Previously: Bracing for Impact
... for many of the Amlicites and Amulonites were after the order of the Nehors. (Alma 13:2, RE)
And who were the Nehors? They were practitioners of priestcraft. They elevated priest above layman and glutted themselves off the labors of others. They were also anti-Christ. They substituted humanistic tenets for Christ's simple doctrine.
Is this sounding familiar yet?
During the post-polygamy Manifesto years of the early 20th century, Church leaders were focusing on money and business, continuing the tradition of paying themselves a salary, and removing core Christian doctrines from Restoration texts like the Lectures on Faith.
It certainly appears as if these LDS Nehors were beginning to form alliances with modern day Gaddiantons during the Progressive Era. The Book of Mormon concurs that the Nephite Nehors also gravitated toward secret combinations. The first clue of this phenomenon appears in the Book of Alma.
As you'll recall, Alma and Amulek are taken prisoners in the city of Ammonihah after witnessing the brutal genocide of many innocent women and children in a giant bonfire. The man behind the genocide was the chief judge of Ammonihah, who, was after the order and faith of Nehor...
Did you catch that? A judge, a government official who used his position to murder the saints of God, was a man of faith. (Remember, Mystery School initiates belong to a Church and have faith in Lucifer).
God avenged His saints by having the wicked destroy the wicked. The Nehors met their fate when the Lamanites completely annihilated the city of Ammonihah.
But were there survivors of that Nehor desolation?
Did they go underground and were they the first to resurrect the old plans of Cain? Did they become the Gaddiantons we read about in the book of Helaman?
Mormon offers more clues from his commentary on Helaman's record. He describes a time when the Lord's church prospered exceedingly and many people were baptized. After a few years some of these were lifted up in pride because of their riches, and many of them began joining themselves to the secret band of Gaddianton, engaging in theft and murder.
So now we have former believers in Christ, who were baptized and once belonged to His church, using religion as a vehicle to get gain by uniting with secret combinations.
How do we know they were using religion to get gain?
Another clue by Mormon offered in 3 Nephi. The Gaddiantons had completely saturated the Nephite government right before this time, but Lachoneus and Gidgiddoni had led the righteous Nephites in purging the robbers out of the land and hanging their leader Zemnarihah.
But the roaches went underground once again, only to resurface when God inspired certain men to call the people to repentance after pride and dissensions came back into the land (Satan often uses divisiveness to implement his plans).
The men that God called to preach were obviously outside of the power structures of society. How do we know? Everyone was angry with them, especially the chief judges, who had been lawyers and high priests.
Wait, high priests? What is Mormon talking about? Weren't the high priests authority holders in the church of God?
Not so. There is no mortal hierarchy in God's church; that exists on the other side of the veil. Those in authority are the Powers of Heaven, or members of the Holy Order, whom God has called by His own voice. Mortals (like Alma) were and can be called into this Order, but their authority is limited to spiritual ministering and preaching. They have no "power over the flesh."
So who were these high priests that Mormon is talking about? And what authority did they possess?
Were they part of a different Church? One set up among the Nephites to get power over the flesh, based upon the Nehorian model of paid clergy? And doesn't it seem strange that many of the chief judges were former high priests?
Why would Mormon lump high priests into the same category as judges and lawyers? What is he trying to tell us?
Pay very close attention to this next part.
Mormon goes on to explain that the judges, lawyers, and high priests secretly took the prophets that God sent and put them to death. And when the righteous Nephites attempted to expose them the case went before the chief judge, who was Lachoneus. But as Mormon shows, the conspirators were too powerful. As you read what follows think about all that I have written in this series about what is going on in Utah right now:
Now it came to pass that those judges had many friends and kindreds, and the remainder - yea, even almost all the lawyers and high priests - did gather themselves together and unite with the kindreds of those judges who were to be tried according to the law. And they did enter into a covenant one with another, yea, even into the covenant which was given by them of old, which covenant was given and administered by the Devil to combine against all righteousness.
Did you catch what Mormon just said? He is describing the Mystery Religion of Lucifer. He is telling you that high-ranking members of government and religion have entered into secret agreements to fight against God (i.e., "to combine against all righteousness").
But Mormon goes on. He brings the entire thing full circle, right back to kings. He is telling you what these people really want. He is telling you the plans of the modern New World Order; they are the same plans the ancient Gaddiantons had. The goal is always the same: destroy the liberty of the people and establish kings, just like the old one-world system that king Nimrod set up:
Therefore, they did combine against the people of the Lord and enter into a covenant to destroy them and to deliver those who were guilty of murder from the grasp of justice which was about to be administered according to the law. And they did set at defiance the law and the rights of their country. And they did covenant one with another to destroy the governor and to establish a king over the land, that the land should no more be at liberty, but should be subject unto kings. (3 Nephi 3:4-5, RE, emphasis added)
Now let's go back to Utah. The LDS Church, Utah politicians, and the UN are combing to do the very same thing Mormon is describing. Indeed, modern lawyers, judges, and high priests are engaging in secret covenants and secret plans to surrender our nation to globalists. At this very time they are "setting at defiance the laws and rights of our country" to set up kings over the entire earth; to establish a one-world socialistic totalitarian state.
They are working behind the scenes to shield pedophiles like attorney David Leavitt (and a host of others) from the grasp of justice. They are working with and protecting traitors like Jon Huntsman who has sold our country out to China. And Spenser Eccles, a product of Mormon polygamy who greatly expanded the power of the Federal Reserve. The LDS Church, with their high priest Bonesman and high priest ex-judge, are using tithing money to accomplish these ends, and are working with globalists like Klaus Schwab from the World Economic Forum.
They have all entered into the same covenant that Mormon has just revealed to us. It was in the Book of Mormon all this time. God told us what would happen beforehand (making the obvious stipulation that it would be high priests, lawyers, and judges). What more do we need to wake up to this awful situation?
Well, in case your wondering, I do have more to tell you. A lot more. This post will be long because I need to move on to a new series and this will be my last installment on this subject.
I promised to get into the 1981 sign that signaled to Jesuits around the world that all religions had been infiltrated by them. I will get to that in a bit, for now we need to understand just how far the Jesuits are willing to go to maintain the power and dominion of the black papacy.
"Blown Cover as Cover"
Without giving battle, without spilling a drop of [the enemy's] blood, without even drawing a sword, the clever General succeeds in capturing cities. Without setting foot in a foreign Kingdom, he finds the means to conquer them. He acts in such a way that those who are inferior to him can never guess his intentions. He has them change location, even taking them to rather difficult places where they must work and suffer. When a clever General goes into action, the enemy is already defeated. When he fights, he alone must do more than his entire army, not through the strength of his arm but through his prudence, his manner of commanding, & above all his ruses. (Rulers of Evil, p. 94)
As you read about Ricci, Amalickiah should come to mind. He alone, one man, managed to overthrow the entire Lamanite nation and through a coup with minimal bloodshed become its de facto king. God inserted that story into the Book of Mormon for a reason. We should pay close attention to it.
Ricci's masterplan was of course to crush Protestantism and bring all heretics under the subjection of the papacy. He saw an opportunity to coopt the colonial Protestants that had been fleeing papal tyranny since the 1600s. Instead of crushing Protestantism with brutal force, he would use the tactic of subtle infiltration through dividing and conquering.
The French and Indian War began that process. Ricci and his Jesuits were manipulating Britain and France through the control of Freemasonry. Ironically, many Freemasonic Brits were anti-Catholic, but still answered to an "unknown Superior." That superior was Ricci. The Jesuits fueled the tensions between France and Britain for imperial control of the American Midwest. This began with getting the Indians to raid and kill English traders in the upper Ohio Valley, and when the plundering came too close to the 1.5 million acres the Virginians had just opened up for settlement in Ohio, a war erupted.
At first King George II wanted nothing to do with the war, his attituded was "let American's fight Americans." It wasn't until Freemason Benjamin Franklin convinced him that the French were a vital threat to the colonies, sighting the Quaker pacifists in Pennsylvania as being no match against "French regulars and savage Indian braves."
The king acquiesced to Franklin's supplication, and dispatched General Braddock and a small army to take care of the French trespassers in Ohio. This, according to Saussey, was the design of Ricci, he wanted to establish a British military presence in America.
In 1763, the French and Indian Wars ended, and a peace treaty was negotiated in Paris. The mastermind behind the Treaty of Paris was John Stuart, otherwise known as the third Earl of Bute. Stuart was a Scot who had been befriended by the Prince of Wales in 1747. He gained favor with the British royal family, and upon the death of King George II, he was pulling the strings in the British government as the young prince George William was thrust into kingship.
Stuart was a Freemason and Jesuit, who took orders from Ricci. He was commissioned by King George III (George William) to negotiate the Paris treaty with assistance from Lord Shelbourne, also a Jesuit. Part of those negotiations culminated in the Royal Proclamation of 1763, which prohibited Americans from moving west of an imaginary line drawn on the borders of the Allegheny Mountains. A move that enraged the colonists.
The seeds of revolution were being planted.
Furthermore, another result of the Paris treaty was to isolate Britain from the possibility of forming European alliances, so when the revolution came, Britain was forced to go at it alone.
Just after Stuart resigned a very unpopular man in England, he was instrumental in influencing the appointment of a new Prime Minister who would be obedient to Ricci's demands. His name was George Grenville.
Stuart continued to be Grenville's handler from behind the scenes, and it was him who worked closely with Parliament in the passing of several of the acts that stirred the colonists up to rebellion.
Taxes and duties were raised on the colonists. The Sugar and Molasses Act created a trade deficit between colonial imports to make rum and exports to the Caribbean islands. The effect was to dramatically slow the colonial economy, making it hard for them to pay their debts to British creditors. The act hurt both colonial and British merchants.
When they complained to Parliament, Grenville unleashed the next economic thorn in their side, the Stamp Act. It required the colonists to purchase and fix stamps to "all colonial deeds, leases, bills of sale, pamphlets, newspapers, advertisements, mortgages, wills, and contracts." It effected all classes of Americans, both rich and poor, raising the prices of virtually all products and commodities.
This time it was personal. Even Charles Townsend (Townsend Acts) predicted that the Stamp Act would bring in little revenue. Its covert purpose was to stir up rebellion.
Fruits of that rebellion manifested in 1770, when some boisterous colonists began to mock and jeer at British redcoats stationed in Boston, brought in of course to intimidate tax protesters. The redcoats opened fire on unarmed citizens and Samuel Adams used the incident to propagandize against the British for the next five years.
What was Ricci's clandestine purpose in pushing revolution?
He wanted to make the colonies virtual satellites of Roman Catholicism, controlled by bishops. He tried to accomplish this by means of a managed conflict known as the "American bishop scare."
The colonists were widely made up of Protestants who had been escaping European tyranny since the 1600s. The Anglican church established by Henry VIII had also become oppressive, and in the late 1760s when the Anglican Bishop of London proposed that the Church of England create an American Bishop, Protestants, Presbyterians, and Congregationalists were enraged.
The threat of an American Bishop to the colonists meant religious infiltration of government, paramount to "an ecclesiastical stamp act." According to an article in the New York Gazette published in March of 1768, an American Bishop would "introduce a system of episcopal palaces, of pontifical revenues, or spiritual courts and all the pomp, grandeur, luxury, and regalia of an American Lambeth [the residence of the Archbishop of Canterbury]."
According to Saussy, "the American bishop scare did more to foment the colonists to revolt, and eventually raised more soldiery, than all the tyrannical writs and tax schemes combined."
Ironically, despite all the anti-bishop fervor, America would get its bishops: one from Rome and one from the Anglican church. The Roman bishop was a Jesuit named John Carroll who would become the Bishop of Baltimore on August 15 of 1790. He was the "Holy See's direct representative not just in Baltimore but throughout the U.S."
The Anglican bishop was Rev. Samuel Seabury of Connecticut, ordained in 1784, and according to Saussy, he "was both a High Churchman and a Freemason" who took orders from the Jesuits at the highest levels. Reminiscent of the modern day political left and right, Ricci was in control of seemingly opposite religious spectrums.
Saussy's book explores the hypothesis that the America Revolution was a Jesuit operation from start to finish. He goes as far as surmising that even the Boston Tea Party was orchestrated by Jesuits, claiming it was a ruse to disrupt trade relations between American and British merchants. The East India Company, according to Saussy, was controlled by Freemasons, and was granted special monopoly privilege by the Crown of England.
They were exempted from paying the duty required of the American tea merchants of one shilling per pound in order to release the tea for sale. American tea-drinkers were paying less for tea from the East India Company than they would otherwise, which enraged American tea merchants. And Saussy claims it was them who organized a propaganda movement against the injustices of the East India Company, which eventually morphed into the the injustices of the Crown.
Also interesting to consider, is the fact that the colonists who were dressed like Indians and dumping tea into Boston harbor were led by Freemasons. According to the Arthur Edward Waite's New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, "The Boston Tea Party was entirely Masonic, carried out by members of the St. John's Lodge during an adjourned meeting."
Tensions kept rising between Parliament and the colonies, and to add insult to injury, the Quebec Act was passed, which place the western lands of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Virginia, and New York under "the French Catholic Jurisdiction of Quebec."
The colonists were cornered, the culminating result manifesting in 1776, under the pen of Jefferson.
The foregoing historical account is all according to Saussy in his book Rulers of Evil. He lumps many of the Founding Fathers in as complicit in the Jesuit conspiracy.
Are you ready for another twist?
According to Eric Jon Phelps, who wrote Vatican Assassins, a 1600 page behemoth book, F. Tupper Saussy was a Jesuit coadjutor, painting the Revolution as being in Jesuit control. Could Saussy, a tax-evader himself, really have been in the employ of the Jesuits? Was his book nothing but a psyop to make the Jesuits appear more powerful than they really were?
Who do you believe? How do you know what is true?
Could Founders like Washington, Adams, and Jefferson have been controlled by Jesuits and later killed by them? It is possible. For instance, Napoleon Bonaparte and the French Revolution was bankrolled by Jesuits. When the Revolution was over he was moved to the island of St. Helena and given a pension for his service to them. When they decided they were done with him he was slowly poisoned over a six week period.
However, I don't agree with Saussy on this point. We know from the Book of Mormon that the American Revolution was a grassroots Protestant movement. Nephi sees these gentiles humbling themselves before God and being led to the land of promise. Despite all the rabbit holes we go down it is paramount to realize that God is always in control of history and the fate of nations. Those nations who keep His commandments prosper, and those who do not have no promise.
My entire point here in this digression on the American Revolution is that it is damn near impossible to know true history. It can only be discerned by the Spirit of God, and only in pieces at that. God will eventually reveal all that has happened on this earth to us, but for now we are mostly left to grasp in the dark.
But what we can bank on is that there will always be men who hide behind religious garb and cloak as they use their positions to murder and steal for power and gain. Men like this have become masters of deceit, feigning to be humble, harmless, decrepit, and even helpless. They will use any weakness and any emotion to trick you, as they play on your most empathetic sympathies and sentiments.
If any of you have seen the movie The Usual Suspects that came out in the 1990s, you will know exactly what I'm talking about.
What is relevant to today is that all churches with a hierarchical structure have been infiltrated by the Jesuit Order, and unfortunately this includes the LDS Church.
The grand sign given in 1981 was revealed by Alberto Rivera, an ex-Jesuit priest who repented and dedicated the rest of his life to Christ. The sign involved Ronald Regan. He was the first president to take his oath of office facing the Washington Monument, the giant Egyptian obelisk in D.C. This signaled to all Jesuits that every major organized religion in the world had been infiltrated by and was under the control of the Jesuit Order. (Go to the 2 hour, 13 minute mark of this documentary to hear pastor/historian Bill Hughes talk about this sign).
In my last post, Bracing for Impact, I compared the future renovation of the Church Office Building Plaza with the layout of the Vatican. I pointed out the giant obelisk in the center of Vatican City, but failed to see an obelisk in Salt Lake. A friend recently pointed out to me that there is indeed an obelisk in Salt Lake, it is the Church Office Building itself.
I couldn't believe that I missed it! It was staring me right in the face, hiding in plain sight. Then I looked up the history of the COB, and found out that it was built during the decade between 1962 and 1972, and dedicated in 1975, just six short years before the grand sign in 1981.
Is this a coincidence?
Furthermore, according to Wikipedia, the COB facades feature "a closely spaced vertical pinstripe pattern of cast quartzite flanking the narrow windows," which patterns are reminiscent of those found on the former World Trade Center in New York. Does this signify a 1970s Rockefeller influence in Salt Lake?
Also consider that the word facade means "deceptive outward appearance." Is the outer design of the building symbolic of what goes on in the interior?
I think it is obvious at this point to conclude that some Luciferian infiltration had taken place in Mormonism in the early 20th century with the establishment of the Utah branch of the Skull and Bones. But I believe that it was during the 80s and 90s that this infiltration was complete. After the death of President Benson, there was virtually no more dissent. No wild-card Brethren spouting off against the powers that be. All seemed to walk a new homogenous line of managed agreement. If there were dissenters, they kept their mouths shut.
The new leaders who took over when Benson was incapacitated, Monson, Hinckley, et al, were desperately trying to expunge the stigma of the conspiratorial ravings of the ardent anti-Communist. The push was to leave principles behind in exchange for public relations. They wanted to be accepted by the world. They wanted to become popular.
During the same period of time, we have Nelson beginning his escapades with the Communist Party in China, we have Ronald Poleman being forced to re-record a talk in an empty conference center, and later on in the 90s and early 2000s we have Hinckley and Monson wining and dining with politicians and exchanging strange handshakes with them.
The Melbourne Man right... LDS Inc. had been under the influence of the Jesuits since the Skull and Bones opened a chapter in Utah, but it wasn't until after 1981 that they had been totally infiltrated.
Lucifer Inc.
And it came to pass that I looked and beheld the whore of all the earth, and she sat upon many waters, and she had dominion over all the earth, among all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people. And it came to pass that I beheld the church of the Lamb of God, and its numbers were few because of the wickedness and abominations of the whore who sat upon many waters. Nevertheless, I beheld that the church of the Lamb, who were the saints of God, were also upon all the face of the earth; and their dominions upon the face of the earth were small because of the wickedness of the great whore whom I saw.
And it came to pass that I beheld that the great mother of abominations did gather together in multitudes upon the face of all the earth, among all the nations of the gentiles, to fight the Lamb of God. And it came to pass that I, Nephi, beheld the power of God, that it descended upon the saints of the church of the Lamb and upon the covenant people of the Lord, who were scattered upon all the face of the earth. And they were armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory. (1 Nephi 3:28, RE)
Just a few verses before Nephi had described the Protestant Reformation and the American Revolution. Notice the pattern. The gentiles humbled themselves and God led them to the land of promise, and then delivered them from their "mother gentiles," i.e., England. Nephi sees the wrath of God being poured out on those mother gentiles, and "the gentiles who had gone forth out of captivity... did prosper and obtain the land for their inheritance."
Nephi's prophecy is multi-layered. Although to him the American Revolution and the Beast system were both future events, to us, the actual readers of the Book of Mormon, one is past and one is future. This clue from Nephi corresponds with what Jesus taught the Nephites about the prophecies of Isaiah, that he spoke about things that hath been and shall be. He is giving you the key to understanding prophecy about the last days, and that key is to study history.
Just like the humble Protestants who escaped to the American colonies beginning in the 1600s, God will lead His future saints out of captivity and gather them together to a place called Zion. They will not go out in haste, nor by flight, but will patiently wait upon the Lord to deliver them. Some have suggested that this may actually entail ministering angels lifting them up and carrying them over the oceans to Zion, which will be located in the Rocky Mountains. Just as Nephi said, these saints will be armed with "righteousness and with the power of God in great glory."
When the Mother of Harlots gathers to fight against the Lamb of God and the prophecies of John are fulfilled, it will be with the willful participation of all organized religions throughout the world. They will all have joined with her that sits upon many waters; the LDS Church being no exception.
Its doctrines, creeds, and tenets have become more authoritarian, indeed, we may even say, more Catholic. The doctrine of the infallibility of the Pope has incrementally wrangled its way into Mormonism, and of all the doctrines that have gone by the wayside, that is the one that still reigns supreme.
We know it as that quintessential creed conjured by Wilford Woodruff, harangued by Ezra Taft Benson's 14 fundamentals, and thundered from expensive pulpits where brethren implore us to fix our eyes upon other brethren… it’s that effervescent precept, that delectable dogma, that authoritarian darling of the institution, dutifully instilled into the absorbing minds of children through the blissful repetitiveness of song.
You know what I'm talking about. That magic phrase that exempts one from the arduous burden of thinking:
Follow the Prophet... indeed, the last doctrine left.
By Their Jesuit Fruits You shall Identify Them
I say we need to teach our people to find their answers in the scriptures. If only each of us would be wise enough to say we weren't able to answer any question unless we can find a doctrinal answer in the scriptures! And if we hear someone teaching something that is contrary to what is in the scriptures, each of us may know whether the things spoken are false - it is as simple as that. (Partial quote taken from Rock Waterman's article When LDS Church Leaders Teach Contrary to God, emphasis added).
Lee was dead twelve months later. Was this a Coincidence?
Also consider the possibility that the Jesuit infiltrators did not like the prospect of the young Lee enjoying the presidency for potentially another twenty-plus years before his death. Was his murder simply a procedural maneuver to make room for others rising through the ranks who would be more amicable to the Jesuit agenda?
The short presidency of Howard W. Hunter seems to have fit perfectly into that scenario. Indeed, Hunter may have had the unfortunate luck of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. He served as Church President for less than nine months, the shortest presidency in the history of the Church. His untimely death just happened to make room for Hinckley and Monson to enjoy long stints of over a decade each as the corporation's head. Plenty of time to make substantial changes in Church policies and structure.
While it is true that Hunter was much older than Lee at his passing, reaching the ripe age of 88, had he lived another decade it could have altered the timing of the pattern of seniority that has led to Nelson's presidency, which seems to have been perfectly synchronized with the advent of Covid-19.
The point is that leaders are not created out of a vacuum. When money, power, and agendas are on the line, the roaches are busy behind the scenes, scheming and planning to make sure the right people get into the right positions at the right time.
Pope Francis is no exception. Many Christians are calling him the "New World Order pope." He and his new friend Russel Nelson have been very busy bees since their 33 minute meeting in March of 2019. His debut into power came just seven short years before the Covid crisis began.
Popes who step out of line or begin to question things don't last long either. Consider the case of Pope John Paul I, whose stint in the papacy only lasted a mere 33 days. He supposedly died of a "heart attack" on the eve of September 28th, 1978, but an autopsy was never performed. A nun found him dead in his bed when she was bringing him his morning coffee, and noticed that his fingernails were turning black (a sign of severe cyanide poisoning). Everyone was surprised at the official cause of death because John Paul I had no history of heart problems.
What really happened? Eric Jon Phelps elaborates:
The Pope's death, according to some, was the result of a trusted friend who entered his room and, while standing nearby during a friendly conversation, crushed a two-chambered capsule under the Pope's nose releasing airborne cyanide. In the words of a memorandum from a U.S. Army medical facility in Washington D.C., the Papal Caesar was found sitting in a chair with a look of wide-eyed horror. (Vatican Assassins, p. 376)
Why would the Jesuits want this Pope dead?
Because John Paul I was an honest man, and he had been conducting an investigation of the secret workings and corruption of the Vatican Bank. This bank had been set up with the $90 million that Mussolini had given the Vatican after he helped negotiate the Lateran Treaty in 1922, which made Vatican City a sovereign nation. The bank was used to help finance Hitler's rise to power.
John Paul I also had a document that he was going to take to Father Arrupe, the Jesuit General, which had to do with the Vatican-led Liberation Theology movement in South America. The Vatican was backing Marxist uprisings and Communist Guerillas in the region, and John Paul I did not like what was going on. Remember that it was the Vatican that financed the Bolshevik Revolution and brought Lenin and Stalin to power.
According to Phelps, two key players involved in the assassination were "Jean Cardinal Villot, the Papal Secretary of State, and Bishop Paul Marcinkus of the Vatican Bank. Both of these men were Freemasons" (VA, p. 377).
The Jesuits were still cleaning up this mess in 1982, when they murdered Roberto Calvi, the Vatican financier dubbed "God's Banker." They hung the man from the Blackfriars Bridge in London, and filled his pants with weights so it would appear as if he was attempting suicide. According to Phelps, it was Licio Gelli who ordered the hit, a member of the Knights of Malta who had connections to both Mussolini and Herman Goering's SS Division. For more details on Calvi's assassination watch the video below:
Can you see the Jesuit patterns manifesting in both the LDS and Catholic institutions?
One common thread in the two Churches is the connection to China. Along with Nelson's work with the Communist Party that began forty years ago, the Vatican has also been working with and making secret agreements with Chinese officials. If you've read my post on Smart Cities, you'll know that the only Churches officially recognized in China have ceded control to the Communists, this includes both the Catholic and LDS Churches.
But who has really ceded control to whom? Wouldn't it make more sense that the Vatican has been pulling strings in China for decades? After all, the Communist "republic" was created with the help of the Jesuit-influenced American government when Chiang Kai-Shek was abandoned and Mao Zedong was brought into power (see chapter 9 of W. Cleon Skousen's The Naked Communist for the complete story).
It is my belief that they are using China as the world power to destroy the United States from the inside, but planning on keeping it under their control. Ironically, as Nephi saw, this will blow up on them, because China and its future dictator, the king of Assyria (my opinion), will turn on the Great and Abominable Church. Consider this prophecy of Nephi:
And that great pit which hath been digged for them [the Gentile Saints of God] by that great and abominable church - which was founded by the Devil and his children, that he might lead the souls of men down to hell - yea, that great pit which hath been digged for the destruction of men shall be filled by those who digged it, unto their utter destruction, saith the Lamb of God... (1 Nephi 3:25, RE, emphasis added)
God's scriptural irony is truly breathtaking.
Isn't it poetic justice that the plans of the New World Order schemers have to destroy us will be turned on them? It reminds me of one of my favorite Metallica songs they performed with the San Francisco Symphony called No Leaf Clover. The song is about the irony of hubris and overconfidence. Specifically, it is about those who think they have it made but then realize at the last minute that all they have worked for has come to naught. Consider the chorus line:
Then it comes to be that soothing light at the end of your tunnel was just a freight train coming your way.
Have a listen to it, and as you do so think of Nephi's prophecy about the pit diggers:
Before I end this post, and this series, this is one more elephant in the room that I need to cover, and I realize that it will make this article extra-long. But it's a piece of LDS history that has been glossed over and whitewashed, yet is necessary to fill in the missing pieces of the Jesuit puzzle.
I'm talking about the curious case of Ezra Taft Benson, a president gone rogue, an honest man who woke up to secret combinations and tried to expose them. For this I believe he was punished and silenced.
As it turns out, some very foreboding things were taking place between the U.S. government and the Vatican during the 1980s, and Benson's warnings to Church members may have been about more than secret combinations in the government. He was also battling them in the Church.
Abinadi Among the Jesuits
It is a matter of public record (thanks to the reporting of the Salt Lake Tribune) that--in direct contravention of established protocol for the transfer of power in the event that the Church president should die or become incapacitated--Hinckley and Monson had the power of attorney over LDS corporate affairs shifted to them in the Church's incorporation documents a few years before my grandfather's death (see Talmage's treatment of Church governance procedures in Articles of Faith).
Instead of having the First Presidency dissolved and an acting president installed to administer the affairs of the Church in a situation when the sitting president was unable to perform his duties, Hinckley and Monson had legal authority to run the Mormon empire transferred directly to them by the highly unusual method of employing my grandfather's autopen signature machine on Church incorporation documents (see an account of this episode in Quinn's Extensions of Power).
It's rotten, folks--to the core. (See Stephen's comments posted in this forum)
I found the reference Stephen alludes to in D. Michael Quinn's The Mormon Hierarchy: Extensions of Power, and as I suspected, there was an all-out war declared on "ultra-conservative Mormons." Quinn explains as follows:
By the fall of 1992 advocates of Benson's ultra-conservativism found themselves in a religious quandary. LDS church officers were suspicious of "those obsessed with the early speeches of LDS Church President Taft Benson and who believe the ailing, 93-year leader has been silenced because his opinions no longer are politically popular." Such ultra-conservative Mormons were being excommunicated or disciplined in Utah and surrounding areas...
This 1992 "Profile of... Troublesome Ideologies" was the ultimate evidence that Benson was incapacitated and had ceased to be the administrative leader of the LDS church.
By Gordon B. Hinckley's own admission at October 1992 conference, the counselors had taken over the helm. He denied that "the Church faces a crisis" just because he and Thomas S. Monson were serving as Benson's "backup system." (p. 114)
This begs the question: was Benson silenced? He was virtually unable to speak the last few years of his life. What would this man have attempted to tell the Church had he been allowed to speak during that time? Just what was he trying to expose?
Benson became a liability to the Luciferians. He had delved too far into secret combinations. He had applied the Book of Mormon to the then-current state of affairs in a way that other Church leaders just could not tolerate. He had become a wild-card to the Jesuit infiltrators.
Was his coincidental silence really caused by heart attacks and strokes, or was he surgically lobotomized? Was he deliberately silenced and locked away in a Temple Square apartment prison?
The trouble is that the powers that be are really good at scrubbing the internet of any remnants of evidence that indict them. If Benson's death was indeed an inside job perpetrated by fellow Church leaders, the truth of it will probably not come forth until God reveals all the secret things upon the housetops.
But God told us in scripture that the modern Gentiles who control the LDS Church would engage in such debauchery and murder. Jesus Christ Himself told the Nephites that the future Gentiles would "sin against my gospel." Well, you can't sin against something if you don't have it in the first place.
In addition to rejecting the gospel, they would engage in the following:
lyings... deceits... mischiefs... hypocrisy... murders... priestcrafts... whoredoms... secret abominations... (3 Nephi 7:5, RE)
But there are other witnesses who testified of these things. Jeremiah (who was murdered by the Jews) also saw the modern day Gentile Church and its works of darkness, although, his application to the future Church is more subtle than the Savior's declaration to the Nephites.
Jeremiah, in typical Old-Testament-prophet style, mixes Jewish history with modern prophecy. We know that he is talking about the latter-days because he qualifies what he's about to say with this verse:
Therefore, behold, the days come [future], says the Lord, that they shall no more say, The Lord lives who brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt--but, The Lord lives who brought up and who led the seed of the house of Israel out of the north country, and from all countries to which I had driven them. And they shall dwell in their own land.
He is talking about the yet future gathering of Israel to the latter-day Zion in the Rocky Mountains. It will be such a miraculous event that people will forget about Moses parting the Red Sea and delivering the ancient children of Israel from the Egyptians. (Here is another verse that corroborates Jeremiah's words).
Now for the clincher.
Jeremiah then begins to mourn because of the wickedness of the "prophets". In a single paragraph, he ingeniously indicts both ancient and modern "prophets" as imposters in God's house. If you read the prophecy only through the lens of the institution, you will only see the corruption of ancient prophets. This is how God hides the truth from the prideful.
It is only when you humble yourself, and ask why Jeremiah was asked to write this down in the first place, that you realize it has a dual meaning. Then your eyes begin to open and you see how corruption has been institutionalized in the modern Church that you thought was a bastion of spiritual security. Then you see the nakedness of the corporation. Like an emperor, whose only desire is concentrated power, you see that the "corporation has no clothes." Like Dorothy and her fellow yellow-brick-road-travelers, you finally see "the man behind the curtain."
And he is not a prophet at all.
Here is what Jeremiah said about the future prophets. And pay close attention to his allusions to secret combinations:
My heart within me is broken because of the prophets; all my bones shake, I am like a drunk man and like a man whom wine has overcome, because of the Lord and because of his words of holiness. For the land is full of adulterers; for because of swearing [oaths?], the land mourns, the pleasant places of the wilderness are dried up; and their course is evil and their force [power?] is not right.
For both priest and prophet are corrupt, yea, in my house have I found their wickedness, says the Lord...
Both priest and prophet? High priest and president? Leaders, General Authorities, self-proclaimed "prophets, seers, and revelators"? In the Lord's house?
Are you awake? Are your eyes open?
Jeremiah continues with the past prophets from Jerusalem:
I have also seen in the prophets of Jerusalem a horrible thing: they commit adultery, and walk in lies, they strengthen also the hands of evildoers, that none does return from his wickedness. (Jeremiah 8:18, RE, emphasis added)
What did those ancient Jewish prophets do? Strengthen the hands of evildoers.
What do modern Gentile prophets do? Use tithing money to strengthen the hands of globalists. They swear oaths to secret societies like the Skull and Bones. They work with politicians and world leaders like Klaus Schwab. They create a web of money, power, and secrecy in Utah that weaves politicians, religious leaders, corporations, and non-governmental organizations together into a funnel of globalist agendas and goals.
In short, they are building up the Beast and bringing it to bear upon the Utah saints. When, oh when, are the Latter-Day Saints going to wake up?
Notice that Jeremiah also says that because of these prophets, none does return from his wickedness. This is an allusion to secret oaths and secret murders, because once someone has delved that far into secret societies, it is extremely difficult to repent and return to the Lord. (Cain is the perfect example of this).
Let's return to President Benson briefly before I end. Let me ask a rhetorical question: How much does someone in leadership need to know before it is incumbent upon the conspirators to silence him?
What if Benson, like Abinadi in king Noah's court, faced the prospect of death because of what he knew and what he was willing to say?
What if he had been privy to the rituals that take place in secret underground rooms below temples? What if he had refused to participate in these pagan debaucheries?
What if he knew that the Jesuits had infiltrated the Church? What if he knew that Ronald Reagan's taking of the oath of office facing the Washington Monument was a sign of this very thing? What if he knew that Reagan's formal and official recognition of the Vatican as a sovereign state in 1984 had ominous implications for the LDS Church? (According to Eric Jon Phelps, this was a secret treaty called a Concordat, the same agreement that Hitler's Germany and Mussolini's Italy entered into).
What if he knew that Russel Nelson was doing more than just training Chinese doctors in surgical procedures during the 1980s? What if he was suspicious and out-right alarmed by Nelson, Oaks, and Marvin J. Ashton meeting with high profile members of the Communist Party during the same period?
What if he knew that that some of these men were members of the Skull and Bones?
What if Benson had repented of his past idolatry of espousing the insidious doctrine of following the prophet 14 different ways and woke up to his awful situation?
What if he was the last truth teller to come from the hierarchy of the LDS Church, and what if the secrets that he had hoped to divulge were buried with him?
Perhaps we will never know what happened to this good man. But what is painfully obvious is that he was right about secret combinations. He was right to warn us about Nikita Khrushchev, who said that a bloody war was not necessary to turn America into a Communist nation, but that we would one day wake up to that reality.
It is happening before our very eyes, and the LDS Church is one of Communism's biggest advocates. But today it isn't called Communism. It's been rebranded as globalism.
Rest in peace President Benson. In closing I dedicate the following documentary to you. Thank you for trying to warn us:
And speaking of land, stay tuned for the upcoming series... Upon This Land...
And here is the latest video from We Are The People Radio on Utah's partnership with the UN:
Thank you for sharing this message of warning and of hope. The depth of detail you explore in this series is amazing. I do have a quibble. The examination of evil is often distracted by the focus on finding the "silver bullet" that is the cause of evil. We want to identify the threads that connect all the evil-doers and we want to believe there is a master plan coordinating the evil. But as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn observed, "The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either – but right through every human heart ." Both good and evil lie within each of us. The power that each person possesses is the power to choose good, and to follow Christ, or to choose evil, and to reject Christ.
ReplyDeleteThe evil that pervades the government and institutions of today is not because of a compact that a cabal of men made centuries ago and to which subsequent generations gave an oath to follow. Rather, this evil exists because the men and women of today are choosing to do the works of darkness. As with Nehor and his followers, people are choosing Priestcraft because it is rewarding to them today! They are choosing to elevate themselves and to oppress others because it serves their current lust for pride, power and wealth. The Nehors of today engage in Secret Combinations because they desire to hide their selfishness, lies, murders and deceits. This secrecy does create a social contract among those involved. But the obligation is to the living and mainly to themselves, and not to the dead. Conspirators protect each other because it serves a selfish need - there is no loyalty among thieves other than protecting the system of lies in which they operate and by which they are personally enriched.
As told in the Book of Ether, the daughter of Jared shared to her father that there was a way for him to obtain the power he desired. This way involved murder, bribery and blackmail. The way of all "Secret Combinations" is to trample the law and to engage in murder and violence, lies and deceptions. This was the way of Cain. It is the pattern of all evil. As Solzhenitsyn so brilliantly taught in his essay "Live Not by Lies": "Violence has nothing to cover itself with but lies, and lies can only persist through violence." Violence includes murder but it also includes compulsion and coercion and all works that destroy the soul. And it always involves lies. May we understand and appreciate the power of Truth to reveal the lies and deceptions and violence and murders of our day. Trust in God and we will see His power work through us to bring about His works of righteousness.
God bless you and prosper you as you wield the sword of Truth and Righteousness!
One of the most profound quotes on the nature of evil can be found from Gandalf the Grey, "There is only one Lord of the Ring, and he does not share power!"
ReplyDeleteAll of those on the side of evil are vying for the position at the top and they will gladly turn against each other in order to climb another step. In the end, it all self-destructs because of its very nature all while satan laughs at their foolishness and folly.
Brigham Young was a tyrant and a horn dog and the worst thing that happened to the restoration, most if not all what people hate about what they think about the restoration came from his stone cold lustful heart.
ReplyDeleteHere is an article I wrote showing parallels of Brigham Young and King Noah going through Mosiah 11 – Mosiah 22.