that forms a pentagram. 

Now, when you look up the etymology of the word chevron, you get an old French word, rafter, and a Vulgar Latin word, caprione. From caprione we get the root caper, which means goat. The connection between these two words is that a goat's hind legs are angular like rafters. The Baphomet has the upper body of a human and the lower body of a goat. The lower half represents the primal animal instinct associated with the lusts of the flesh. This is what the Rockefeller's are glorifying by the creation of this logo. Base. Human. Instinct. And remember, one of the lusts of the flesh is to lord over others. Secret combinations seek power over the flesh

The next oil giant, ExxonMobil, is a conglomerate of two direct descendants of Standard Oil. Exxon's roots come from Rockefeller's 1886 subsidiary Vacuum Oil Company, and Mobil came out of one of the other corporate descendants of the Jersey and New York Standard subsidiaries. The two merged in 1999 to form ExxonMobil. 

For most of the 20th century, Standard Oil marketed and traded its products under the brand name Esso. In 1972, Esso was rebranded as Exxon. The closet word to Esso is eso, the Greek prefix for esoteric. Eso means "within," and teric is derived from telic, which indicates purpose. So esoteric means purposeful secret, or secret with a goal, or secret combination. The x's in Exxon's logo share a single vertical axis, forming them into a double cross:

Besides the obvious meaning of being double-crossed, this symbol can also be traced back to the Knight's Templar. The Templars adopted the cross in the 11th century when, during the capture of Jerusalem, the French Duke of Lorraine used the cross as a military insignia. Thereafter it become known as the Cross of Lorraine, and was a symbol of the national unity of France. It was also used in WWII by French General de Gaulle, to unite French troops in resistance against the invasion of Hitler

The Rockefellers are communicating through his logo that they are members of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, the revolutionary branch that went underground after king Phillip decimated the Knight's Templar in the 14th century. They retreated to Scotland and fought against the British alongside Robert the Bruce, and then later returned to France to establish the Scottish Rite. They have been primarily responsible for the major revolutions of the last 3-1\2 centuries, namely, the English (1688), the American (1976), the French (1789), and the Russian (1917). I wrote about that here. Benjamin Franklin was also a member of this order, and that is why he was ambassador to France and made frequent trips there during the years preceding the Revolution. 

Also, it was the Rockefeller/Morgan-controlled banks that financed Lenin, Trotsky and the Bolsheviks. This is well-documented in Antony C. Sutton's book Wallstreet and the Bolshevik Revolution. Click here for a free pdf

Both the Exxon and Chevron logos share a common link, which is that they are symbols of the goat of Capricorn. Thanks to Bryan Lang and his new book, The Ancient Cosmic Language, I learned that one of the symbols for Capricorn is the Early Hebrew sign for Sin. It looks very similar to a double-cross, with the addition of another horizontal line at the top of the axis. Bryan explains that the goat is a symbol for the Devil putting Adam and Eve into chains, as well as the symbol for government. He writes:

Thus, the goat is a symbol of... ambitious figures and themes: fathers, government and politicians, and careers. (p. 59)

Needless to say, the Rockefeller ambit has cleverly labeled themselves as revolutionaries, Freemasons, Luciferians, and paternal figures of government and ambition. All in the plain sight of those they lord over. 

Before we close, there is one more elephant in the room that needs to be pointed out. These are the modern hedge-fund giants Vanguard and Blackrock, the latest front-groups for the same families who brought us international banking. They have become the liaisons between banks, hedge funds, and governments. They sit on both sides of government and banking, offering financial advising for the very same companies they own. 

"The Vanguard of the Proletariat"

The phrase above was a slogan used by Lenin during the Russian revolution. Lenin's vanguardism meant that a small cadre of the "politically advanced" sections of the working classes were more fitted to be the leaders of the revolution. There is another name for this, it is called elitism. For Lenin, the vanguard were the Bolsheviks, and he justified political executions of the bourgeoisie and the proletariat if it served the purposes of the Party. The Bolsheviks represented themselves, and no social class was safe from their totalitarianism. 

The definition of vanguard is as follows: 
The foremost position in an army or fleet advancing into battle. The foremost leading position in a trend or movement. Those occupying a foremost position. (The American Heritage Dictionary, 5th Edition)

Van is derived from the Old French word avant, which means "in front." The modern investment firm known as the Vanguard Group and the shadow shareholders behind it have revealed who they are simply by the name. These are the same people who financed the Russian revolution, and are pushing the same Leninist philosophy: Communism for everyone else except them. 

The Vanguard Group was formed in 1976, but its beginnings date back to 1951, when John C. Bogle wrote an undergraduate thesis on the study of mutual funds. After he graduated he was hired by the Wellington Management Company, but fired after a merger he formed with a Boston-based fund management company went south. Later, Bogle got Wellington to partner with him on a new venture for a passive fund tied to the S&P 500, it was known as the First Index Investment Fund, later changed to the Vanguard 500 Index Fund. 

Vanguard became the largest mutual fund investment firm in the world, and it did not begin in a vacuum. Wellington Funds was also a mutual fund investment firm that was established in 1928 by Walter L. Morgan. The company was originally called the Industrial and Power Securities Company, but Morgan changed the name to Wellington in honor of the Duke of Wellington, one of the English officers who helped to defeat Napoleon at Waterloo in 1815.

Walter L. Morgan raised $100,000 from relatives to start his mutual fund firm, and one has to ask just who were these kin? Did he hail from the same Morgan banking dynasty that I've been writing about in this post? I can't say for sure, but $100K in the 1920s was A LOT of dough, and not easy to come by unless you knew the right people. 

Today, the Vanguard Group manages over $8 trillion in assets, is the largest provider of mutual funds and the second largest provider of ETFs (exchanged-traded funds). The number one firm that deals with ETFs is BlackRock Inc., the largest hedge-fund in the world managing over $10 trillion in global assets. Its 70 offices are spread out over 30 countries, and it has clients in over 100 countries. Vanguard holds the largest percentage of shares in BlackRock Inc., and the two companies, along with State Street, own shares in virtually every corporation in the world. 

The descendants of John D. Rockefeller would make him very proud, because through these hedge funds they have virtually eliminated all competition and have created a world corporatocracy. 

What do I mean? 

Vanguard and BlackRock are the largest shareholders in "competing" companies like Pepsi and Coca Cola, and Boeing and Airbus. They own 90% of the mainstream media, including Fox News, CNN, and MSMBC. They own Big Pharma giants like Merck, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, and Moderna, and Big Tech giants like Facebook, Twitter, Apple, and Microsoft. They own Big Oil giants like Exxon, Chevron, Shell, and BP, and Big Ag giants like ADM, John Deere, Monsanto, and Bayer. They own GM and Toyota, steel companies, mining companies, Ebay, Amazon, phone companies, cosmetic companies, retail companies, fashion and clothing lines, fast-food chains, and on and on and on...

They own it all.

Watch this video to see what all they own and who they are. 

Larry Fink, the billionaire who created BlackRock in the 1980s, was a man not unlike Jay Cooke, who brokered a deal with Secretary of the Treasury Salmon P. Chase to underwrite all government bonds during the 1870s.

Fink started his career at First Boston in the 1970s and was one of the first investors to trade in mortgage-backed securities. He made First Boston nearly a billion dollars, but was fired after losing $100 million in a few short months. In the 1980s he started another investment firm with Steven Schwartzman called Blackstone. When Schwartzman decided to sell Blackstone to PNC, Fink parted ways and founded BlackRock. 

Mortgage-backed securities are what caused the financial crisis of 2008. They are sold to investors by banks in mortgage bundles at a discount. Essentially, the investors who buy MBSs are the lenders and the banks are the middlemen (remember, the money is made up out of thin air anyway). As government made loans easier for non-qualifying people to get via Freddie Mac and Fannie May lending programs, more and more MBSs were bought up by investors.

When the bottom fell out, BlackRock lost $500 million of its investor's money, but Fink had an ace up his sleeve. That ace was his buddy Timothy Geithner, Secretary of the Treasury in the Obama Administration and former president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Like Salmon P. Chase and Jay Cooke, Fink and Geithner also brokered a deal. The government would hire Fink to clean up the mess in 08 by liquidating bad debts and repackaging assets. 

Fink did this for General Electric in the 1990s when they bought an investment bank called Kidder, Peabody & Co., after it was leaked that the firm had engaged in insider trading and accounting fraud. GE was able to sell the bad asset to another bank, but not until it hired Fink to clean up its toxic portfolio, consisting of $10 billion in CMOs, a very complex type of mortgage-backed security. MBSs were Fink's forte, and this afforded him the perfect opportunity to showcase his special niche in the securities market. 

Fink repackaged the assets into a new set of derivatives and helped GE unload the portfolio with minimal loss. This earned BlackRock a reputation for being the company to hire to liquidate toxic assets and clean up bad debts. GE, as you recall, was started by J.P. Morgan in 1892, but is now controlled by the Rockefellers. I believe they bankrolled Larry Fink and BlackRock to establish a financial front company for the Illuminati and their cadre of international bankers. Bloomberg has referred to BlackRock as the "fourth branch of government."

Fast forward to 2008 when Fink was called by Geithner to help Jamie Dimon of J.P. Morgan find a way to to bail out Bear Stearns and its toxic assets. He was hired again when AIG was bailed out, and consulted with every other bailout of the government-picked winners. BlackRock was the architect behind the great bailouts of 08 that saved insolvent banks while millions of Americans lost their savings. Fink played a major role in creating the crisis with his mortgage-backed securities markets, and was hired to clean up his own mess. 

Fink is also a member of the CFR and the WEF. He pushes Agenda 2030 with the rest of them. He is the face of the company that is really controlled by Vanguard, the actual descendants of the bloodlines of the Illuminati. These are the names of the 13 families as revealed by Fritz Springmeier:

  1. The Astor Family
  2. The Bundy Family
  3. The Collins Family
  4. The DuPont Family
  5. The Freeman Family
  6. The Kennedy Family
  7. The Li Family
  8. The Onassis Family
  9. The Rockefeller Bloodline 
  10. The Rothschild Bloodline
  11. The Russel Bloodline 
  12. The Van Duyn Boodline
  13. The Merovingian Bloodline 
Springmeier lists the Merovingian bloodline as the 13th because it is the central bloodline to all of the families. 13 is an occult number that means "perfect government," it is symbolic of the 12 constellations plus the sun, or the 12 disciples plus Jesus (remember the Luciferians love to steal symbolism from the true Gospel). Here is list of other connected families:
  • The Mellons
  • The Carnegies
  • The Dorrances 
  • The Reynoldses
  • The Stillmans 
  • The Bakers
  • The Pynes
  • The Cuilmans
  • The Watsons
  • The Tukes
  • The Kleinworts
  • The Warburgs
  • The Phippses
  • The Graces
  • The Guggenhiems
  • The Milners
  • The Drexels
  • The Winthrops
  • The Vanderbilts 
  • The Whitneys
  • The Harknesses
  • The Disneys 
  • The Payseurs
  • The Morgans
  • The Bushes
These are the families that run the world. They are the ones pushing Agenda 2030 and attempting to establish a UN headquarters in Utah. At the very top of this conspiracy, they answer to Lucifer himself. They are the "man behind the curtain" so to speak, pulling the strings behind the scenes in all business, government, and organized religion. They engineer war and make you believe it is necessary to preserve your "freedom." They engineer financial disasters and make you believe capitalism causes panics and depressions that they profit from. They engineer environmental disasters and make you believe you need to give up your property rights to live more "sustainably." They engineer sickness and disease to make you think that you need a dangerous vaccine when it is never been proven that viruses exists at all. 

Their most grandiose goal is to create a one-world dictatorship ruled by a small oligarchy of Luciferian families. John the Revelator says they will be successful for a short time, and Nephi tells us that they will war amongst themselves and destroy each other. Many of us will live through these tribulations, but we have been promised that God will be establishing Zion at the same time. There will be a place of safety and refuge, however, no organized religion will direct its members to go there. God will gather His saints Himself, as He has promised to do all throughout scripture. 

He has also promised to reveal everything that has been hidden. This includes the secrecy of these families and the complicity of religious leaders that many people believe are men and women of God. Mormon has prophesied of this very thing when he explained why he needed to include such awful scenes of blood and carnage in his record:
But I, knowing that these things must surely be made known, and that all things which are hid must be revealed upon the housetops... (Mormon 2:5, RE, emphasis added)

Isaiah has also prophesied that God will reveal the "secret parts" of the daughters of Zion, the figurative symbol of what I believe is the LDS Church. "Daughters" does not necessarily mean literal women in Isaiah's context, it could also signify an offshoot or religious group. These "secret parts" could be the complicity of Russel M. Nelson and many other Church leaders in Agenda 2030 and the New World Order. 

With Russel's out-of-print autobiography recently being leaked and highlighting his membership in the Skull and Bones, I believe that God has already begun the process of revealing these hidden things of darkness. So many of the lay membership of the LDS Church are good people, sincerely seeking to worship Jesus Christ, and many of them are beginning to wake up to their awful situation. 

God is giving them an opportunity to do so right now...

Stay tuned for Part VI, a deeper dive into Smart Cities...

Postscript: New Videos

Part II of Envision Utah on the We Are The People Radio show has been released:

And here is how Governor Cox reacted when Jason Preston from the show asked him about Smart Cities:

Bibliography and Recommended Books

The Progressive Era, Murray N. Rothbard, published posthumously by the Mises Institute in 2017. 

The Rockefeller Files, Gary Allen, 1976. 

The Myth of the Robber Barons, Burton W. Folsom, Jr., 1991.

Bloodlines of the Illuminati, Fritz Springmeier, 1995. 

The Best Enemy Money Can Buy, Antony C. Sutton, 1986. 

Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, Antony C. Sutton, 1974. 

Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, Antony C. Sutton, 1976. 

Wall Street and FDR, Antony C. Sutton, 1975.

Ancient Temples: The Saint George Temple and the Dragon

  Previously: A House for the Presidency Welcome readers. Thanks for joining me for Part I of my new series: Ancient Temples , where we'...