Previously: The Tabernacle Organ and the Freemasonic "Architects"
Once upon a time when the temples of free energy architecture were used to rise man, the organs were used as a harmony bomb. The songs were tuned and played at sacred healing tone of 528 Mhz. It was not allowed to change the frequency of the earth using for example 440 Mhz, which divided by 12 equals 36.666, this frequency disharmonizes humanity leaving beings agitated, angry and sick and that was not allowed. So, at the correct frequency there were regenerating concert halls, where people recharged themselves with pleasant music while buildings collected the energy of the ether. (p. 103, emphasis original)
Virtually all genres of popular music we are exposed to today are tuned to 440 Hz, including pop, rock and roll, and even hymns played in churches. This is by design, and is a tactic to manipulate and control us, as well as a means to keep us sick, agitated, depressed, and anxious. Disharmonized and fear-driven people are much easier to control. This mistuning of modern music is so subtle that it cannot be detected by the ear, but only by the brain itself, which interprets frequency, rather than sound.
Although I believe that music has been used since the beginning to either bless and heal, or manipulate and control mankind, our modern version of musical tuning can be traced back to Vincenzo Galilei (father of Galileo), who lived during the 16th century. Galilei was the father of equal temperament, the tuning of the musical octave into 12 equal chromatic notes. As the story goes, he was trying to solve the problem of the Pythagorean comma, the stacking of fifths that left a small discrepancy in the frequency between the last two notes of the chromatic scale. Pythagoras was a student of Plato, who believed that music, and people, should be regulated for their own good. (Sound familiar?)
If you're not a musician some of this may sound foreign to you, but a fifth is the perfect musical interval between the tonic (root note) and the octave (the doubled tonic). If you love rock and roll, the fifth is expressed in the pleasing power chord, ubiquitous in all modern music. The relationship between the tonic and the fifth sounds pleasing to the ear because it resolves the tension that exists between the other notes. It's a musical phrase, or sequence, that is full of energy.
The problem Pythagoras ran into by attempting to build a scale by stacking fifths is that it left unjust octaves, as in the diagram below showing the Pythagorean comma:
Galilei attempted to solve this problem by tempering the tuning of each note on the scale enough to create a just octave, which altered the frequency ratios between each interval. On the C major scale (the scale that organ keyboards are built around), this left A tuned at 440 Hz.
Hertz (named after Heinrich Hertz) are defined as units of measure for "how many waves pass a given point in a specific period of time". Or, in other words, the frequency of a wave of energy as it vibrates through space and time. One Hz is equal to one wave cycle per second. All matter (including how it is shaped), and even intention and thought, has a frequency that can be measured in Hz.
When a frequency created by an instrument matches that of a geometric shape in the resonating chamber of a building, the two vibrate as one, and this is known as resonance. When you put a person into the mix, the human brain starts to resonate with the same frequency and healing can occur. This is known as entrainment, and notice that this word is close to entertainment.
Entrainment can occur with both positive and negative frequencies, which is why music can be used for both good and evil.
And the reason why modern music can make us feel agitated and unsatisfied is twofold: one, the frequencies that exist within the natural harmonic scale have been altered (tempered), and as a consequence no longer resonate with nature, and two, modern music is missing certain notes on the scale. Notes that have disappeared down the black hole of history and have been deliberately withheld from us.
Galilei was a member of a secret society, which was most likely an offshoot of the Rosicrucian Order established by Sir Francis Bacon, who absolutely knew and understood that a conspiracy existed to hide the true musical scale from the masses. Bacon, now known to historical researchers as the real Shakespeare, encoded this conspiracy into his literary works, two of which include his novel, The New Atlantis (which I wrote about here), and a play attributed to Shakespeare, King Lear. These have been deciphered by a woman named Stephanie McPeak Petersen, who wrote a book entitled, The Next Octave: A Sustainable Economy Encoded In Music, published in 2021.
In addition to decoding Bacon's cipher, Stephanie lays out the connection between a tempered musical scale and a tempered economy. Both music and money share a common term that we know as the note, i.e., whole note, half note, quarter note, and bank note.
The Phantom Notes Of the Opera
These four phantom, or missing notes, are apparent in the harmonic series in the key of C major. The harmonic series is based on laws that exist in nature and cannot be altered. Harmonics simply exist, we cannot manipulate them, we can only discover them. They belong to God, the ultimate Composer, who writes His symphonies to perfectly resonate with established mathematical frequencies in nature.
Harmonic frequencies occur naturally as overtones when any fundamental tone vibrates.
The harmonic series is made up of notes, means, and tritones. The last note of the series ends at the 32nd harmonic, beyond that there are no notes but only means. A true note resonates at a pure mathematical frequency (whole numbers that when divided do not result in fractions), a mean is a pitch between two notes, and a tritone is a sequence of six semitones (half-steps; black keys on a piano) or three adjacent whole tones.
The tritone is sometimes known as the "howl", or "the devil in the music", because of its dissonant tone. In metal music you hear it as the diminished fifth.
According to Stephanie, there are two basic laws that govern the harmonic series:
1) all new notes emerge into the series as odd numbers, and... 2) all even-numbered harmonics are octave repeats of previously generated notes. This means that any odd-numbered harmonic is a brand new tone, and any even-numbered harmonic is an old tone, now repeated in the form of an octave.(The Next Octave, p. 231)
Also according to Stephanie, the first 16 (remember this number from the end of my last post?) harmonics are structural beams that build the scale. The second 16 harmonics make up the scale itself (12 notes plus the missing four equals 16), and the rest of the harmonics, from 33 onward, are microtones that diminish further and further until they are imperceptible to the human ear.
(Notice in the second column that Stephanie labels the missing notes of the chromatic scale as W, X, Y, and Z.)
All harmonics are generated off the tonic, commonly called the root note. In the case of C major, the tonic is the first harmonic, and up to the 32nd harmonic all odd numbered harmonics are considered notes, while even numbered harmonics are considered means. But after the 33rd harmonic, or the third tritone (in the key of C major, F# is the tritone, entering the series as the 11th and 22nd harmonic, this will be important later), all ascending tones are considered means. Thus, there can only be 32 notes in the harmonic series of any tonic or key.
(And where have you seen the numbers 32 and 33 before? In Freemasonry of course. Keep that in mind as we proceed.)
Equal temperament tuning, like debt monetization and fractional reserve banking, is inflationary in frequency.
In the un-tempered harmonic scale, note frequencies do not artificially increase or decrease, but are self-regulated within natural parameters. Notice on the chart below that each frequency interval within the harmonic series is constant while interval frequencies in 12-TET (equal temperament) are increasing (inflationary) with each interval:
(Also notice the red line drawn between the F# in 12-TET tuning and the phantom note W in harmonic tuning. This will be important later.)
Musicians with instruments tuned in the natural harmonic scale could not change keys without retuning their instruments. In equal temperament tuning however, key changes can be made with ease, but at the expense of natural note frequencies. In Pythagorean tuning, stacking perfect fifths left unjust octaves, and it is only in the harmonic series that just octaves and perfect fifths are synthesized. Here is how Stephanie describes the inflationary nature of equal temperament:...12-TET [12 note equal temperament] uses a static ratio to produce marginally increasing intervallic [of or relating to an interval] values or spans. The harmonic series does the opposite, producing marginally decreasing ratios that generate static intervallic values. And it's the marginal nature of equally tempered Hz values that tends to leave listeners of modern music feeling mentally taxed. The marginal Hz values of 12-TET create what composer Kyle Gann called "caffeinated sound." Within a harmonic octave, Hz values are consistently spaced and don't produce this type of challenge to the brain and its frequency following response. Remember, its not ratios the brain attempts to mimic; it's frequencies. (Ibid, p. 295, emphasis original)
In the harmonic series, only odd numbered notes are newly generated, and all even numbered notes are octave repeats of the tonic. This is a natural regulatory mechanism that keeps the scale from becoming inflationary. To generate the second harmonic off the tonic, you simply multiply by two and you arrive at the tonic's octave. Although it is the same note, the frequency at which it vibrates is doubled, which the human ear perceives as a higher pitch. The second harmonic is not a new tone, therefore it is a mean, because it has already been generated in harmonic 1. Octaves therefore, represent the power of 2.
The 3rd harmonic is generated by tripling the tonic which when multiplied mathematically arrives at the perfect fifth. In the case of C major, the perfect fifth lands on G, a completely new tone. Fifths are based on the power of 3.
The number 2 represents the physical world and the power of doubling. A simple example is the human embryo. It begins as a single cell and then doubles into 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, and so on. The number 3 represents the higher spiritual realm and power of tripling, i.e., 3, 6, 9, etc. In mathematics 2's and 3's are said to be incompatible because of the irreconcilability of even and odd numbers. However, the perfect fifth is the musical interval that synthesizes these two powers:
For Pythagoras and his students, a perfect fifth also represented a reconciliation of opposites. For them, the number 3 represented the male and the number 2, the female, with the ratio of 3:2 representing a union between them. (Ibid, p. 43)
Assigning gender to the numbers 2 and 3 is most interesting when we consider the esoteric number associated with the secret society known as the Skull and Bones: number 322.
Not only are they portraying the ratio of 3:2 in the first two numbers, but they are adding a second 2 at the end, offsetting the natural balance between male and female. Hence, the numbers represent a male and two females, and may be a hidden symbol for polygamy. But as we also know, the logo of the Skull and Bones is a cross between a male and female set of skulls and femurs, which may also be a hidden symbol for transgenderism, which is the physical inversion of a male into female and female into male.
Later in this post I'll offer another possible interpretation of 322 that ties into the musical conspiracy.
Stephanie shows in her book how the powers of 2 and 3 can be reconciled on a mathematical illustration known as the Mobius Circuit, created by a man named Marko Rodin.
Stephanie offers an explanation of the Mobius Circuit as follows:
The circuit's creator, Marko Rodin, uses discrete mathematics (the process of reducing any number down to a single digit by adding its discrete integers) to generate its form, which illustrates the "underpinning geometry of the universe." According to Rodin, the numbers generated by doubling (1-2-4-8-7-5) represent matter, while the numbers generated by tripling (3-6-9) represent spirit. (Ibid, p. 43)
On the Mobius Circuit, if you start at one on the right and start doubling, you trace a line to 2, and then to 4. From 4 you trace a line to 8, and then to mirror the image on the right side of the circle, you trace a line from 7 (8+8=16, 1+6=7) to 5 (7+7=14, 1+4=5), and then back to 1 (5+5=10, 1+0=1).
The numbers 3, 6, and 9, when traced, form a triangle, with 9 at the top. 9 is considered the mese of 6 and 3. The term mese means center, or the middle of two points. It is calculated by doubling the numbers 6 and 3 and then averaging them (6+6=12 and 3+3=6, and the average of 6 and 12 is 9, calculated by adding 6 and 12 which is 18, and then dividing by 2 to arrive at 9). When applying this to the harmonic scale, 3 is the tonic, 6 is the octave, and 9 is the perfect fifth. Thus, the perfect fifth is the mese of the scale.
You'll also notice on the Mobius Circuit that when you add each number horizontally, you'll always arrive at 9 (8+1, 7+2, 6+3, and 5+4). When all the lines are drawn and allowed to overlap on the Mobius Circuit, you'll begin to notice a familiar design: the compass and square used in Freemasonry.
This, dear readers, is not a coincidence. Galilei's attempt to equally temper the scale was said to be improved upon by his son Galileo's friend, Marin Mersenne, who used a "straightedge and compass" to perfect equal temperament. You can read this straight out of Wikipedia. This is an admission by the powers that be that Freemasonry was responsible for altering music. Furthermore, Mersenne was a "reverend" and was educated at the Jesuit College of La Fieche. Supposedly, he never joined the Society of Jesus, but was educated by them nonetheless. In the brief history of this man Mersenne (who may or may not have actually existed), we have both a Freemasonic and Jesuit connection to this musical conspiracy.
The term Masonic is a melding of two words: Meson and sonic, and we all know that the word sonic has to do with sound. In past posts I've pointed out different interpretations of the letter G displayed in the Masonic logo. According to different sources, the G can mean generation, geometry, gnosis, or God.
The Devil in the Music
You have been in Eden, the garden of God. Every precious stone was your covering: the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold. The workmanship of your tambourines and of your pipes was prepared in you in the day that you were created. (Ezekiel 14:11, RE, emphasis added)
A tambourine is a percussion instrument, or a drum, and pipes are associated with Pan, the Greek god (portrayed as half-man, half-goat) who used music to lure children in to molest and kill them. Sadly, this is where the legend of Peter Pan came from. I wrote about that here (reader discretion is advised). Notice that the flute that Peter Pan plays looks similar to the cloud buster built by Wilhelm Reich in the 1940s:
What mountain is being depicted here? Could it be Mt. Armon (or Hermon in the bible), the mount described in the Book of Enoch where the 200 fallen angels descended to? In chapter 7, verse 9, Enoch names 18 of their leaders. So why are there 22 stars? The other four may be the angels that guard the four corners of the earth: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel.
Equal temperament has allowed the tritone to usurp the positions of both the legitimate tritone (22 Hz) and the perfect 5th's central position as mese of the scale. Herein lies the greatest musical conspiracy ever perpetuated, the usurpation by the "devil in the music," an act dramatized by Edmund in King Lear. (The Next Octave, pp. 301-302, emphasis original)
Stephanie believes that Francis Bacon was the true Shakespeare (and I agree), and the true author of the play King Lear. To find out how the conspiracy to alter music was written into that script, read chapter 14 of her book, The Next Octave.
(I disagree with Stephanie's opinion that Bacon was a good guy trying to fight against equal temperament tuning and economic mercantilism; I believe he helped engineer these things and then wrote them into plays and literature as part of his obligation to disclose [revelation of the method] what the elites are up to.)
Remember, Bacon altered the King James Bible significantly, which means that Nephi saw him as part of the Great and Abominable Church of the Devil.
In the video below, Stephanie takes you deep into this rabbit hole, and shows you how this conspiracy is alluded to in a popular rock song by Alanis Morissette, as well as the movie Eyes Wide Shut. In the secret society scene, in the mese, or the middle of the film, a piano is oscillating between F and F#, and F# and G. Stanley Kubrick, producer of the movie, is putting this conspiracy right in our faces.
Francis Bacon was also part of a group known as the "Twice Eleven Brethren," and here is where the conspiracy becomes even more ubiquitous. Twice eleven is 22, which brings us back to the esoteric number associated with Skull and Bones: 322. Not only is 22 the true harmonic position of F#, the original tritone, but in the Skull and Bones number it is succeeded by 3, representing the power of 3 or the spiritual realm gently regulating the material realm. To the conspirators, the number 3 places them (led by Lucifer) into the position of God, usurping His role as the true spiritual source that governs the universe:
...for he [the Devil] rebelled against me, saying, Give me your honor - which is my power... (T&C 9:11)
The ratio of 3:2 is the ratio of the perfect fifth, but the placing of the 2nd 2 in the number 322 is an admission by the conspirators that they have changed the position of the perfect fifth in music and replaced it with a tritone, F# (the Devil in the Music), represented by the number 22.
This means that high-ranking members of Skull and Bones know exactly what is going on with music, and are part of the plan to use it as a means to control and manipulate the masses.
And just how many of these "Bonesman" are leaders in wealthy and powerful churches using tabernacle organs, hymns, and choirs (tuned in 12-TET) to alter human consciousness?
Sweet Sixteen: The Geometry of Music
To fill in the gaps, we simply add the four phantom notes that have been removed from 12-TET tuning as follows:
And now that the note intervals are equidistant in frequency, all kinds of geometry can manifest in the scale:
This only works if there are sixteen notes in the chromatic scale. If we temper the scale by compressing it into 12 notes, these perfectly symmetrical shapes cannot be generated.
- C 256 Hz
- C# 272 Hz
- D 288 Hz
- Eb 304 Hz
- E 320 Hz
- F 336 Hz
- F# 352 Hz
- W 368 Hz (phantom note)
- G 384 Hz
- X 400 Hz (phantom note)
- Ab 416 Hz
- A 432 Hz
- Bb 448 Hz
- Y 464 Hz (phantom note)
- B 480 Hz
- Z 496 Hz (phantom note)
- C 512 Hz
- C (256/16)=16
- C# (272/16)=17
- D (288/16)=18
- Eb (304/16)=19
- E (320/16)=20
- F (336/16)=21
- F# (352/16)=22
- W (368/16)=23
- G (384/16)=24
- X (400/16)=25
- Ab (416/16)=26
- A (432/16)=27
- Bb (448/16)=28
- Y (464/16)=29
- B (480/16)=30
- Z (496/16)=31
- C (512/16)=32
Land ye not, none of you; and provide to be gone, from this coast, within sixteen days, except ye have further time given you...
These sixteen days were required as a cleansing period for the sick on board, but why would Bacon use that particular number? It may become clearer when you read the following passage at the end of the short book. Here the leader of the New Atlantis is introducing to the leader of the 51 visitors all the advanced technologies the civilization enjoys. One of them is music is that is "unknown" to the visitors:
We have also sound-houses, where we practise and demonstrate all sounds, and their generation. We have harmonies which you have not, of quarter-sounds, and lesser slides of sounds. Divers instruments of music likewise to you unknown, some sweeter than any you have; together with bells and rings that are dainty and sweet. We represent sounds small sounds great and deep; likewise great sounds extenuate and sharp; we make divers tremblings and warblings of sounds, which in their original are entire... We have also means to convey sounds in trunks and pipes, in strange lines and distances. (Emphasis added)
Sounds that in their "original are entire"? Could he be referencing the sixteen note scale in the harmonic series? And his reference to "pipes" is also very interesting considering the scripture we quoted in Ezekiel about the king of Tyre using pipes. Bacon describes them as if they are some type of technology, rather than a musical instrument.
So why would Brigham Young also reference the number sixteen? He was talking about building towers on temples, saying that they (the Utah saints) could build sixteen to Joseph Smith's one. A ratio of 16 to 1, or 16 notes to one scale. Was Brigham Young musical? Not that we know, but we do know that he was a student of Albert Pike, and could have also been a student of Bacon's literary works. Brigham was steeped in esoteric knowledge, and could have used occult coded parables and symbols in his sermons and speeches.
How do we know that Brigham was a student of Pike's? In the video below there is an admission by a high-ranking Freemason that this was clearly the case:
... it is the evening of the 21st and I find the sun still high in the skies, suggesting that somewhere an ancient lodge is conducting its ritual upon the square, three times seven. Tomorrow I will be meeting with the remaining chiefs of the Western First Nations. They remind me a great deal of the Lost Tribes of Israel, seeking a New Jerusalem. So noble, yet so desperate, wandering aimlessly across the desert, or were they?
Brigham Young understood this and ventured forth to the prime meridian, seeking the same as you and I. For all of our virtues it is most fortunate that he did not fully understand the signs, symbols and tokens left behind by our fellow Knight's Templar who covenanted the goddess...
According to Wikipedia, the Prime Meridian is the Greenwich Meridian, which runs through Africa and England, nowhere close to Utah. What did Pike and Brigham Young know about the true layout of the earth?
I don't know, but I find this letter very interesting, especially the reference to the Knight's Templar, the assumed origin of the signs and tokens the Freemasons use today. (And I believe it was the original Knight's Templar who taught the Tartarians how to build according to the sacred geometry, and for a reference on how the Chartres Cathedral was built according to the ratios of the musical scale, see chapter 16 [there is that number again] of the book, The Mysteries of the Chartres Cathedral, by Louis Charpentier).
Brigham's reference to sixteen towers is also interesting when we consider the etymology of the word tower. The root of the word is "tow," which means, to pull, to haul, or to draw something by force. In the case of an architectural tower, what is being drawn is energy from the ether. This should give us a clue as to the true nature of the Salt Lake Temple, and many other structures with decorative towers. Remember, one of Tesla's many U.S. patents was technology to draw energy and send it wirelessly through the air (the Wardenclyffe Tower).
Join me next time for an analysis of two very old buildings on temple square: the Hotel Utah (now the Joseph Smith Memorial building) and the original Church Administration Building, built with Corinthian columns and looking like it came straight out of Rome.
(Special thanks to Stephanie McPeak Petersen for discovering this musical conspiracy and exposing it (especially pointing out that the word Masonic is a combination of Mese and Sonic). I highly recommend her book, The Next Octave, get it here on Amazon.)
Thanks, Kendal. I have to admit that both reading your post today and listening to the videos you linked was a frustrating experience, due to my lack of ability to comprehend the connection between math and music. I can read sheet music (though I haven't played for years), but honestly the whole thing about the tuning by twos or threes vs square root of 2, and doubling/tripling of (frequency?) doesn't make any sense at all. At the end of the post you showed an example of a scale starting with C at 256hz, which puts the G of the next octave at 384hz...but that's not a power of 2 OR 3 of the original note C even though G is supposed to be the mese (power of 3), right? It's 1.5 times the frequency, which is like 3 halves...but doesn't seem the same. I can't figure out what exactly is being tripled or doubled. Anyway, if you have a layman's way to explain this simply, that'd be awesome. But it sounds like I might need to try and get fully educated in the music theory to make it sound (pun intended) less like another language.
ReplyDeleteStan, yes it is kind of confusing. I would recommend reading Stephanie Petersen's book, The Next Octave, that I linked a few times in the post. G (the mese) of middle C at 384 Hz when divided by 3 equals 128 Hz, and 128 is a doubling number that reduces to 16 and then to 2. So 384 Hz is divisible by both 3 and 2. The math involved here is reducing a number down to a single digit using discreet integers. I flunked out of math in high school, but because of my background in music I can kind of understand this stuff. However, Stephanie Petersen is the real genius here and she has many videos on her channel that might be helpful. The main point I was attempting to make in this post was that the 16 note scale has been hidden from us by a Freemasonic conspiracy and reduced to a 12 note tempered scale.
DeleteThanks again, I'll make sure to get the book. And yeah, I got the main point you were getting at, just didn't feel like I could comprehend the explanations for the reasons why, haha
ReplyDeleteVery interesting! Love your blog. I believe Dr. Laura Stanger discusses this topic as well and was organizing a group of musicians to attempt to produce music in the healing frequency.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI mean the 512 Hz (not 532) would be arbitrary, since it's just a nice number power of 2 number, based on an arbitrary measurement of time.
DeleteI do not believe 86400 seconds in a day is arbitrary. 86400 is divisible by 9 (9600) so it might be a natural frequency.
DeleteThanks! It's interesting. What do you mean by natural frequency? Are you suggesting something in this realm oscillating 86400 (or 9600) times per earth day?
DeleteThere are many lds leaders that are skull and bones member. Russell nelson is one of them